Music in the Body – The Body in Music

Music in the Body – The Body in Music von Hoppe,  Christine, Müller,  Sarah Avischag
The body matters in the humanities and within social and cultural studies. It is variously understood as a knowledge store and transmitter, as a node of perception and cognition, as a site of discipline and power and as a locus of identity and agency. But how is the body integral to our concept of music? With increasing interest, Musicology is discovering the epistemological role of the body and its potential as analytical tool, pursuing avenues such as affect studies, performance studies, gender in music and musical perception and cognition. This volume of collected works draws on an international conference, held at the Department of Musicology at the University of Göttingen in 2019, that aimed to bring together various theoretical perspectives relating to the body and evaluating its present musicological relevance. It explores pathways into a fundamental debate on the body as a central musicological category and reflects on the relevance of this category in the application of diverse musical objects and practices. Composition and performance, aesthetic discourse and sociological analysis, perception and production are all discussed in relation to bodily knowledge, bodily practice and bodily norms. Historical, contemporary, analytical, ethnographic and artistic-experimental approaches reflect the richness of the musicological discipline and its forays into the musical body. The publication contains twelve different approaches to the body in music in German and English by Sylvain Brétéché, Max Ischebeck, Werner Jauk, Jasna Jovicevic, Moritz Kelber, Tobias Knickmann, Ina Knoth, Madeleine Le Bouteiller, Alastair White, Martin Winter, Stefanie Schroedter and Martin Zenck.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
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Music in the Body – The Body in Music

Music in the Body – The Body in Music von Hoppe,  Christine, Müller,  Sarah Avischag
The body matters in the humanities and within social and cultural studies. It is variously understood as a knowledge store and transmitter, as a node of perception and cognition, as a site of discipline and power and as a locus of identity and agency. But how is the body integral to our concept of music? With increasing interest, Musicology is discovering the epistemological role of the body and its potential as analytical tool, pursuing avenues such as affect studies, performance studies, gender in music and musical perception and cognition. This volume of collected works draws on an international conference, held at the Department of Musicology at the University of Göttingen in 2019, that aimed to bring together various theoretical perspectives relating to the body and evaluating its present musicological relevance. It explores pathways into a fundamental debate on the body as a central musicological category and reflects on the relevance of this category in the application of diverse musical objects and practices. Composition and performance, aesthetic discourse and sociological analysis, perception and production are all discussed in relation to bodily knowledge, bodily practice and bodily norms. Historical, contemporary, analytical, ethnographic and artistic-experimental approaches reflect the richness of the musicological discipline and its forays into the musical body. The publication contains twelve different approaches to the body in music in German and English by Sylvain Brétéché, Max Ischebeck, Werner Jauk, Jasna Jovicevic, Moritz Kelber, Tobias Knickmann, Ina Knoth, Madeleine Le Bouteiller, Alastair White, Martin Winter, Stefanie Schroedter and Martin Zenck.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
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Music in the Body – The Body in Music

Music in the Body – The Body in Music von Hoppe,  Christine, Müller,  Sarah Avischag
The body matters in the humanities and within social and cultural studies. It is variously understood as a knowledge store and transmitter, as a node of perception and cognition, as a site of discipline and power and as a locus of identity and agency. But how is the body integral to our concept of music? With increasing interest, Musicology is discovering the epistemological role of the body and its potential as analytical tool, pursuing avenues such as affect studies, performance studies, gender in music and musical perception and cognition. This volume of collected works draws on an international conference, held at the Department of Musicology at the University of Göttingen in 2019, that aimed to bring together various theoretical perspectives relating to the body and evaluating its present musicological relevance. It explores pathways into a fundamental debate on the body as a central musicological category and reflects on the relevance of this category in the application of diverse musical objects and practices. Composition and performance, aesthetic discourse and sociological analysis, perception and production are all discussed in relation to bodily knowledge, bodily practice and bodily norms. Historical, contemporary, analytical, ethnographic and artistic-experimental approaches reflect the richness of the musicological discipline and its forays into the musical body. The publication contains twelve different approaches to the body in music in German and English by Sylvain Brétéché, Max Ischebeck, Werner Jauk, Jasna Jovicevic, Moritz Kelber, Tobias Knickmann, Ina Knoth, Madeleine Le Bouteiller, Alastair White, Martin Winter, Stefanie Schroedter and Martin Zenck.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-29
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Music in the Body – The Body in Music

Music in the Body – The Body in Music von Hoppe,  Christine, Müller,  Sarah Avischag
The body matters in the humanities and within social and cultural studies. It is variously understood as a knowledge store and transmitter, as a node of perception and cognition, as a site of discipline and power and as a locus of identity and agency. But how is the body integral to our concept of music? With increasing interest, Musicology is discovering the epistemological role of the body and its potential as analytical tool, pursuing avenues such as affect studies, performance studies, gender in music and musical perception and cognition. This volume of collected works draws on an international conference, held at the Department of Musicology at the University of Göttingen in 2019, that aimed to bring together various theoretical perspectives relating to the body and evaluating its present musicological relevance. It explores pathways into a fundamental debate on the body as a central musicological category and reflects on the relevance of this category in the application of diverse musical objects and practices. Composition and performance, aesthetic discourse and sociological analysis, perception and production are all discussed in relation to bodily knowledge, bodily practice and bodily norms. Historical, contemporary, analytical, ethnographic and artistic-experimental approaches reflect the richness of the musicological discipline and its forays into the musical body. The publication contains twelve different approaches to the body in music in German and English by Sylvain Brétéché, Max Ischebeck, Werner Jauk, Jasna Jovicevic, Moritz Kelber, Tobias Knickmann, Ina Knoth, Madeleine Le Bouteiller, Alastair White, Martin Winter, Stefanie Schroedter and Martin Zenck.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-29
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Music in the Body – The Body in Music

Music in the Body – The Body in Music von Hoppe,  Christine, Müller,  Sarah Avischag
The body matters in the humanities and within social and cultural studies. It is variously understood as a knowledge store and transmitter, as a node of perception and cognition, as a site of discipline and power and as a locus of identity and agency. But how is the body integral to our concept of music? With increasing interest, Musicology is discovering the epistemological role of the body and its potential as analytical tool, pursuing avenues such as affect studies, performance studies, gender in music and musical perception and cognition. This volume of collected works draws on an international conference, held at the Department of Musicology at the University of Göttingen in 2019, that aimed to bring together various theoretical perspectives relating to the body and evaluating its present musicological relevance. It explores pathways into a fundamental debate on the body as a central musicological category and reflects on the relevance of this category in the application of diverse musical objects and practices. Composition and performance, aesthetic discourse and sociological analysis, perception and production are all discussed in relation to bodily knowledge, bodily practice and bodily norms. Historical, contemporary, analytical, ethnographic and artistic-experimental approaches reflect the richness of the musicological discipline and its forays into the musical body. The publication contains twelve different approaches to the body in music in German and English by Sylvain Brétéché, Max Ischebeck, Werner Jauk, Jasna Jovicevic, Moritz Kelber, Tobias Knickmann, Ina Knoth, Madeleine Le Bouteiller, Alastair White, Martin Winter, Stefanie Schroedter and Martin Zenck.
Aktualisiert: 2021-10-06
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Begegnung – Vermittlung – Innovation

Begegnung – Vermittlung – Innovation von Hoppe,  Christine, von Goldbeck,  Melanie
Durchbricht man das starre Denkmuster einer Trennung von Leben und Kunst, so rücken bisher versteckte Orte des Wissens in den Vordergrund. Auf der Suche nach diesen neuen Wissens-Orten, nach Mikrokosmen und deren Resonanzen in der Musikkultur im Europa des 19. Jahrhunderts soll dieser Band mit seinen verschiedenartigen Beiträgen ein stimmungsvolles und ebenso mosaikhaftes Bild wiedergeben, das uns auffordert, das Kulturleben dieser, aber auch anderer Epochen in seiner ganzen Vielfalt wahrzunehmen und zu begreifen. Die Texte des vorliegenden Bandes fassen einige der Freien Referate zusammen, die beim 15. Internationalen Kongress der Gesellschaft für Musikforschung „Music | Musics. Structures and Processes“ vom 5.–8. September 2012 in Göttingen gehalten worden sind. Mit Beiträgen von Merle Fahrholz, Axel Fischer und Matthias Kornemann, Melanie von Goldbeck, Christine Hoppe, Martin Knust und Ingela Tägil, Marie Winkelmüller und Christhard Zimpel.
Aktualisiert: 2021-02-01
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Auf den Spuren des Rumbachs in Mülheim an der Ruhr

Auf den Spuren des Rumbachs in Mülheim an der Ruhr von Hoppe,  Christine
Der Rumbach beschäftigt die Menschen bereits seit vielen Jahrhunderten. Christine und Jacob haben sich auf die Suche nach historischen und landschaftlichen Quellen gemacht. Was sie gefunden haben, ist in diesem Buch für Sie zusammengestellt. Berichte aus der Vergangenheit und Gegenwart werden ergänzt durch viele Karten, aktuelle Farbfotos und einige launige Bemerkungen. Sie werden erstaunt sein, wie facettenreich diese „Bachpersönlichkeit“ ist: Begeben Sie sich auf die Spuren des Rumbachs!
Aktualisiert: 2020-12-10
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Der Schatten Paganinis. Virtuosität in den Kompositionen Heinrich Wilhelm Ernsts (1814-1865)

Der Schatten Paganinis. Virtuosität in den Kompositionen Heinrich Wilhelm Ernsts (1814-1865) von Hoppe,  Christine
Heinrich Wilhelm Ernst (1814-1865) war Violinvirtuose. Er war aber auch Komponist. Diskurse über Virtuosen und Virtuosität werden bisher jedoch vor allem vermittels einer Zugangsweise über die Präsentations- und Rezeptionsebene beschrieben. Und so werden auch die Kompositionen Ernsts bisher über diese als genuin virtuos erscheinende Beschreibungskategorie sortiert – ein undifferenzierter Virtuositätsbegriff steht einer angemessenen Auseinandersetzung mit den Werken ursächlich im Weg. Betrachtet man jedoch das Phänomen Virtuosität als ein innermusikalisches, eröffnet sich die Chance, eines bisher vernachlässigten Aspekts des Assoziationsspektrums Virtuosität über die gezielte Spezifizierung am Beispiel der Werke dieses Komponisten habhaft zu werden: Durch die analytische Betrachtung virtuoser Mittel und ihrer Funktionszuweisung innerhalb der Kompositionen gelingt eine produktive Weiterentwicklung des Begriffsfelds, die es ermöglicht, Heinrich Wilhelm Ernst aus dem Schatten der vielfältigen, vor allem außermusikalischen Virtuositäts-Diskurse um Paganini herauszulösen. Im Anhang liefert ein kommentiertes Werkverzeichnis ausführliche Informationen zu jeder nachgewiesenen Komposition Ernsts.
Aktualisiert: 2022-11-18
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Bücher von Hoppe, Christine

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