The book discusses challenging forms of behaviour in all of the major fields of social work & from welfare services for children and young adults, to help for ex-offenders, to social work in the fields of psychiatry and disabled care. For ease of understanding, each chapter starts with an outline case taken from everyday work. Building on this, well-founded explanations are given for each of the behaviour patterns, in order to present concrete approaches for ways of dealing with them. Each chapter closes with an interview, with specialists in social work reporting directly from their practical work and thus making their extensive knowledge available to readers.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
Marlis Baumeler,
Stephanie Becker,
Rudolf Bieker,
Eva Büschi,
Stefania Calabrese,
Ingrid Cretegny,
Regina Fischlin,
Nicole Gadient,
Martina Good,
Heike Güdel,
Sven Huber,
Luzia Jurt,
Pablo Philipp,
Peter A. Schmid,
Uri Ziegele,
Patrick Zobrist
> findR *
The book discusses challenging forms of behaviour in all of the major fields of social work & from welfare services for children and young adults, to help for ex-offenders, to social work in the fields of psychiatry and disabled care. For ease of understanding, each chapter starts with an outline case taken from everyday work. Building on this, well-founded explanations are given for each of the behaviour patterns, in order to present concrete approaches for ways of dealing with them. Each chapter closes with an interview, with specialists in social work reporting directly from their practical work and thus making their extensive knowledge available to readers.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
Marlis Baumeler,
Stephanie Becker,
Rudolf Bieker,
Eva Büschi,
Stefania Calabrese,
Ingrid Cretegny,
Regina Fischlin,
Nicole Gadient,
Martina Good,
Heike Güdel,
Sven Huber,
Luzia Jurt,
Pablo Philipp,
Peter A. Schmid,
Uri Ziegele,
Patrick Zobrist
> findR *
The book discusses challenging forms of behaviour in all of the major fields of social work & from welfare services for children and young adults, to help for ex-offenders, to social work in the fields of psychiatry and disabled care. For ease of understanding, each chapter starts with an outline case taken from everyday work. Building on this, well-founded explanations are given for each of the behaviour patterns, in order to present concrete approaches for ways of dealing with them. Each chapter closes with an interview, with specialists in social work reporting directly from their practical work and thus making their extensive knowledge available to readers.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
Marlis Baumeler,
Stephanie Becker,
Rudolf Bieker,
Eva Büschi,
Stefania Calabrese,
Ingrid Cretegny,
Regina Fischlin,
Nicole Gadient,
Martina Good,
Heike Güdel,
Sven Huber,
Luzia Jurt,
Pablo Philipp,
Peter A. Schmid,
Uri Ziegele,
Patrick Zobrist
> findR *
The book discusses challenging forms of behaviour in all of the major fields of social work & from welfare services for children and young adults, to help for ex-offenders, to social work in the fields of psychiatry and disabled care. For ease of understanding, each chapter starts with an outline case taken from everyday work. Building on this, well-founded explanations are given for each of the behaviour patterns, in order to present concrete approaches for ways of dealing with them. Each chapter closes with an interview, with specialists in social work reporting directly from their practical work and thus making their extensive knowledge available to readers.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-01
Marlis Baumeler,
Stephanie Becker,
Rudolf Bieker,
Eva Büschi,
Stefania Calabrese,
Ingrid Cretegny,
Regina Fischlin,
Nicole Gadient,
Martina Good,
Heike Güdel,
Sven Huber,
Luzia Jurt,
Pablo Philipp,
Peter A. Schmid,
Uri Ziegele,
Patrick Zobrist
> findR *
The book discusses challenging forms of behaviour in all of the major fields of social work & from welfare services for children and young adults, to help for ex-offenders, to social work in the fields of psychiatry and disabled care. For ease of understanding, each chapter starts with an outline case taken from everyday work. Building on this, well-founded explanations are given for each of the behaviour patterns, in order to present concrete approaches for ways of dealing with them. Each chapter closes with an interview, with specialists in social work reporting directly from their practical work and thus making their extensive knowledge available to readers.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-03
Marlis Baumeler,
Stephanie Becker,
Rudolf Bieker,
Eva Büschi,
Stefania Calabrese,
Ingrid Cretegny,
Regina Fischlin,
Nicole Gadient,
Martina Good,
Heike Güdel,
Sven Huber,
Luzia Jurt,
Pablo Philipp,
Peter A. Schmid,
Uri Ziegele,
Patrick Zobrist
> findR *
The book discusses challenging forms of behaviour in all of the major fields of social work & from welfare services for children and young adults, to help for ex-offenders, to social work in the fields of psychiatry and disabled care. For ease of understanding, each chapter starts with an outline case taken from everyday work. Building on this, well-founded explanations are given for each of the behaviour patterns, in order to present concrete approaches for ways of dealing with them. Each chapter closes with an interview, with specialists in social work reporting directly from their practical work and thus making their extensive knowledge available to readers.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-03
Marlis Baumeler,
Stephanie Becker,
Rudolf Bieker,
Eva Büschi,
Stefania Calabrese,
Ingrid Cretegny,
Regina Fischlin,
Nicole Gadient,
Martina Good,
Heike Güdel,
Sven Huber,
Luzia Jurt,
Pablo Philipp,
Peter A. Schmid,
Uri Ziegele,
Patrick Zobrist
> findR *
The book discusses challenging forms of behaviour in all of the major fields of social work & from welfare services for children and young adults, to help for ex-offenders, to social work in the fields of psychiatry and disabled care. For ease of understanding, each chapter starts with an outline case taken from everyday work. Building on this, well-founded explanations are given for each of the behaviour patterns, in order to present concrete approaches for ways of dealing with them. Each chapter closes with an interview, with specialists in social work reporting directly from their practical work and thus making their extensive knowledge available to readers.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-03
Marlis Baumeler,
Stephanie Becker,
Rudolf Bieker,
Eva Büschi,
Stefania Calabrese,
Ingrid Cretegny,
Regina Fischlin,
Nicole Gadient,
Martina Good,
Heike Güdel,
Sven Huber,
Luzia Jurt,
Pablo Philipp,
Peter A. Schmid,
Uri Ziegele,
Patrick Zobrist
> findR *
The book discusses challenging forms of behaviour in all of the major fields of social work & from welfare services for children and young adults, to help for ex-offenders, to social work in the fields of psychiatry and disabled care. For ease of understanding, each chapter starts with an outline case taken from everyday work. Building on this, well-founded explanations are given for each of the behaviour patterns, in order to present concrete approaches for ways of dealing with them. Each chapter closes with an interview, with specialists in social work reporting directly from their practical work and thus making their extensive knowledge available to readers.
Aktualisiert: 2023-04-04
Marlis Baumeler,
Stephanie Becker,
Rudolf Bieker,
Eva Büschi,
Stefania Calabrese,
Ingrid Cretegny,
Regina Fischlin,
Nicole Gadient,
Martina Good,
Heike Güdel,
Sven Huber,
Luzia Jurt,
Pablo Philipp,
Peter A. Schmid,
Uri Ziegele,
Patrick Zobrist
> findR *
Kinder sind von Gewalt in Paarbeziehungen mitbetroffen, auch wenn die Gewalt-handlungen nicht direkt gegen sie gerichtet sind. Während die Frauenbewegung in den 1970er Jahren dafür sorgte, dass die alltägliche Gewalt gegen Frauen auf die politische Agenda kam, entwickelte sich in Fachkreisen erst um die Jahrtausend-wende das Bewusstsein, dass das Miterleben von Gewalt eine Kindeswohlgefähr-dung darstellen kann. Dennoch gehen die mitbetroffenen Kinder in der Praxis häufig vergessen und erhalten weder den erforderlichen Schutz noch die geeignete Unterstützung. Für Fachkräfte in unterschiedlichen Handlungsfeldern, die mit betroffenen Familien in Kontakt kommen, ist deshalb nicht nur die Sensibilisierung auf die Situation der Kinder wichtig, sondern sie müssen auch über Handlungs-kompetenzen im Umgang mit den verschiedenen betroffenen Familienmitgliedern verfügen.
Die beiden Herausgeberinnen Monika von Fellenberg und Luzia Jurt haben deshalb mit Fachleuten aus verschiedenen Bereichen die Erfahrungen der letzten Jahre zusammengetragen und den Handlungsbedarf in den Institutionen, in Aus- und Weiterbildung sowie in Forschung und Politik dargestellt.
Aktualisiert: 2020-12-30
> findR *
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