The ordoliberal school of competition thought is a distinct linguistic community whose conceptual and semantic influence extended far beyond Germany and eventually shaped the European legal order. Linguistic misunderstandings still impacted the negotiations of the founding European Treaties, but in the subsequent application of the new rules, the Freiburg School’s ordoliberal ideas gained in popularity. In the early 2000s, this ordoliberal language was replaced by neoliberal concepts borrowed from the Chicago School. The study combines archival materials, oral history interviews, case law and Text Mining methods. In doing so, it contributes to the historiography of EU competition law, the post-war history of ordoliberalism, and methodological debates about Digital Humanities.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-22
> findR *
The ordoliberal school of competition thought is a distinct linguistic community whose conceptual and semantic influence extended far beyond Germany and eventually shaped the European legal order. Linguistic misunderstandings still impacted the negotiations of the founding European Treaties, but in the subsequent application of the new rules, the Freiburg School’s ordoliberal ideas gained in popularity. In the early 2000s, this ordoliberal language was replaced by neoliberal concepts borrowed from the Chicago School. The study combines archival materials, oral history interviews, case law and Text Mining methods. In doing so, it contributes to the historiography of EU competition law, the post-war history of ordoliberalism, and methodological debates about Digital Humanities.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-22
> findR *
The ordoliberal school of competition thought is a distinct linguistic community whose conceptual and semantic influence extended far beyond Germany and eventually shaped the European legal order. Linguistic misunderstandings still impacted the negotiations of the founding European Treaties, but in the subsequent application of the new rules, the Freiburg School’s ordoliberal ideas gained in popularity. In the early 2000s, this ordoliberal language was replaced by neoliberal concepts borrowed from the Chicago School. The study combines archival materials, oral history interviews, case law and Text Mining methods. In doing so, it contributes to the historiography of EU competition law, the post-war history of ordoliberalism, and methodological debates about Digital Humanities.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-22
> findR *
The ordoliberal school of competition thought is a distinct linguistic community whose conceptual and semantic influence extended far beyond Germany and eventually shaped the European legal order. Linguistic misunderstandings still impacted the negotiations of the founding European Treaties, but in the subsequent application of the new rules, the Freiburg School’s ordoliberal ideas gained in popularity. In the early 2000s, this ordoliberal language was replaced by neoliberal concepts borrowed from the Chicago School. The study combines archival materials, oral history interviews, case law and Text Mining methods. In doing so, it contributes to the historiography of EU competition law, the post-war history of ordoliberalism, and methodological debates about Digital Humanities.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-22
> findR *
The ordoliberal school of competition thought is a distinct linguistic community whose conceptual and semantic influence extended far beyond Germany and eventually shaped the European legal order. Linguistic misunderstandings still impacted the negotiations of the founding European Treaties, but in the subsequent application of the new rules, the Freiburg School’s ordoliberal ideas gained in popularity. In the early 2000s, this ordoliberal language was replaced by neoliberal concepts borrowed from the Chicago School. The study combines archival materials, oral history interviews, case law and Text Mining methods. In doing so, it contributes to the historiography of EU competition law, the post-war history of ordoliberalism, and methodological debates about Digital Humanities.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-16
> findR *
The ordoliberal school of competition thought is a distinct linguistic community whose conceptual and semantic influence extended far beyond Germany and eventually shaped the European legal order. Linguistic misunderstandings still impacted the negotiations of the founding European Treaties, but in the subsequent application of the new rules, the Freiburg School’s ordoliberal ideas gained in popularity. In the early 2000s, this ordoliberal language was replaced by neoliberal concepts borrowed from the Chicago School. The study combines archival materials, oral history interviews, case law and Text Mining methods. In doing so, it contributes to the historiography of EU competition law, the post-war history of ordoliberalism, and methodological debates about Digital Humanities.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-16
> findR *
The ordoliberal school of competition thought is a distinct linguistic community whose conceptual and semantic influence extended far beyond Germany and eventually shaped the European legal order. Linguistic misunderstandings still impacted the negotiations of the founding European Treaties, but in the subsequent application of the new rules, the Freiburg School’s ordoliberal ideas gained in popularity. In the early 2000s, this ordoliberal language was replaced by neoliberal concepts borrowed from the Chicago School. The study combines archival materials, oral history interviews, case law and Text Mining methods. In doing so, it contributes to the historiography of EU competition law, the post-war history of ordoliberalism, and methodological debates about Digital Humanities.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-16
> findR *
Aktualisiert: 2023-04-09
> findR *
Der Slawist Fritz Mierau (1934–2018) bezeichnete das 20. Jahrhundert als „russisches Jahrhundert“. Mit seiner Arbeit als Übersetzer, Herausgeber und Literaturhistoriker vermittelte er wie kein anderer die russische Moderne in der DDR und darüber hinaus. Seine Editionen holten verfemte und vergessene Autor*innen zurück, rückten literaturgeschichtliche Zusammenhänge in den Blick. Der Themenschwerpunkt dokumentiert die Beiträge einer Vortragsreihe zu Fritz Mierau, die im Mai 2019 in Berlin stattfand, dazu kommen Texte von Fritz Mierau aus dem Nachlass. Außerdem im Heft: Judith Zander erklärt, warum ihr neuer Roman „Johnny Ohneland“ heißt, Rachid Boutayeb diskutiert die kolonialen Wurzeln des Salafismus, Hans Geske deutet das Werk von Robert Michels neu und Anselm Küsters fragt, wie das europäische Wettbewerbsrecht auf Big Data reagiert.
Aktualisiert: 2021-07-28
Rachid Boutayeb,
Ulrich Busch,
Hans Geske,
Andreas Hansen,
Wladislaw Hedeler,
Dietmar Hochmuth,
Tatjana Hofmann,
Wolf-Dietrich Junghanns,
Jan Knopf,
Anselm Küsters,
Antje Leetz,
Peter Ludewig,
Thomas Müller Christoph Michael,
Fritz Mierau,
Sieglinde Mierau,
Thomas Möbius,
Emma Plate,
Wolfgang Storch,
Klaus Völker,
Judith Zander
> findR *
Die Covid-19-Pandemie rückt die Möglichkeiten und Chancen digitaler Technologien in den Vordergrund. Kein Anlass mehr zur Kritik, kein Grund zur Sorge? Der Themenschwerpunkt „Digitale Dystopien“ stellt die dunklen Seiten der Digitalisierung in den Mittelpunkt und fragt nach ihrer Reflexion in zeitgenössischen Zukunftsentwürfen. In den 12 Beiträgen des Heftes werden digitale Dystopien in Literatur und Film im Rückgriff auf soziologische Zeitdiagnosen und philosophische Theorieangebote untersucht. Außerdem werden kultur- und gesellschaftskritische Impulse aus Literatur und Film aufgegriffen, um einzelne Aspekte der Digitalisierung und ihrer gesellschaftlichen und politischen Folgen zu analysieren. Schließlich werden technische Voraussetzungen und ethische Implikationen der Digitalisierung diskutiert.
Aktualisiert: 2021-07-28
Ulrich Busch,
Thomas Crew,
Johannes Dreyer,
Robert Feustel,
Maik Fielitz,
Rainer Fischbach,
Stephanie Freide,
Wladislaw Hedeler,
Martin Hennig,
Thomas Jung,
Jonathan Kropf,
Magnus Kulke,
Anselm Küsters,
Lorenz Narku Laing,
Holger Marcks,
Thomas Möbius,
Thomas Mueller,
Karoline Reinhardt,
Gregor Ritschel,
Jana Schäfer,
Anna Schor-Tschudnowskaja,
Christian Wadephul,
Hans Zillmann
> findR *
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