This volume in the ?Gerontological Care= series is concerned with basic matters involving transculturalism that are relevant to society as a whole and also to nursing science, as well as practical nursing issues. Existing models, approaches and challenges are presented, and the implications for nursing management, nursing education and nursing practice are described. Case studies illustrate the handling of transcultural matters in everyday nursing care. With a foreword by Nausikaa Schirilla and an afterword by Hürrem Tetcan-Güntekin.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
Elisabeth Bauermann,
Michael Boßle,
Hermann Brandenburg,
Ramona Ertl,
Stefan Heuser,
Eckhardt Koch,
Horst Kuhnhardt,
Christa Larsen,
Oliver Lauxen,
Sigrid Rand,
Michael Schilder,
Dorothee Spürk,
Jonas Staudt,
Anja Walter,
Gabriella Zanier
> findR *
This volume in the ?Gerontological Care= series is concerned with basic matters involving transculturalism that are relevant to society as a whole and also to nursing science, as well as practical nursing issues. Existing models, approaches and challenges are presented, and the implications for nursing management, nursing education and nursing practice are described. Case studies illustrate the handling of transcultural matters in everyday nursing care. With a foreword by Nausikaa Schirilla and an afterword by Hürrem Tetcan-Güntekin.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
Elisabeth Bauermann,
Michael Boßle,
Hermann Brandenburg,
Ramona Ertl,
Stefan Heuser,
Eckhardt Koch,
Horst Kuhnhardt,
Christa Larsen,
Oliver Lauxen,
Sigrid Rand,
Michael Schilder,
Dorothee Spürk,
Jonas Staudt,
Anja Walter,
Gabriella Zanier
> findR *
This volume in the ?Gerontological Care= series is concerned with basic matters involving transculturalism that are relevant to society as a whole and also to nursing science, as well as practical nursing issues. Existing models, approaches and challenges are presented, and the implications for nursing management, nursing education and nursing practice are described. Case studies illustrate the handling of transcultural matters in everyday nursing care. With a foreword by Nausikaa Schirilla and an afterword by Hürrem Tetcan-Güntekin.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
Elisabeth Bauermann,
Michael Boßle,
Hermann Brandenburg,
Ramona Ertl,
Stefan Heuser,
Eckhardt Koch,
Horst Kuhnhardt,
Christa Larsen,
Oliver Lauxen,
Sigrid Rand,
Michael Schilder,
Dorothee Spürk,
Jonas Staudt,
Anja Walter,
Gabriella Zanier
> findR *
This volume in the ?Gerontological Care= series is concerned with basic matters involving transculturalism that are relevant to society as a whole and also to nursing science, as well as practical nursing issues. Existing models, approaches and challenges are presented, and the implications for nursing management, nursing education and nursing practice are described. Case studies illustrate the handling of transcultural matters in everyday nursing care. With a foreword by Nausikaa Schirilla and an afterword by Hürrem Tetcan-Güntekin.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-03
Elisabeth Bauermann,
Michael Boßle,
Hermann Brandenburg,
Ramona Ertl,
Stefan Heuser,
Eckhardt Koch,
Horst Kuhnhardt,
Christa Larsen,
Oliver Lauxen,
Sigrid Rand,
Michael Schilder,
Dorothee Spürk,
Jonas Staudt,
Anja Walter,
Gabriella Zanier
> findR *
This volume in the ?Gerontological Care= series is concerned with basic matters involving transculturalism that are relevant to society as a whole and also to nursing science, as well as practical nursing issues. Existing models, approaches and challenges are presented, and the implications for nursing management, nursing education and nursing practice are described. Case studies illustrate the handling of transcultural matters in everyday nursing care. With a foreword by Nausikaa Schirilla and an afterword by Hürrem Tetcan-Güntekin.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-03
Elisabeth Bauermann,
Michael Boßle,
Hermann Brandenburg,
Ramona Ertl,
Stefan Heuser,
Eckhardt Koch,
Horst Kuhnhardt,
Christa Larsen,
Oliver Lauxen,
Sigrid Rand,
Michael Schilder,
Dorothee Spürk,
Jonas Staudt,
Anja Walter,
Gabriella Zanier
> findR *
Der Band der Reihe "Gerontologische Pflege" befasst sich mit gesellschaftlich und pflegewissenschaftlich relevanten Grundlagen sowie mit pflegepraktischen Fragestellungen von Transkulturalität. Bestehende Modelle, Herangehensweisen und Herausforderungen werden dargestellt, Konsequenzen für Pflegemanagement, Pflegepädagogik und Pflegepraxis aufgezeigt. Fallbeispiele veranschaulichen den Umgang mit Transkulturalität im pflegerischen Alltag.
Mit einem Geleitwort von Nausikaa Schirilla und einem Nachwort von Hürrem Tetcan-Güntekin.
Aktualisiert: 2019-12-20
Elisabeth Bauermann,
Hermann Brandenburg,
Ramona Ertl,
Stefan Heuser,
Eckhardt Koch,
Christa Larsen,
Oliver Lauxen,
Sigrid Rand,
Michael Schilder,
Dorothee Spürk,
Jonas Staudt,
Anja Walter,
Gabriella Zanier
> findR *
This volume in the ?Gerontological Care= series is concerned with basic matters involving transculturalism that are relevant to society as a whole and also to nursing science, as well as practical nursing issues. Existing models, approaches and challenges are presented, and the implications for nursing management, nursing education and nursing practice are described. Case studies illustrate the handling of transcultural matters in everyday nursing care. With a foreword by Nausikaa Schirilla and an afterword by Hürrem Tetcan-Güntekin.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-03
Elisabeth Bauermann,
Michael Boßle,
Hermann Brandenburg,
Ramona Ertl,
Stefan Heuser,
Eckhardt Koch,
Horst Kuhnhardt,
Christa Larsen,
Oliver Lauxen,
Sigrid Rand,
Michael Schilder,
Dorothee Spürk,
Jonas Staudt,
Anja Walter,
Gabriella Zanier
> findR *
This volume in the ?Gerontological Care= series is concerned with basic matters involving transculturalism that are relevant to society as a whole and also to nursing science, as well as practical nursing issues. Existing models, approaches and challenges are presented, and the implications for nursing management, nursing education and nursing practice are described. Case studies illustrate the handling of transcultural matters in everyday nursing care. With a foreword by Nausikaa Schirilla and an afterword by Hürrem Tetcan-Güntekin.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-02
Elisabeth Bauermann,
Michael Boßle,
Hermann Brandenburg,
Ramona Ertl,
Stefan Heuser,
Eckhardt Koch,
Horst Kuhnhardt,
Christa Larsen,
Oliver Lauxen,
Sigrid Rand,
Michael Schilder,
Dorothee Spürk,
Jonas Staudt,
Anja Walter,
Gabriella Zanier
> findR *
Zur Fachkräftesicherung in Krankenhäusern und Altenpflegeeinrichtungen werden ausländische Pflegefachkräfte zum Teil aktiv von deutschen Einrichtungen angeworben. Die vorliegende Analyse des betrieblichen Integrationsprozesses migrierter Pflegefachkräfte zeigt Spannungsverhältnisse auf, die zwischen neu migrierten und etablierten Pflegefachkräften am Arbeitsplatz entstehen und die entlang der Dimensionen von Fachlichkeit, Arbeitsorganisation und Kulturalisierung verlaufen. Zudem werden Lösungspotenziale skizziert.
Aktualisiert: 2020-01-17
> findR *
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