Handlexikon Autismus-Spektrum

Handlexikon Autismus-Spektrum von Kulig,  Wolfram, Leuchte,  Vico, Paetz,  Henriette, Theunissen,  Georg
Autism has been the focus of a controversial interdisciplinary discussion over the last few years. Next to enhanced criteria in regards to the diagnosis of autism, early diagnosis during infantry and more detailed tools in regards to registering autistic behaviour, the debate was increasingly characterised by the mongering of autistic behaviour. The result of this development is a breadth of expert and key terms, as well as new interpretations of existing terms. All of the significant key terms, which are important from a practical and theoretical point of view, are being addressed by the book and it therefore represents a solid scientific guide.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *

Handlexikon Autismus-Spektrum

Handlexikon Autismus-Spektrum von Kulig,  Wolfram, Leuchte,  Vico, Paetz,  Henriette, Theunissen,  Georg
Autism has been the focus of a controversial interdisciplinary discussion over the last few years. Next to enhanced criteria in regards to the diagnosis of autism, early diagnosis during infantry and more detailed tools in regards to registering autistic behaviour, the debate was increasingly characterised by the mongering of autistic behaviour. The result of this development is a breadth of expert and key terms, as well as new interpretations of existing terms. All of the significant key terms, which are important from a practical and theoretical point of view, are being addressed by the book and it therefore represents a solid scientific guide.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *

Handlexikon Autismus-Spektrum

Handlexikon Autismus-Spektrum von Kulig,  Wolfram, Leuchte,  Vico, Paetz,  Henriette, Theunissen,  Georg
Autism has been the focus of a controversial interdisciplinary discussion over the last few years. Next to enhanced criteria in regards to the diagnosis of autism, early diagnosis during infantry and more detailed tools in regards to registering autistic behaviour, the debate was increasingly characterised by the mongering of autistic behaviour. The result of this development is a breadth of expert and key terms, as well as new interpretations of existing terms. All of the significant key terms, which are important from a practical and theoretical point of view, are being addressed by the book and it therefore represents a solid scientific guide.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *

Handlexikon Autismus-Spektrum

Handlexikon Autismus-Spektrum von Kulig,  Wolfram, Leuchte,  Vico, Paetz,  Henriette, Theunissen,  Georg
Autism has been the focus of a controversial interdisciplinary discussion over the last few years. Next to enhanced criteria in regards to the diagnosis of autism, early diagnosis during infantry and more detailed tools in regards to registering autistic behaviour, the debate was increasingly characterised by the mongering of autistic behaviour. The result of this development is a breadth of expert and key terms, as well as new interpretations of existing terms. All of the significant key terms, which are important from a practical and theoretical point of view, are being addressed by the book and it therefore represents a solid scientific guide.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-05
> findR *

Handlexikon Autismus-Spektrum

Handlexikon Autismus-Spektrum von Kulig,  Wolfram, Leuchte,  Vico, Paetz,  Henriette, Theunissen,  Georg
Autism has been the focus of a controversial interdisciplinary discussion over the last few years. Next to enhanced criteria in regards to the diagnosis of autism, early diagnosis during infantry and more detailed tools in regards to registering autistic behaviour, the debate was increasingly characterised by the mongering of autistic behaviour. The result of this development is a breadth of expert and key terms, as well as new interpretations of existing terms. All of the significant key terms, which are important from a practical and theoretical point of view, are being addressed by the book and it therefore represents a solid scientific guide.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-05
> findR *

Handlexikon Autismus-Spektrum

Handlexikon Autismus-Spektrum von Kulig,  Wolfram, Leuchte,  Vico, Paetz,  Henriette, Theunissen,  Georg
Autism has been the focus of a controversial interdisciplinary discussion over the last few years. Next to enhanced criteria in regards to the diagnosis of autism, early diagnosis during infantry and more detailed tools in regards to registering autistic behaviour, the debate was increasingly characterised by the mongering of autistic behaviour. The result of this development is a breadth of expert and key terms, as well as new interpretations of existing terms. All of the significant key terms, which are important from a practical and theoretical point of view, are being addressed by the book and it therefore represents a solid scientific guide.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-05
> findR *

Landkommunen in Ostdeutschland

Landkommunen in Ostdeutschland von Leuchte,  Vico
Die Untersuchung ist im Spannungsfeld der sozialen Bewegungsforschung und der Biographieforschung angesiedelt. Im Zentrum der qualitativ-empirischen Studie stehen Personen, die nach dem gesellschaftlichen Umbruch 1989/90 landkommunitäre Gemeinschaften gegründet oder sich diesen angeschlossen haben. Man kann von der Formierung einer sozialen Bewegung sprechen, die in jener Aufbruchphase die Öffnung der gesellschaftlichen Strukturen und Institutionen für den Aufbau alternativer Lebensformen nutzen und ihr Bewegungspotenzial, ihre Ansprüche und Ziele entwickeln und formulieren konnte. Im Rahmen der Methodologie der „grounded theory“ (Glaser & Strauss 1967) und des biographieanalytischen Verfahrens (Schütze 1981, 1983) wird nach sozialisatorischen Bedingungen, nach biographischen Voraussetzungen und Prozessstrukturen gefragt, die Akteure in die soziale Bewegung der Landkommunen ‚mitbringen‘. Vor dem Hintergrund, wie das Leben in einer Landkommune wahrgenommen und gestaltet wird, werden auch einige arbeits- und sozialweltliche Prozesse und Probleme in Landkommunen herausgearbeitet.
Aktualisiert: 2023-04-01
> findR *

Landkommunen in Ostdeutschland

Landkommunen in Ostdeutschland von Leuchte,  Vico
Die Untersuchung ist im Spannungsfeld der sozialen Bewegungsforschung und der Biographieforschung angesiedelt. Im Zentrum der qualitativ-empirischen Studie stehen Personen, die nach dem gesellschaftlichen Umbruch 1989/90 landkommunitäre Gemeinschaften gegründet oder sich diesen angeschlossen haben. Man kann von der Formierung einer sozialen Bewegung sprechen, die in jener Aufbruchphase die Öffnung der gesellschaftlichen Strukturen und Institutionen für den Aufbau alternativer Lebensformen nutzen und ihr Bewegungspotenzial, ihre Ansprüche und Ziele entwickeln und formulieren konnte. Im Rahmen der Methodologie der „grounded theory“ (Glaser & Strauss 1967) und des biographieanalytischen Verfahrens (Schütze 1981, 1983) wird nach sozialisatorischen Bedingungen, nach biographischen Voraussetzungen und Prozessstrukturen gefragt, die Akteure in die soziale Bewegung der Landkommunen ‚mitbringen‘. Vor dem Hintergrund, wie das Leben in einer Landkommune wahrgenommen und gestaltet wird, werden auch einige arbeits- und sozialweltliche Prozesse und Probleme in Landkommunen herausgearbeitet.
Aktualisiert: 2023-04-01
> findR *

Handlexikon Autismus-Spektrum

Handlexikon Autismus-Spektrum von Kulig,  Wolfram, Leuchte,  Vico, Paetz,  Henriette, Theunissen,  Georg
Autism has been the focus of a controversial interdisciplinary discussion over the last few years. Next to enhanced criteria in regards to the diagnosis of autism, early diagnosis during infantry and more detailed tools in regards to registering autistic behaviour, the debate was increasingly characterised by the mongering of autistic behaviour. The result of this development is a breadth of expert and key terms, as well as new interpretations of existing terms. All of the significant key terms, which are important from a practical and theoretical point of view, are being addressed by the book and it therefore represents a solid scientific guide.
Aktualisiert: 2023-04-04
> findR *

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