Systemische Beratung

Systemische Beratung von Ellinger,  Stephan, Palmowski,  Winfried
This work introduces to the basics of systemic counselling and demonstrates the most important parts of counselling based on practical examples. An essential attribute of systemic counselling can be seen in the self-concept and method of work of the counsellor. He limits himself to moderating the dialogue and takes responsibility for its course but not for the contents which lie entirely in the clients? responsibility The special questioning technique lies at the centre of systemic counselling and serves to broaden the perspective, to initiate reflection and to clarify the situation. An overview over the various questions and examples are given.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *

Systemische Beratung

Systemische Beratung von Ellinger,  Stephan, Palmowski,  Winfried
This work introduces to the basics of systemic counselling and demonstrates the most important parts of counselling based on practical examples. An essential attribute of systemic counselling can be seen in the self-concept and method of work of the counsellor. He limits himself to moderating the dialogue and takes responsibility for its course but not for the contents which lie entirely in the clients? responsibility The special questioning technique lies at the centre of systemic counselling and serves to broaden the perspective, to initiate reflection and to clarify the situation. An overview over the various questions and examples are given.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *

Systemische Beratung

Systemische Beratung von Ellinger,  Stephan, Palmowski,  Winfried
This work introduces to the basics of systemic counselling and demonstrates the most important parts of counselling based on practical examples. An essential attribute of systemic counselling can be seen in the self-concept and method of work of the counsellor. He limits himself to moderating the dialogue and takes responsibility for its course but not for the contents which lie entirely in the clients? responsibility The special questioning technique lies at the centre of systemic counselling and serves to broaden the perspective, to initiate reflection and to clarify the situation. An overview over the various questions and examples are given.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *

Systemische Beratung

Systemische Beratung von Ellinger,  Stephan, Palmowski,  Winfried
This work introduces to the basics of systemic counselling and demonstrates the most important parts of counselling based on practical examples. An essential attribute of systemic counselling can be seen in the self-concept and method of work of the counsellor. He limits himself to moderating the dialogue and takes responsibility for its course but not for the contents which lie entirely in the clients? responsibility The special questioning technique lies at the centre of systemic counselling and serves to broaden the perspective, to initiate reflection and to clarify the situation. An overview over the various questions and examples are given.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-05
> findR *

Systemische Beratung

Systemische Beratung von Ellinger,  Stephan, Palmowski,  Winfried
This work introduces to the basics of systemic counselling and demonstrates the most important parts of counselling based on practical examples. An essential attribute of systemic counselling can be seen in the self-concept and method of work of the counsellor. He limits himself to moderating the dialogue and takes responsibility for its course but not for the contents which lie entirely in the clients? responsibility The special questioning technique lies at the centre of systemic counselling and serves to broaden the perspective, to initiate reflection and to clarify the situation. An overview over the various questions and examples are given.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-05
> findR *

Systemische Beratung

Systemische Beratung von Ellinger,  Stephan, Palmowski,  Winfried
This work introduces to the basics of systemic counselling and demonstrates the most important parts of counselling based on practical examples. An essential attribute of systemic counselling can be seen in the self-concept and method of work of the counsellor. He limits himself to moderating the dialogue and takes responsibility for its course but not for the contents which lie entirely in the clients? responsibility The special questioning technique lies at the centre of systemic counselling and serves to broaden the perspective, to initiate reflection and to clarify the situation. An overview over the various questions and examples are given.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-05
> findR *

Systemische Beratung

Systemische Beratung von Ellinger,  Stephan, Palmowski,  Winfried
This work introduces to the basics of systemic counselling and demonstrates the most important parts of counselling based on practical examples. An essential attribute of systemic counselling can be seen in the self-concept and method of work of the counsellor. He limits himself to moderating the dialogue and takes responsibility for its course but not for the contents which lie entirely in the clients? responsibility The special questioning technique lies at the centre of systemic counselling and serves to broaden the perspective, to initiate reflection and to clarify the situation. An overview over the various questions and examples are given.
Aktualisiert: 2023-04-04
> findR *

Normal bin ich nicht behindert!

Normal bin ich nicht behindert! von Heuwinkel,  Matthias, Palmowski,  Winfried
Sonderpädagogisches Handeln bestand in den letzten Jahrzehnten im Wesentlichen darin, Menschen mit Behinderungen so weit wie nur irgend möglich an die Wirklichkeit heranzuführen, die von Nichtbehinderten als real gegeben vorausgesetzt wurde und zu der Menschen aufgrund ihrer Behinderung nur einen reduzierten Zugang haben konnten. „Teilhabe an unserer Gesellschaft und unserer Kultur“ war erklärtes Ziel sonderpädagogischer Bemühungen. Dieses Buch versucht einen anderen Weg: Aus einer konstruktivistischen Perspektive heraus wird gezeigt, daß Menschen die unterschiedlichsten Vorstellungen über Wirklichkeit konstruieren, und daß diese unter anderem beeinflußt sein können durch vorliegende Beeinträchtigungen. Auszüge aus Interviews ermöglichen erste Zugänge zu einem besseren Verstehen anderer Vorstellungen von Wirklichkeit.
Aktualisiert: 2022-05-10
> findR *

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