The topic of nutrition has become a major issue since the turn of the millennium. Ethical aspects of nutrition are playing an increasingly important role in public discussions, alongside health considerations. What one should eat, and even what it is permissible to eat, is a matter of controversy and is charged with ideology and emotion. It is becoming increasingly difficult to keep track of the issues. The essays included in this book sum up the various facets of the topic in a compact and readable way from the viewpoint of various scientific disciplines. In addition to the food situation in Germany, issues involving the structure of the food sector, the formative power of tradition, food scandals and mechanisms of scandalization, food policy and the role of the media are addressed. Last but not least, it is important to take into account the global interconnectedness of our food supplies and look at the prospects for the future of nutrition.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
Jan Grossarth,
Thomas Hauser,
Gunther Hirschfelder,
Julia Höhler,
Alexandra Regiert,
Markus Schermer,
Tanjev Schultz,
Veronika Settele,
Guido Spars,
Uwe Spiekermann,
Achim Spiller,
Daniela Winkler,
Anke Zühlsdorf
> findR *
The topic of nutrition has become a major issue since the turn of the millennium. Ethical aspects of nutrition are playing an increasingly important role in public discussions, alongside health considerations. What one should eat, and even what it is permissible to eat, is a matter of controversy and is charged with ideology and emotion. It is becoming increasingly difficult to keep track of the issues. The essays included in this book sum up the various facets of the topic in a compact and readable way from the viewpoint of various scientific disciplines. In addition to the food situation in Germany, issues involving the structure of the food sector, the formative power of tradition, food scandals and mechanisms of scandalization, food policy and the role of the media are addressed. Last but not least, it is important to take into account the global interconnectedness of our food supplies and look at the prospects for the future of nutrition.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
Jan Grossarth,
Thomas Hauser,
Gunther Hirschfelder,
Julia Höhler,
Alexandra Regiert,
Markus Schermer,
Tanjev Schultz,
Veronika Settele,
Guido Spars,
Uwe Spiekermann,
Achim Spiller,
Daniela Winkler,
Anke Zühlsdorf
> findR *
The topic of nutrition has become a major issue since the turn of the millennium. Ethical aspects of nutrition are playing an increasingly important role in public discussions, alongside health considerations. What one should eat, and even what it is permissible to eat, is a matter of controversy and is charged with ideology and emotion. It is becoming increasingly difficult to keep track of the issues. The essays included in this book sum up the various facets of the topic in a compact and readable way from the viewpoint of various scientific disciplines. In addition to the food situation in Germany, issues involving the structure of the food sector, the formative power of tradition, food scandals and mechanisms of scandalization, food policy and the role of the media are addressed. Last but not least, it is important to take into account the global interconnectedness of our food supplies and look at the prospects for the future of nutrition.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
Jan Grossarth,
Thomas Hauser,
Gunther Hirschfelder,
Julia Höhler,
Alexandra Regiert,
Markus Schermer,
Tanjev Schultz,
Veronika Settele,
Guido Spars,
Uwe Spiekermann,
Achim Spiller,
Daniela Winkler,
Anke Zühlsdorf
> findR *
The topic of nutrition has become a major issue since the turn of the millennium. Ethical aspects of nutrition are playing an increasingly important role in public discussions, alongside health considerations. What one should eat, and even what it is permissible to eat, is a matter of controversy and is charged with ideology and emotion. It is becoming increasingly difficult to keep track of the issues. The essays included in this book sum up the various facets of the topic in a compact and readable way from the viewpoint of various scientific disciplines. In addition to the food situation in Germany, issues involving the structure of the food sector, the formative power of tradition, food scandals and mechanisms of scandalization, food policy and the role of the media are addressed. Last but not least, it is important to take into account the global interconnectedness of our food supplies and look at the prospects for the future of nutrition.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
Jan Grossarth,
Thomas Hauser,
Gunther Hirschfelder,
Julia Höhler,
Alexandra Regiert,
Markus Schermer,
Tanjev Schultz,
Veronika Settele,
Guido Spars,
Uwe Spiekermann,
Achim Spiller,
Daniela Winkler,
Anke Zühlsdorf
> findR *
The topic of nutrition has become a major issue since the turn of the millennium. Ethical aspects of nutrition are playing an increasingly important role in public discussions, alongside health considerations. What one should eat, and even what it is permissible to eat, is a matter of controversy and is charged with ideology and emotion. It is becoming increasingly difficult to keep track of the issues. The essays included in this book sum up the various facets of the topic in a compact and readable way from the viewpoint of various scientific disciplines. In addition to the food situation in Germany, issues involving the structure of the food sector, the formative power of tradition, food scandals and mechanisms of scandalization, food policy and the role of the media are addressed. Last but not least, it is important to take into account the global interconnectedness of our food supplies and look at the prospects for the future of nutrition.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-02
Jan Grossarth,
Thomas Hauser,
Gunther Hirschfelder,
Julia Höhler,
Alexandra Regiert,
Markus Schermer,
Tanjev Schultz,
Veronika Settele,
Guido Spars,
Uwe Spiekermann,
Achim Spiller,
Daniela Winkler,
Anke Zühlsdorf
> findR *
The topic of nutrition has become a major issue since the turn of the millennium. Ethical aspects of nutrition are playing an increasingly important role in public discussions, alongside health considerations. What one should eat, and even what it is permissible to eat, is a matter of controversy and is charged with ideology and emotion. It is becoming increasingly difficult to keep track of the issues. The essays included in this book sum up the various facets of the topic in a compact and readable way from the viewpoint of various scientific disciplines. In addition to the food situation in Germany, issues involving the structure of the food sector, the formative power of tradition, food scandals and mechanisms of scandalization, food policy and the role of the media are addressed. Last but not least, it is important to take into account the global interconnectedness of our food supplies and look at the prospects for the future of nutrition.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-02
Jan Grossarth,
Thomas Hauser,
Gunther Hirschfelder,
Julia Höhler,
Alexandra Regiert,
Markus Schermer,
Tanjev Schultz,
Veronika Settele,
Guido Spars,
Uwe Spiekermann,
Achim Spiller,
Daniela Winkler,
Anke Zühlsdorf
> findR *
The topic of nutrition has become a major issue since the turn of the millennium. Ethical aspects of nutrition are playing an increasingly important role in public discussions, alongside health considerations. What one should eat, and even what it is permissible to eat, is a matter of controversy and is charged with ideology and emotion. It is becoming increasingly difficult to keep track of the issues. The essays included in this book sum up the various facets of the topic in a compact and readable way from the viewpoint of various scientific disciplines. In addition to the food situation in Germany, issues involving the structure of the food sector, the formative power of tradition, food scandals and mechanisms of scandalization, food policy and the role of the media are addressed. Last but not least, it is important to take into account the global interconnectedness of our food supplies and look at the prospects for the future of nutrition.
Aktualisiert: 2023-04-04
Jan Grossarth,
Thomas Hauser,
Gunther Hirschfelder,
Julia Höhler,
Alexandra Regiert,
Markus Schermer,
Tanjev Schultz,
Veronika Settele,
Guido Spars,
Uwe Spiekermann,
Achim Spiller,
Daniela Winkler,
Anke Zühlsdorf
> findR *
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