Frontmatter -- PREFACE -- WELCOME ADDRESS -- CONTENTS -- PART I. MORPHOLOGY AND PHYLOGENY OF PROKARYOTES, PROTISTS AND UNICELLULAR ALGAE -- An improved method for labelling and sequencing T1-generated RNA-fragments -- Macromolecule sequencing in phylogenetic studies: the phylogeny of spherical prokaryotes -- Morphology and systematic position of some endocyanomes -- Electrophoretic patterns of phycobiliproteins as taxonomic fingerprints of cyanobacteria (and endocyanelles?) -- Morphology and phylogeny of flagellated protists -- The imprints of ciliate phylogeny revealed by comparative freeze-fracture study of the ciliary membrane -- Prokaryote evolution and the symbiotic origin of eukaryotes -- PART II. MORPHOLOGICAL AND BIOCHEMICAL ADAPTION OF EUKARYOTES (ALGAE) IN INTER- AND INTRACELLULAR ENDOSYMBIOSIS -- Glenodinium foliaceum: a dinof lagellate with an endosymbiont -- Carbon metabolism of endosymbiotic algae -- The regulation of the algal population size in Paramecium bursaria -- Hypothesis: free maltose and cell surface sugars are signals in the infection of Paramecium bursaria by algae -- Algal symabionts in larger foraminifera -- Growth of the symbiont-bearing foraminifera Amphistegina lessonii d'Orbigny and Heterostegina depres'sa d'Orbiqnv (protozoa) -- Symbionts in planktonic foraminifera (protozoa) -- Ca deposition, re-mobilization and re-deposition in foraminifera and corals associated with algal endosymbionts (A) -- A non essential role of the symbiotic zooxanthellae in the strobilation of Cassiopeia andromeda (scyphozoa, coelenterata) -- An ecological view of specificity in algal-invertebrate associations with reference to the associations of Symbiodinium microadriaticum and coelenterates -- Intraspecific variation in a zooxanthella -- Release of photosynthetically-derived organic carbon from a hermatypic coral, Acropora cf. acuminata -- Correlation of the ultrastructure of the cells of solid corals and their symbionts depending on light -- Transmission of the algal and bacterial symbionts of green hydra through the host sexual cycle -- Phagocytic recognition and the establishment of the Hydra viridis - Chlorella symbiosis -- Regulation in the green hydra symbiosis -- Sulfur metabolism in the green hydra symbiosis: the incorporation of sulfate-sulfur by symbiotic and aposymbiotic Hydra viridis -- Transfer of photosynthate in green hydra -- Symbionts involved in phosphate uptake by green hydra -- Nutrient competition as a basis for symbiont selection in associations involving Convoluta roscoffensis and Amphiscolops langerhansi -- Acquisition of algae by Convoluta roscoffensis -- Symbiotic relationships between fungus and alga in basidiolichens -- PART III. MORPHOLOGICAL AND BIOCHEMICAL ADAPTION OF PROKARYOTES (BACTERIA, CYANOBACTERIA) IN ENDOCYTOBIOSIS -- Euglena gracilis - an eukaryote containing prokaryote type superoxide dismutase and unconjugated pteridines -- The hydrogenosome, an H2-producing organelle of anaerobic flagellate protozoa2 -- Modulation of polyamine level and biosynthetic enzymes by bacterial endosymbiontes in trypanosomatid protozoa -- Effect of a bacterial symbiont on cell division in a ciliate -- Aspect of "bacteria-ciliates" symbiosis in the rumen: postulated role of the bacteria in the digestive system of the ciliate -- Nucleus-specific symbionts in Paramecium caudatum -- Omikron, an essential endosymbiont of Euplotes aediculatus -- DNA of omikron -- R bodies in Pseudomonas -- Electron microscopy of lice symbionts -- Ultrastructural data on pseudococcid endosymbionts (homoptera, coccoidea) -- Investigations of the light microscopical and ultrastructure of the demeton-S-methyl resistance aphids under consideration of the mycetome symbionts of the Phorodon humuli Sch -- Elimination of symbionts of tsetse flies (Glossina M. morsitans W.) by help of specific antibodies -- Symbiont-dependent arrhenotokous parthenogenesis in the eukaryotic Xyleborus -- Luminescent bacterial endosymbionts in biolum
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-29
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Aktualisiert: 2023-05-29
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Aktualisiert: 2023-05-29
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Aktualisiert: 2023-05-29
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Frontmatter -- PREFACE -- WELCOME ADDRESS -- CONTENTS -- PART I. MORPHOLOGY AND PHYLOGENY OF PROKARYOTES, PROTISTS AND UNICELLULAR ALGAE -- An improved method for labelling and sequencing T1-generated RNA-fragments -- Macromolecule sequencing in phylogenetic studies: the phylogeny of spherical prokaryotes -- Morphology and systematic position of some endocyanomes -- Electrophoretic patterns of phycobiliproteins as taxonomic fingerprints of cyanobacteria (and endocyanelles?) -- Morphology and phylogeny of flagellated protists -- The imprints of ciliate phylogeny revealed by comparative freeze-fracture study of the ciliary membrane -- Prokaryote evolution and the symbiotic origin of eukaryotes -- PART II. MORPHOLOGICAL AND BIOCHEMICAL ADAPTION OF EUKARYOTES (ALGAE) IN INTER- AND INTRACELLULAR ENDOSYMBIOSIS -- Glenodinium foliaceum: a dinof lagellate with an endosymbiont -- Carbon metabolism of endosymbiotic algae -- The regulation of the algal population size in Paramecium bursaria -- Hypothesis: free maltose and cell surface sugars are signals in the infection of Paramecium bursaria by algae -- Algal symabionts in larger foraminifera -- Growth of the symbiont-bearing foraminifera Amphistegina lessonii d'Orbigny and Heterostegina depres'sa d'Orbiqnv (protozoa) -- Symbionts in planktonic foraminifera (protozoa) -- Ca deposition, re-mobilization and re-deposition in foraminifera and corals associated with algal endosymbionts (A) -- A non essential role of the symbiotic zooxanthellae in the strobilation of Cassiopeia andromeda (scyphozoa, coelenterata) -- An ecological view of specificity in algal-invertebrate associations with reference to the associations of Symbiodinium microadriaticum and coelenterates -- Intraspecific variation in a zooxanthella -- Release of photosynthetically-derived organic carbon from a hermatypic coral, Acropora cf. acuminata -- Correlation of the ultrastructure of the cells of solid corals and their symbionts depending on light -- Transmission of the algal and bacterial symbionts of green hydra through the host sexual cycle -- Phagocytic recognition and the establishment of the Hydra viridis - Chlorella symbiosis -- Regulation in the green hydra symbiosis -- Sulfur metabolism in the green hydra symbiosis: the incorporation of sulfate-sulfur by symbiotic and aposymbiotic Hydra viridis -- Transfer of photosynthate in green hydra -- Symbionts involved in phosphate uptake by green hydra -- Nutrient competition as a basis for symbiont selection in associations involving Convoluta roscoffensis and Amphiscolops langerhansi -- Acquisition of algae by Convoluta roscoffensis -- Symbiotic relationships between fungus and alga in basidiolichens -- PART III. MORPHOLOGICAL AND BIOCHEMICAL ADAPTION OF PROKARYOTES (BACTERIA, CYANOBACTERIA) IN ENDOCYTOBIOSIS -- Euglena gracilis - an eukaryote containing prokaryote type superoxide dismutase and unconjugated pteridines -- The hydrogenosome, an H2-producing organelle of anaerobic flagellate protozoa2 -- Modulation of polyamine level and biosynthetic enzymes by bacterial endosymbiontes in trypanosomatid protozoa -- Effect of a bacterial symbiont on cell division in a ciliate -- Aspect of "bacteria-ciliates" symbiosis in the rumen: postulated role of the bacteria in the digestive system of the ciliate -- Nucleus-specific symbionts in Paramecium caudatum -- Omikron, an essential endosymbiont of Euplotes aediculatus -- DNA of omikron -- R bodies in Pseudomonas -- Electron microscopy of lice symbionts -- Ultrastructural data on pseudococcid endosymbionts (homoptera, coccoidea) -- Investigations of the light microscopical and ultrastructure of the demeton-S-methyl resistance aphids under consideration of the mycetome symbionts of the Phorodon humuli Sch -- Elimination of symbionts of tsetse flies (Glossina M. morsitans W.) by help of specific antibodies -- Symbiont-dependent arrhenotokous parthenogenesis in the eukaryotic Xyleborus -- Luminescent bacterial endosymbionts in biolum
Aktualisiert: 2023-03-27
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Aktualisiert: 2023-03-27
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Aktualisiert: 2023-03-27
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Aktualisiert: 2023-03-27
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