Interpretation of the sediments and structures of the Lower Muschelkalk in terms of sedimentation, erosion, deformation, and diagenesis yielded a model for the mode of formation of shallow marine carbonates. Some uncommon sedimentary structures typical to the sequence under consideration, such as wavy tidal lamination, ?Kinneyia-ripples? (= real micro-ripples), shear slab joints (= small-scale intrastratal faulting), and channel-slumping, may indicate an intertidal calcareous environment. Early dolomitization is frequent. In the sandy marginal facies, abundant load structures suggest sudden changes in sedimentation rate. The frequency of deformational structures gave rise to discuss the occurrence of earthquakes. The evolution of the basin is shown by maps and profiles. Above the terrestrial and near-shore red beds of the Buntsandstein (A) a change from shallow and hypersaline to deeper and normal sea water conditions is shown by the following sequence: red clay and siltstone with evaporites (B)-stromatolitic lagoonal dolomites (C) - barrier-like shell banks (D) - marly shallow-shelf sediments (E) - dark stillwater marls (F). This was followed by a facies development not unidirected and represented by the sequence: bioturbate marls (G) - well bedded marls with cross-bedded carbonates (H) - black stillwater shales (I). The Lower Muschelkalk ends with the reverse of the first-mentioned sequence: marly shelf deposits (K) - tidal flat sediments (L/M) - barrier-like oolitic shell banks (N) - laminated, bituminous marls (O) - stromatolitic, hypersaline dolomites (P) - evaporites with marginal red beds (Q), pointing to a return of evaporitic conditions fully developed later in. the Middle Muschelkalk. Within this sequence one unit (L) runs unconformable through at least two facies units as a marker layer which is considered as the most reliable isochronous horizon of the Lower Muschelkalk.
Aktualisiert: 2022-03-04
> findR *
A broad variety of deformational structures in ancient marine deposits and extensive distribution of slide structures over almost all ocean slopes have been observed. Gigantic volume and transport distances of suddenly displaced masses have been found in present ocean areas. Their economic value in ancient deposits, e.g. because of their potential for creating sedimentary hydrocarbon traps, and damages caused while using the sea bottom for technical programs make subaqueous slope failures as fascinating phenomena for research. In spite of abundant reports on gravitational mass movement occurrences and thorough check of published data only a few general aspects can be deduced from this compilation. Therefore, an experimental program using artificially deposited clayey sediments was performed in a tiltable tank, in order to test three basic models of subaqueous slope formation and destruction. Structural analysis has been carried out of single and multiple slope failure processes recorded on film, of experimental and natural slide structures, and of tectonic deformation patterns allowing discrimination of characteristic deformation cycles. Each is composed of the same sequence of structural features or at least parts of such a sequence. The laboratory shear tests and investigations of natural slump occurrences support the theory that the predeformational development of a sediment considerably determines its behaviour during later deformation.
Aktualisiert: 2015-10-07
> findR *
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