Psycho-oncology has a central place in palliative care and has become established internationally as a specialist field within medicine. It represents an integrative and patient-oriented treatment approach that focuses on both quality of life and the psychosocial needs of patients and their families. This book is the first standard clinical work to present current findings in psycho-oncology in the care of patients in palliative treatment situations. The renowned authors discuss specific disease situations in a practical manner and provide general advice on collaboration within a multiprofessional team.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
Gesine Benze,
Philipp Bohny,
Sandra Eckstein,
Heide Götze,
Leyla Güzelsoy,
Caroline Hertler,
Hanna Hofmann,
Josef Jenewein,
Susan Koranyi,
Tanja Krones,
Antje Lehmann-Laue,
Giovanni Maio,
Anja Mehnert-Theuerkauf,
Urs Münch,
Hans Nau,
Friedemann Nauck,
Eva Pape,
Simon Peng-Keller,
Rebecca Philipp,
Leonhard Quintero-Garzon,
Markus Schettle,
Meike Schwermann,
Annina Seiler,
Barbara Stein,
Cindy Stoklossa,
Sigrun Vehling,
Silke Walter,
Claudia Witt
> findR *
Psycho-oncology has a central place in palliative care and has become established internationally as a specialist field within medicine. It represents an integrative and patient-oriented treatment approach that focuses on both quality of life and the psychosocial needs of patients and their families. This book is the first standard clinical work to present current findings in psycho-oncology in the care of patients in palliative treatment situations. The renowned authors discuss specific disease situations in a practical manner and provide general advice on collaboration within a multiprofessional team.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
Gesine Benze,
Philipp Bohny,
Sandra Eckstein,
Heide Götze,
Leyla Güzelsoy,
Caroline Hertler,
Hanna Hofmann,
Josef Jenewein,
Susan Koranyi,
Tanja Krones,
Antje Lehmann-Laue,
Giovanni Maio,
Anja Mehnert-Theuerkauf,
Urs Münch,
Hans Nau,
Friedemann Nauck,
Eva Pape,
Simon Peng-Keller,
Rebecca Philipp,
Leonhard Quintero-Garzon,
Markus Schettle,
Meike Schwermann,
Annina Seiler,
Barbara Stein,
Cindy Stoklossa,
Sigrun Vehling,
Silke Walter,
Claudia Witt
> findR *
Psycho-oncology has a central place in palliative care and has become established internationally as a specialist field within medicine. It represents an integrative and patient-oriented treatment approach that focuses on both quality of life and the psychosocial needs of patients and their families. This book is the first standard clinical work to present current findings in psycho-oncology in the care of patients in palliative treatment situations. The renowned authors discuss specific disease situations in a practical manner and provide general advice on collaboration within a multiprofessional team.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
Gesine Benze,
Philipp Bohny,
Sandra Eckstein,
Heide Götze,
Leyla Güzelsoy,
Caroline Hertler,
Hanna Hofmann,
Josef Jenewein,
Susan Koranyi,
Tanja Krones,
Antje Lehmann-Laue,
Giovanni Maio,
Anja Mehnert-Theuerkauf,
Urs Münch,
Hans Nau,
Friedemann Nauck,
Eva Pape,
Simon Peng-Keller,
Rebecca Philipp,
Leonhard Quintero-Garzon,
Markus Schettle,
Meike Schwermann,
Annina Seiler,
Barbara Stein,
Cindy Stoklossa,
Sigrun Vehling,
Silke Walter,
Claudia Witt
> findR *
Psycho-oncology has a central place in palliative care and has become established internationally as a specialist field within medicine. It represents an integrative and patient-oriented treatment approach that focuses on both quality of life and the psychosocial needs of patients and their families. This book is the first standard clinical work to present current findings in psycho-oncology in the care of patients in palliative treatment situations. The renowned authors discuss specific disease situations in a practical manner and provide general advice on collaboration within a multiprofessional team.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-15
Gesine Benze,
Philipp Bohny,
Sandra Eckstein,
Heide Götze,
Leyla Güzelsoy,
Caroline Hertler,
Hanna Hofmann,
Josef Jenewein,
Susan Koranyi,
Tanja Krones,
Antje Lehmann-Laue,
Giovanni Maio,
Anja Mehnert-Theuerkauf,
Urs Münch,
Hans Nau,
Friedemann Nauck,
Eva Pape,
Simon Peng-Keller,
Rebecca Philipp,
Leonhard Quintero-Garzon,
Markus Schettle,
Meike Schwermann,
Annina Seiler,
Barbara Stein,
Cindy Stoklossa,
Sigrun Vehling,
Silke Walter,
Claudia Witt
> findR *
Psycho-oncology has a central place in palliative care and has become established internationally as a specialist field within medicine. It represents an integrative and patient-oriented treatment approach that focuses on both quality of life and the psychosocial needs of patients and their families. This book is the first standard clinical work to present current findings in psycho-oncology in the care of patients in palliative treatment situations. The renowned authors discuss specific disease situations in a practical manner and provide general advice on collaboration within a multiprofessional team.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-07
Gesine Benze,
Philipp Bohny,
Sandra Eckstein,
Heide Götze,
Leyla Güzelsoy,
Caroline Hertler,
Hanna Hofmann,
Josef Jenewein,
Susan Koranyi,
Tanja Krones,
Antje Lehmann-Laue,
Giovanni Maio,
Anja Mehnert-Theuerkauf,
Urs Münch,
Hans Nau,
Friedemann Nauck,
Eva Pape,
Simon Peng-Keller,
Rebecca Philipp,
Leonhard Quintero-Garzon,
Markus Schettle,
Meike Schwermann,
Annina Seiler,
Barbara Stein,
Cindy Stoklossa,
Sigrun Vehling,
Silke Walter,
Claudia Witt
> findR *
Psycho-oncology has a central place in palliative care and has become established internationally as a specialist field within medicine. It represents an integrative and patient-oriented treatment approach that focuses on both quality of life and the psychosocial needs of patients and their families. This book is the first standard clinical work to present current findings in psycho-oncology in the care of patients in palliative treatment situations. The renowned authors discuss specific disease situations in a practical manner and provide general advice on collaboration within a multiprofessional team.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-01
Gesine Benze,
Philipp Bohny,
Sandra Eckstein,
Heide Götze,
Leyla Güzelsoy,
Caroline Hertler,
Hanna Hofmann,
Josef Jenewein,
Susan Koranyi,
Tanja Krones,
Antje Lehmann-Laue,
Giovanni Maio,
Anja Mehnert-Theuerkauf,
Urs Münch,
Hans Nau,
Friedemann Nauck,
Eva Pape,
Simon Peng-Keller,
Rebecca Philipp,
Leonhard Quintero-Garzon,
Markus Schettle,
Meike Schwermann,
Annina Seiler,
Barbara Stein,
Cindy Stoklossa,
Sigrun Vehling,
Silke Walter,
Claudia Witt
> findR *
Psycho-oncology has a central place in palliative care and has become established internationally as a specialist field within medicine. It represents an integrative and patient-oriented treatment approach that focuses on both quality of life and the psychosocial needs of patients and their families. This book is the first standard clinical work to present current findings in psycho-oncology in the care of patients in palliative treatment situations. The renowned authors discuss specific disease situations in a practical manner and provide general advice on collaboration within a multiprofessional team.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-03
Gesine Benze,
Philipp Bohny,
Sandra Eckstein,
Heide Götze,
Leyla Güzelsoy,
Caroline Hertler,
Hanna Hofmann,
Josef Jenewein,
Susan Koranyi,
Tanja Krones,
Antje Lehmann-Laue,
Giovanni Maio,
Anja Mehnert-Theuerkauf,
Urs Münch,
Hans Nau,
Friedemann Nauck,
Eva Pape,
Simon Peng-Keller,
Rebecca Philipp,
Leonhard Quintero-Garzon,
Markus Schettle,
Meike Schwermann,
Annina Seiler,
Barbara Stein,
Cindy Stoklossa,
Sigrun Vehling,
Silke Walter,
Claudia Witt
> findR *
Psycho-oncology has a central place in palliative care and has become established internationally as a specialist field within medicine. It represents an integrative and patient-oriented treatment approach that focuses on both quality of life and the psychosocial needs of patients and their families. This book is the first standard clinical work to present current findings in psycho-oncology in the care of patients in palliative treatment situations. The renowned authors discuss specific disease situations in a practical manner and provide general advice on collaboration within a multiprofessional team.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-03
Gesine Benze,
Philipp Bohny,
Sandra Eckstein,
Heide Götze,
Leyla Güzelsoy,
Caroline Hertler,
Hanna Hofmann,
Josef Jenewein,
Susan Koranyi,
Tanja Krones,
Antje Lehmann-Laue,
Giovanni Maio,
Anja Mehnert-Theuerkauf,
Urs Münch,
Hans Nau,
Friedemann Nauck,
Eva Pape,
Simon Peng-Keller,
Rebecca Philipp,
Leonhard Quintero-Garzon,
Markus Schettle,
Meike Schwermann,
Annina Seiler,
Barbara Stein,
Cindy Stoklossa,
Sigrun Vehling,
Silke Walter,
Claudia Witt
> findR *
Psycho-oncology has a central place in palliative care and has become established internationally as a specialist field within medicine. It represents an integrative and patient-oriented treatment approach that focuses on both quality of life and the psychosocial needs of patients and their families. This book is the first standard clinical work to present current findings in psycho-oncology in the care of patients in palliative treatment situations. The renowned authors discuss specific disease situations in a practical manner and provide general advice on collaboration within a multiprofessional team.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-02
Gesine Benze,
Philipp Bohny,
Sandra Eckstein,
Heide Götze,
Leyla Güzelsoy,
Caroline Hertler,
Hanna Hofmann,
Josef Jenewein,
Susan Koranyi,
Tanja Krones,
Antje Lehmann-Laue,
Giovanni Maio,
Anja Mehnert-Theuerkauf,
Urs Münch,
Hans Nau,
Friedemann Nauck,
Eva Pape,
Simon Peng-Keller,
Rebecca Philipp,
Leonhard Quintero-Garzon,
Markus Schettle,
Meike Schwermann,
Annina Seiler,
Barbara Stein,
Cindy Stoklossa,
Sigrun Vehling,
Silke Walter,
Claudia Witt
> findR *
Die historische Graphematik gehört zu den lange vernachlässigten Disziplinen der Sprachwissenschaft – trotz der Tatsache, dass ein Zugriff auf vormoderne Sprachstufen, die nur schriftlich überliefert sind, ausschliesslich über das Medium der Schrift möglich ist. Eine umfassende Auseinandersetzung mit den Prinzipien der Schriftverwendung ist deshalb für die historische Sprachwissenschaft unerlässlich.
Der Band vereinigt Beiträge von Spezialisten im Bereich der historischen Graphematik und Phonologie, und zwar aus den Gebieten der Germanistik, der Romanistik, des Mittellateins und der Keltologie. Gegenstand der einzelnen Studien sind zum einen die Übernahme und Adaptation von Schriftsystemen. Zum anderen wird das Verhältnis von Lautung und Schreibung aus synchroner wie aus diachroner Perspektive thematisiert. Ausserdem kommen theoretische Positionen zum Verhältnis von Lautung und Schreibung in vormoderner Zeit und das methodische Vorgehen bei dessen Analyse zur Sprache.
Aktualisiert: 2021-10-01
> findR *
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