The ?industry 4.0= concept is intended to create new economic development opportunities for Germany as a high-tech production location through the digitalization, harmonization and networking of value-creation processes. Recent developments have shown that these growth opportunities can only be used to economic advantage if production reliability can be guaranteed at all stages of the value-creation chain. Otherwise, there is a risk of data loss, espionage and sabotage, which can lead to major damage in a control and communications system that is universally networked. This volume introduces the topic of production security in an easily understandable, clearly structured form, illustrating the importance of integrity, availability, accountability and confidentiality of operational data.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *
The ?industry 4.0= concept is intended to create new economic development opportunities for Germany as a high-tech production location through the digitalization, harmonization and networking of value-creation processes. Recent developments have shown that these growth opportunities can only be used to economic advantage if production reliability can be guaranteed at all stages of the value-creation chain. Otherwise, there is a risk of data loss, espionage and sabotage, which can lead to major damage in a control and communications system that is universally networked. This volume introduces the topic of production security in an easily understandable, clearly structured form, illustrating the importance of integrity, availability, accountability and confidentiality of operational data.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *
The ?industry 4.0= concept is intended to create new economic development opportunities for Germany as a high-tech production location through the digitalization, harmonization and networking of value-creation processes. Recent developments have shown that these growth opportunities can only be used to economic advantage if production reliability can be guaranteed at all stages of the value-creation chain. Otherwise, there is a risk of data loss, espionage and sabotage, which can lead to major damage in a control and communications system that is universally networked. This volume introduces the topic of production security in an easily understandable, clearly structured form, illustrating the importance of integrity, availability, accountability and confidentiality of operational data.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *
Der vorliegende Kommentar zum Datenschutzrecht stellt juristisches Fachwissen kompakt und allgemeinverständlich dar. Er vereint Kommentierungen zur DSGVO, zu den Teilen 1 und 2 des BDSG sowie zu den datenschutzrechtlich besonders relevanten Einzelvorschriften des BetrVG, des KUG und des UWG zu einem Nachschlagewerk sowohl für das Studium als auch die Praxis.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-01
Daniel Bartholmai,
Stephan Blazy,
Sarah Diel,
Erdem Durmus,
Jens Engelhardt,
Merle Freye,
Wendy Heereman,
Claudia Heudecker,
Oliver Hinte,
Leif-Erik Holtz,
Samira Kahlenbach,
Dennis-Kenji Kipker,
Matthias Kohn,
Jörg M. Leuchtner,
Kevin Marschall,
Philipp Niggl,
Maria Christina Rost,
Janine Schleper,
Maximilian Schnebbe,
Dario Scholz,
Linda Schreiber,
Annika Selzer
> findR *
Der vorliegende Kommentar zum Datenschutzrecht stellt juristisches Fachwissen kompakt und allgemeinverständlich dar. Er vereint Kommentierungen zur DSGVO, zu den Teilen 1 und 2 des BDSG sowie zu den datenschutzrechtlich besonders relevanten Einzelvorschriften des BetrVG, des KUG und des UWG zu einem Nachschlagewerk sowohl für das Studium als auch die Praxis.
Aktualisiert: 2023-03-31
Daniel Bartholmai,
Stephan Blazy,
Sarah Diel,
Erdem Durmus,
Jens Engelhardt,
Merle Freye,
Wendy Heereman,
Claudia Heudecker,
Oliver Hinte,
Leif-Erik Holtz,
Samira Kahlenbach,
Dennis-Kenji Kipker,
Matthias Kohn,
Jörg M. Leuchtner,
Kevin Marschall,
Philipp Niggl,
Maria Christina Rost,
Janine Schleper,
Maximilian Schnebbe,
Dario Scholz,
Linda Schreiber,
Annika Selzer
> findR *
The ?industry 4.0= concept is intended to create new economic development opportunities for Germany as a high-tech production location through the digitalization, harmonization and networking of value-creation processes. Recent developments have shown that these growth opportunities can only be used to economic advantage if production reliability can be guaranteed at all stages of the value-creation chain. Otherwise, there is a risk of data loss, espionage and sabotage, which can lead to major damage in a control and communications system that is universally networked. This volume introduces the topic of production security in an easily understandable, clearly structured form, illustrating the importance of integrity, availability, accountability and confidentiality of operational data.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-03
> findR *
The ?industry 4.0= concept is intended to create new economic development opportunities for Germany as a high-tech production location through the digitalization, harmonization and networking of value-creation processes. Recent developments have shown that these growth opportunities can only be used to economic advantage if production reliability can be guaranteed at all stages of the value-creation chain. Otherwise, there is a risk of data loss, espionage and sabotage, which can lead to major damage in a control and communications system that is universally networked. This volume introduces the topic of production security in an easily understandable, clearly structured form, illustrating the importance of integrity, availability, accountability and confidentiality of operational data.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-03
> findR *
The ?industry 4.0= concept is intended to create new economic development opportunities for Germany as a high-tech production location through the digitalization, harmonization and networking of value-creation processes. Recent developments have shown that these growth opportunities can only be used to economic advantage if production reliability can be guaranteed at all stages of the value-creation chain. Otherwise, there is a risk of data loss, espionage and sabotage, which can lead to major damage in a control and communications system that is universally networked. This volume introduces the topic of production security in an easily understandable, clearly structured form, illustrating the importance of integrity, availability, accountability and confidentiality of operational data.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-03
> findR *
Annika Selzer untersucht die Nutzung von Cloud-Computing-Services durch Unternehmen, die ihre Kunden- und/oder Mitarbeiterdaten verarbeiten lassen. Die Autorin zeigt Möglichkeiten auf, der Pflicht zur Auftragsverarbeitungskontrolle unter Anwendung der Datenschutz-Grundverordnung im Anwendungskontext des Cloud-Computings rechtskonform nachzukommen. Sie erläutert technische Lösungen zur kontinuierlichen Verifikation von Datenschutzprüfaspekten, die die bisherigen Herangehensweisen mit Hilfe von Datenschutzmetriken verbessern können. Das Verfahren kann branchenspezifische Anforderungen berücksichtigen und setzt kein eigenes Prüf‐Know‐how des Verantwortlichen voraus.
Aktualisiert: 2023-04-01
> findR *
Annika Selzer untersucht die Nutzung von Cloud-Computing-Services durch Unternehmen, die ihre Kunden- und/oder Mitarbeiterdaten verarbeiten lassen. Die Autorin zeigt Möglichkeiten auf, der Pflicht zur Auftragsverarbeitungskontrolle unter Anwendung der Datenschutz-Grundverordnung im Anwendungskontext des Cloud-Computings rechtskonform nachzukommen. Sie erläutert technische Lösungen zur kontinuierlichen Verifikation von Datenschutzprüfaspekten, die die bisherigen Herangehensweisen mit Hilfe von Datenschutzmetriken verbessern können. Das Verfahren kann branchenspezifische Anforderungen berücksichtigen und setzt kein eigenes Prüf‐Know‐how des Verantwortlichen voraus.
Aktualisiert: 2023-04-04
> findR *
The ?industry 4.0= concept is intended to create new economic development opportunities for Germany as a high-tech production location through the digitalization, harmonization and networking of value-creation processes. Recent developments have shown that these growth opportunities can only be used to economic advantage if production reliability can be guaranteed at all stages of the value-creation chain. Otherwise, there is a risk of data loss, espionage and sabotage, which can lead to major damage in a control and communications system that is universally networked. This volume introduces the topic of production security in an easily understandable, clearly structured form, illustrating the importance of integrity, availability, accountability and confidentiality of operational data.
Aktualisiert: 2023-04-04
> findR *
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