General rules of marine insurance 1919

General rules of marine insurance 1919 von Sieveking,  Alfred
Frontmatter -- CONTENTS -- FIRST PART. General Principles -- SECTION 1. Insurable Interest -- Section 2. Insurable Value. Undervaluation. Overvaluation. Double-Insurance -- Section 3. Insurance is uberrimae fided. -- Section 4. The Policy. The Premium. Return of Premium -- Section 5. Disclosure. Representations. Alteration of risk -- Section 6. Measure of Indemnity -- Section 7. Duty to inform the Insurer. Duty to avert or minimize the Loss -- Section 8. Loss must be notified. Evidence to be produced. Claim when due -- Section 9. Subrogation -- Section 10. Insolvency of Insurer -- Section 11. Statutory Limitations -- Section 12. Transfer of Thing insured -- Section 13. Insurance for account of another -- SECOND PART. Special Rules on special Subjects -- Section 1. Insurance on Ship -- Section 2. Insurance on Goods -- Section 3. Insurance on prospective Profits and Commission -- Section 4. Insurance on Freight, Ship's hire and Passage-money -- Section 5. Disbursements -- THIRD PART. Special Clauses -- Fourth Part. Miscellaneous -- Index -- Appendix
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-29
> findR *

General rules of marine insurance 1919

General rules of marine insurance 1919 von Sieveking,  Alfred
Frontmatter -- CONTENTS -- FIRST PART. General Principles -- SECTION 1. Insurable Interest -- Section 2. Insurable Value. Undervaluation. Overvaluation. Double-Insurance -- Section 3. Insurance is uberrimae fided. -- Section 4. The Policy. The Premium. Return of Premium -- Section 5. Disclosure. Representations. Alteration of risk -- Section 6. Measure of Indemnity -- Section 7. Duty to inform the Insurer. Duty to avert or minimize the Loss -- Section 8. Loss must be notified. Evidence to be produced. Claim when due -- Section 9. Subrogation -- Section 10. Insolvency of Insurer -- Section 11. Statutory Limitations -- Section 12. Transfer of Thing insured -- Section 13. Insurance for account of another -- SECOND PART. Special Rules on special Subjects -- Section 1. Insurance on Ship -- Section 2. Insurance on Goods -- Section 3. Insurance on prospective Profits and Commission -- Section 4. Insurance on Freight, Ship's hire and Passage-money -- Section 5. Disbursements -- THIRD PART. Special Clauses -- Fourth Part. Miscellaneous -- Index -- Appendix
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-29
> findR *

General rules of marine insurance 1919

General rules of marine insurance 1919 von Sieveking,  Alfred
Frontmatter -- CONTENTS -- FIRST PART. General Principles -- SECTION 1. Insurable Interest -- Section 2. Insurable Value. Undervaluation. Overvaluation. Double-Insurance -- Section 3. Insurance is uberrimae fided. -- Section 4. The Policy. The Premium. Return of Premium -- Section 5. Disclosure. Representations. Alteration of risk -- Section 6. Measure of Indemnity -- Section 7. Duty to inform the Insurer. Duty to avert or minimize the Loss -- Section 8. Loss must be notified. Evidence to be produced. Claim when due -- Section 9. Subrogation -- Section 10. Insolvency of Insurer -- Section 11. Statutory Limitations -- Section 12. Transfer of Thing insured -- Section 13. Insurance for account of another -- SECOND PART. Special Rules on special Subjects -- Section 1. Insurance on Ship -- Section 2. Insurance on Goods -- Section 3. Insurance on prospective Profits and Commission -- Section 4. Insurance on Freight, Ship's hire and Passage-money -- Section 5. Disbursements -- THIRD PART. Special Clauses -- Fourth Part. Miscellaneous -- Index -- Appendix
Aktualisiert: 2023-03-27
> findR *

General rules of marine insurance 1919

General rules of marine insurance 1919 von Sieveking,  Alfred
Frontmatter -- CONTENTS -- FIRST PART. General Principles -- SECTION 1. Insurable Interest -- Section 2. Insurable Value. Undervaluation. Overvaluation. Double-Insurance -- Section 3. Insurance is uberrimae fided. -- Section 4. The Policy. The Premium. Return of Premium -- Section 5. Disclosure. Representations. Alteration of risk -- Section 6. Measure of Indemnity -- Section 7. Duty to inform the Insurer. Duty to avert or minimize the Loss -- Section 8. Loss must be notified. Evidence to be produced. Claim when due -- Section 9. Subrogation -- Section 10. Insolvency of Insurer -- Section 11. Statutory Limitations -- Section 12. Transfer of Thing insured -- Section 13. Insurance for account of another -- SECOND PART. Special Rules on special Subjects -- Section 1. Insurance on Ship -- Section 2. Insurance on Goods -- Section 3. Insurance on prospective Profits and Commission -- Section 4. Insurance on Freight, Ship's hire and Passage-money -- Section 5. Disbursements -- THIRD PART. Special Clauses -- Fourth Part. Miscellaneous -- Index -- Appendix
Aktualisiert: 2023-03-27
> findR *

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