Did you know that traditional ways of teaching rider position and horse movement do not actually work with the biomechanical system that is horse and rider?
In an illustrated study of horse-and-rider movement like no other, physical therapist and equine movement specialist Stefan Stammer helps riders better understand the principles of energy and motion happening within the horse. By forming new mental images for the rider, Stammers‘s goal ist to profoundly impact the rider’s daily work with her horse so that it is harder for her to make common mistakes or interfere with the horse’s natural mechanismus. With correct support oft he cycle of kinetic energy within the horse, the outer shape of horse and rider together achieve what is called “positive tension“ – the rhythmic stimalation of all the neuromuscular functions necessary to perform
harmoniously and at peak ability.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *
Did you know that traditional ways of teaching rider position and horse movement do not actually work with the biomechanical system that is horse and rider?
In an illustrated study of horse-and-rider movement like no other, physical therapist and equine movement specialist Stefan Stammer helps riders better understand the principles of energy and motion happening within the horse. By forming new mental images for the rider, Stammers‘s goal ist to profoundly impact the rider’s daily work with her horse so that it is harder for her to make common mistakes or interfere with the horse’s natural mechanismus. With correct support oft he cycle of kinetic energy within the horse, the outer shape of horse and rider together achieve what is called “positive tension“ – the rhythmic stimalation of all the neuromuscular functions necessary to perform
harmoniously and at peak ability.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *
Did you know that traditional ways of teaching rider position and horse movement do not actually work with the biomechanical system that is horse and rider?
In an illustrated study of horse-and-rider movement like no other, physical therapist and equine movement specialist Stefan Stammer helps riders better understand the principles of energy and motion happening within the horse. By forming new mental images for the rider, Stammers‘s goal ist to profoundly impact the rider’s daily work with her horse so that it is harder for her to make common mistakes or interfere with the horse’s natural mechanismus. With correct support oft he cycle of kinetic energy within the horse, the outer shape of horse and rider together achieve what is called “positive tension“ – the rhythmic stimalation of all the neuromuscular functions necessary to perform
harmoniously and at peak ability.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-22
> findR *
Did you know that traditional ways of teaching rider position and horse movement do not actually work with the biomechanical system that is horse and rider?
In an illustrated study of horse-and-rider movement like no other, physical therapist and equine movement specialist Stefan Stammer helps riders better understand the principles of energy and motion happening within the horse. By forming new mental images for the rider, Stammers‘s goal ist to profoundly impact the rider’s daily work with her horse so that it is harder for her to make common mistakes or interfere with the horse’s natural mechanismus. With correct support oft he cycle of kinetic energy within the horse, the outer shape of horse and rider together achieve what is called “positive tension“ – the rhythmic stimalation of all the neuromuscular functions necessary to perform
harmoniously and at peak ability.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-22
> findR *
Did you know that traditional ways of teaching rider position and horse movement do not actually work with the biomechanical system that is horse and rider?
In an illustrated study of horse-and-rider movement like no other, physical therapist and equine movement specialist Stefan Stammer helps riders better understand the principles of energy and motion happening within the horse. By forming new mental images for the rider, Stammers‘s goal ist to profoundly impact the rider’s daily work with her horse so that it is harder for her to make common mistakes or interfere with the horse’s natural mechanismus. With correct support oft he cycle of kinetic energy within the horse, the outer shape of horse and rider together achieve what is called “positive tension“ – the rhythmic stimalation of all the neuromuscular functions necessary to perform
harmoniously and at peak ability.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-22
> findR *
Did you know that traditional ways of teaching rider position and horse movement do not actually work with the biomechanical system that is horse and rider?
In an illustrated study of horse-and-rider movement like no other, physical therapist and equine movement specialist Stefan Stammer helps riders better understand the principles of energy and motion happening within the horse. By forming new mental images for the rider, Stammers‘s goal ist to profoundly impact the rider’s daily work with her horse so that it is harder for her to make common mistakes or interfere with the horse’s natural mechanismus. With correct support oft he cycle of kinetic energy within the horse, the outer shape of horse and rider together achieve what is called “positive tension“ – the rhythmic stimalation of all the neuromuscular functions necessary to perform
harmoniously and at peak ability.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-12
> findR *
Did you know that traditional ways of teaching rider position and horse movement do not actually work with the biomechanical system that is horse and rider?
In an illustrated study of horse-and-rider movement like no other, physical therapist and equine movement specialist Stefan Stammer helps riders better understand the principles of energy and motion happening within the horse. By forming new mental images for the rider, Stammers‘s goal ist to profoundly impact the rider’s daily work with her horse so that it is harder for her to make common mistakes or interfere with the horse’s natural mechanismus. With correct support oft he cycle of kinetic energy within the horse, the outer shape of horse and rider together achieve what is called “positive tension“ – the rhythmic stimalation of all the neuromuscular functions necessary to perform
harmoniously and at peak ability.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-12
> findR *
Wieso kann ein wenige Stunden altes Fohlen mit der gleichen Grundgeschwindigkeit galoppieren wie seine Mutter?
Wenn ein talentiertes Springpferd 4jährig 1,80 Meter hoch springen kann – was muss es eigentlich lernen bis zur Bewältigung eines Olympiaparcours, der höchstens 1,65 Meter hoch ist?
Wenn ein Freizeitpferd über viele Jahre nur sehr wenig belastet wird und viel auf der Weide steht – wieso kann es genau dieselben Erkrankungen entwickeln wie ein Pferd aus dem Spitzensport mit chronischen Überlastungssyndromen?
Warum entwickeln manche talentierten Dressurpferde schnell Muskulatur – und andere kaum, obwohl sie von erfahrenen Reitern ausgebildet werden?
Seriöse Antworten auf diese Fragen sind nur möglich, wenn man den speziellen Bewegungsapparat des Pferdes unter funktionalen Gesichtspunkten analysiert. Stefan Stammer hat sich in diesem Buch unter Berücksichtigung jüngster Forschungsergebnisse die Frage gestellt, auf welche Weise die Bewegungsenergie des Pferdes entsteht und mit welchen Strukturen sie in Bewegung übertragen wird – sei es im Dressurviereck, auf der Rennbahn oder über dem Sprung. Dabei rücken die Fasziensysteme als Strukturen, die in den letzten Jahren mehr und mehr in den Fokus wissenschaftlicher Betrachtung gelangt sind, auch in diesem ins Zentrum der Bewegungsanalyse.
Zudem hat sich der Autor die Frage gestellt, ob die Klassische Reitlehre mit der Skala der Ausbildung als Herzstück dem aktuellen Wissen über die biomechanischen Zusammenhänge der Pferdebewegung standhalten kann.
Die Antworten, die dieses Buch gibt, sind ebenso einfach wie komplex: Die Entwicklung von positiver Körperspannung ist der Schlüssel zur Gesundheit und Leitungsfähigkeit eines jeden Reitpferdes. Die klassische Reitlehre liest sich unter dieser Prämisse als perfekte Grundlage einer Trainingslehre für den Aufbau und die Steuerung der positiven Spannung.
Dieses Wissen geht jeden Reiter an, der fundiert und kompetent über die richtigen Maßnahmen zur Ausbildung seines Pferdes entscheiden möchte.
Aktualisiert: 2022-08-08
> findR *
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