Der historische Jesus: eine Einführung

Der historische Jesus: eine Einführung von Strotmann,  Angelika
Die Frage nach dem historischen Jesus hat ihren festen Platz im Theologiestudium. Angelika Strotmanns bewährte Einführung vermittelt das Thema übersichtlich und kompakt. Über die klassischen Felder der Jesus-Forschung hinaus bietet das Buch u.a. eine Geschichte der Leben-Jesu-Forschung bis in die unmittelbare Gegenwart und legt einen Schwerpunkt auf Jesu Judesein einschließlich der daraus folgenden Konsequenzen für seinen Umgang mit der Tora.
Aktualisiert: 2023-07-02
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Die Apostelgeschichte

Die Apostelgeschichte von Haacker,  Klaus, Schottroff,  Luise, Stegemann,  Ekkehard W., Strotmann,  Angelika, Wengst,  Klaus
The Acts of the Apostles is the second part of St Luke=s work and thus needs to be read with the same expectations that are already raised in the prologue, Luke 1.1&4: this is an educated member of a contemporary movement who is writing for an equally educated audience with an interest in the topic. It is about the story of God with Israel, which has entered a critical phase through Jesus of Nazareth, and about the resulting Jesus movement and its spread. The material is intended to make an appeal to readers that is just as existentially significant as it was to the first listeners to the missionary speeches reported in it. It is not a comprehensive historical narrative either temporally or geographically, but the Biblical author wants to go beyond mere hearsay and provide reliable information. Haacker comments on St Luke=s text with philological tact and with informative insights into the way in which the Biblical texts are embedded in history.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
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Die Apostelgeschichte

Die Apostelgeschichte von Haacker,  Klaus, Schottroff,  Luise, Stegemann,  Ekkehard W., Strotmann,  Angelika, Wengst,  Klaus
The Acts of the Apostles is the second part of St Luke=s work and thus needs to be read with the same expectations that are already raised in the prologue, Luke 1.1&4: this is an educated member of a contemporary movement who is writing for an equally educated audience with an interest in the topic. It is about the story of God with Israel, which has entered a critical phase through Jesus of Nazareth, and about the resulting Jesus movement and its spread. The material is intended to make an appeal to readers that is just as existentially significant as it was to the first listeners to the missionary speeches reported in it. It is not a comprehensive historical narrative either temporally or geographically, but the Biblical author wants to go beyond mere hearsay and provide reliable information. Haacker comments on St Luke=s text with philological tact and with informative insights into the way in which the Biblical texts are embedded in history.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
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Die Apostelgeschichte

Die Apostelgeschichte von Haacker,  Klaus, Schottroff,  Luise, Stegemann,  Ekkehard W., Strotmann,  Angelika, Wengst,  Klaus
The Acts of the Apostles is the second part of St Luke=s work and thus needs to be read with the same expectations that are already raised in the prologue, Luke 1.1&4: this is an educated member of a contemporary movement who is writing for an equally educated audience with an interest in the topic. It is about the story of God with Israel, which has entered a critical phase through Jesus of Nazareth, and about the resulting Jesus movement and its spread. The material is intended to make an appeal to readers that is just as existentially significant as it was to the first listeners to the missionary speeches reported in it. It is not a comprehensive historical narrative either temporally or geographically, but the Biblical author wants to go beyond mere hearsay and provide reliable information. Haacker comments on St Luke=s text with philological tact and with informative insights into the way in which the Biblical texts are embedded in history.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
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Die Apokalypse

Die Apokalypse von Lichtenberger,  Hermann, Schottroff,  Luise, Stegemann,  Ekkehard W., Strotmann,  Angelika, Wengst,  Klaus
Für ein gegenwärtiges Verständnis der Johannesapokalypse gibt der Text selbst die hermeneutischen Vorgaben: Die Herrschaft Gottes und Christi kommt entgegen allem Augenschein und geschichtlicher Erfahrbarkeit; das Potential des Textes und seiner Bilder liegt gerade in ihrer bisherigen Nichterfüllung. Text und Bilder halten eine Zukunft offen, die nicht von der Herrschaft durch Menschen bestimmt ist; sie werfen Licht aus einer Welt, in der Gottes Wille geschieht, auf diese Welt, in der der Wille Gottes geschehen wird. Die Adressaten der Apokalypse sind bedrängte Christen in Kleinasien um 100 n. Chr., denen die Herrschaft Christi und das Kommen der neuen Welt verkündet wird, in der es "kein Leid noch Geschrei noch Schmerz mehr geben wird".
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
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Die Apokalypse

Die Apokalypse von Lichtenberger,  Hermann, Schottroff,  Luise, Stegemann,  Ekkehard W., Strotmann,  Angelika, Wengst,  Klaus
Für ein gegenwärtiges Verständnis der Johannesapokalypse gibt der Text selbst die hermeneutischen Vorgaben: Die Herrschaft Gottes und Christi kommt entgegen allem Augenschein und geschichtlicher Erfahrbarkeit; das Potential des Textes und seiner Bilder liegt gerade in ihrer bisherigen Nichterfüllung. Text und Bilder halten eine Zukunft offen, die nicht von der Herrschaft durch Menschen bestimmt ist; sie werfen Licht aus einer Welt, in der Gottes Wille geschieht, auf diese Welt, in der der Wille Gottes geschehen wird. Die Adressaten der Apokalypse sind bedrängte Christen in Kleinasien um 100 n. Chr., denen die Herrschaft Christi und das Kommen der neuen Welt verkündet wird, in der es "kein Leid noch Geschrei noch Schmerz mehr geben wird".
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
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Die Apokalypse

Die Apokalypse von Lichtenberger,  Hermann, Schottroff,  Luise, Stegemann,  Ekkehard W., Strotmann,  Angelika, Wengst,  Klaus
Für ein gegenwärtiges Verständnis der Johannesapokalypse gibt der Text selbst die hermeneutischen Vorgaben: Die Herrschaft Gottes und Christi kommt entgegen allem Augenschein und geschichtlicher Erfahrbarkeit; das Potential des Textes und seiner Bilder liegt gerade in ihrer bisherigen Nichterfüllung. Text und Bilder halten eine Zukunft offen, die nicht von der Herrschaft durch Menschen bestimmt ist; sie werfen Licht aus einer Welt, in der Gottes Wille geschieht, auf diese Welt, in der der Wille Gottes geschehen wird. Die Adressaten der Apokalypse sind bedrängte Christen in Kleinasien um 100 n. Chr., denen die Herrschaft Christi und das Kommen der neuen Welt verkündet wird, in der es "kein Leid noch Geschrei noch Schmerz mehr geben wird".
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
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Die Apokalypse

Die Apokalypse von Lichtenberger,  Hermann, Schottroff,  Luise, Stegemann,  Ekkehard W., Strotmann,  Angelika, Wengst,  Klaus
Für ein gegenwärtiges Verständnis der Johannesapokalypse gibt der Text selbst die hermeneutischen Vorgaben: Die Herrschaft Gottes und Christi kommt entgegen allem Augenschein und geschichtlicher Erfahrbarkeit; das Potential des Textes und seiner Bilder liegt gerade in ihrer bisherigen Nichterfüllung. Text und Bilder halten eine Zukunft offen, die nicht von der Herrschaft durch Menschen bestimmt ist; sie werfen Licht aus einer Welt, in der Gottes Wille geschieht, auf diese Welt, in der der Wille Gottes geschehen wird. Die Adressaten der Apokalypse sind bedrängte Christen in Kleinasien um 100 n. Chr., denen die Herrschaft Christi und das Kommen der neuen Welt verkündet wird, in der es "kein Leid noch Geschrei noch Schmerz mehr geben wird".
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
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Der Brief an die Gemeinden in Galatien

Der Brief an die Gemeinden in Galatien von Schottroff,  Luise, Stegemann,  Ekkehard W., Strotmann,  Angelika, von der Osten-Sacken,  Peter, Wengst,  Klaus
The Letter to the Galatians is intended to resolve a conflict. New missionaries are spreading the view that one has to be circumcised in order to belong to God=s people. Against this, Paul argues that through Jesus Christ, the son of Abraham and the son of God, and his sacrifice on the Cross, those who belong to him are also children of Abraham and at the same time children of God, and they are free from the Law. This view of the Gospel as representing freedom from the Biblical and Jewish Law went on to make history & often with anti-Jewish undertones. But in the Letter to the Galatians, Paul again advocates a very much wider understanding of the Hebrew Bible. On the basis of that understanding, he presses the view that devotion to Jesus Christ means liberation into a new life. In hermeneutic reflections and in a longer concluding section, the commentary enters into an engaging and critical discussion with the Pauline Gospel.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *

Der Brief an die Gemeinden in Galatien

Der Brief an die Gemeinden in Galatien von Schottroff,  Luise, Stegemann,  Ekkehard W., Strotmann,  Angelika, von der Osten-Sacken,  Peter, Wengst,  Klaus
The Letter to the Galatians is intended to resolve a conflict. New missionaries are spreading the view that one has to be circumcised in order to belong to God=s people. Against this, Paul argues that through Jesus Christ, the son of Abraham and the son of God, and his sacrifice on the Cross, those who belong to him are also children of Abraham and at the same time children of God, and they are free from the Law. This view of the Gospel as representing freedom from the Biblical and Jewish Law went on to make history & often with anti-Jewish undertones. But in the Letter to the Galatians, Paul again advocates a very much wider understanding of the Hebrew Bible. On the basis of that understanding, he presses the view that devotion to Jesus Christ means liberation into a new life. In hermeneutic reflections and in a longer concluding section, the commentary enters into an engaging and critical discussion with the Pauline Gospel.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
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Der Brief an die Gemeinden in Galatien

Der Brief an die Gemeinden in Galatien von Schottroff,  Luise, Stegemann,  Ekkehard W., Strotmann,  Angelika, von der Osten-Sacken,  Peter, Wengst,  Klaus
The Letter to the Galatians is intended to resolve a conflict. New missionaries are spreading the view that one has to be circumcised in order to belong to God=s people. Against this, Paul argues that through Jesus Christ, the son of Abraham and the son of God, and his sacrifice on the Cross, those who belong to him are also children of Abraham and at the same time children of God, and they are free from the Law. This view of the Gospel as representing freedom from the Biblical and Jewish Law went on to make history & often with anti-Jewish undertones. But in the Letter to the Galatians, Paul again advocates a very much wider understanding of the Hebrew Bible. On the basis of that understanding, he presses the view that devotion to Jesus Christ means liberation into a new life. In hermeneutic reflections and in a longer concluding section, the commentary enters into an engaging and critical discussion with the Pauline Gospel.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
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Der Brief an die Gemeinden in Galatien

Der Brief an die Gemeinden in Galatien von Schottroff,  Luise, Stegemann,  Ekkehard W., Strotmann,  Angelika, von der Osten-Sacken,  Peter, Wengst,  Klaus
The Letter to the Galatians is intended to resolve a conflict. New missionaries are spreading the view that one has to be circumcised in order to belong to God=s people. Against this, Paul argues that through Jesus Christ, the son of Abraham and the son of God, and his sacrifice on the Cross, those who belong to him are also children of Abraham and at the same time children of God, and they are free from the Law. This view of the Gospel as representing freedom from the Biblical and Jewish Law went on to make history & often with anti-Jewish undertones. But in the Letter to the Galatians, Paul again advocates a very much wider understanding of the Hebrew Bible. On the basis of that understanding, he presses the view that devotion to Jesus Christ means liberation into a new life. In hermeneutic reflections and in a longer concluding section, the commentary enters into an engaging and critical discussion with the Pauline Gospel.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
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Der erste Brief an die Gemeinde in Korinth

Der erste Brief an die Gemeinde in Korinth von Janssen,  Claudia, Schottroff,  Luise, Schreiber,  Stefan, Standhartinger,  Angela, Stegemann,  Ekkehard W., Strotmann,  Angelika, Wick,  Peter
This commentary shows the way in which Paul interprets the Torah for the Gentiles: concretely, realistically, sensitively, and argumentatively. He looks for images of a hope capable of withstanding death. He records the prayers and songs that were sung in the messianic communities of his time. And: he contradicts himself, particularly in his conception of what women should be like and in his factual dealings with them. The fact that the letter includes the notorious misogynistic sentences that were written in Paul=s name is often the first association it calls up today. In addition, the letter is burdened by a long and prominent tradition of interpretation that used Paul to justify Christian positions of domination: the figure of Paul was used as a projection screen for Christian office-holders and their conceptions of domination over believers. Even more ominously, Paul epitomized a search for Christian identity by distinguishing it negatively from Judaism, which was regarded as a ?religion of the law=. A rediscovery of Paul is overdue. The first edition of this commentary on the First Letter to the Corinthians was published in 2013; for the new edition, the bibliography has been supplemented with more recent publications & in the spirit of Luise Schottroff, who was never concerned with completeness, but rather with relevance for a fresh reading of Paul that makes use of social history and criticism of empire and is gender-aware. Minor errors in the text have been corrected and a few additions have been made. The interpretation is enduringly up-to-date and represents the current state of international Pauline research. Luise Schottroff=s interpretation of the letter makes it possible to develop different perspectives on the text and make them fruitful for one=s own further research. Even five years after her death, she is an important teacher for those who are looking for their own critical and life-affirming approach to theology and exegesis.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
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Der erste Brief an die Gemeinde in Korinth

Der erste Brief an die Gemeinde in Korinth von Janssen,  Claudia, Schottroff,  Luise, Schreiber,  Stefan, Standhartinger,  Angela, Stegemann,  Ekkehard W., Strotmann,  Angelika, Wick,  Peter
This commentary shows the way in which Paul interprets the Torah for the Gentiles: concretely, realistically, sensitively, and argumentatively. He looks for images of a hope capable of withstanding death. He records the prayers and songs that were sung in the messianic communities of his time. And: he contradicts himself, particularly in his conception of what women should be like and in his factual dealings with them. The fact that the letter includes the notorious misogynistic sentences that were written in Paul=s name is often the first association it calls up today. In addition, the letter is burdened by a long and prominent tradition of interpretation that used Paul to justify Christian positions of domination: the figure of Paul was used as a projection screen for Christian office-holders and their conceptions of domination over believers. Even more ominously, Paul epitomized a search for Christian identity by distinguishing it negatively from Judaism, which was regarded as a ?religion of the law=. A rediscovery of Paul is overdue. The first edition of this commentary on the First Letter to the Corinthians was published in 2013; for the new edition, the bibliography has been supplemented with more recent publications & in the spirit of Luise Schottroff, who was never concerned with completeness, but rather with relevance for a fresh reading of Paul that makes use of social history and criticism of empire and is gender-aware. Minor errors in the text have been corrected and a few additions have been made. The interpretation is enduringly up-to-date and represents the current state of international Pauline research. Luise Schottroff=s interpretation of the letter makes it possible to develop different perspectives on the text and make them fruitful for one=s own further research. Even five years after her death, she is an important teacher for those who are looking for their own critical and life-affirming approach to theology and exegesis.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
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Der erste Brief an die Gemeinde in Korinth

Der erste Brief an die Gemeinde in Korinth von Janssen,  Claudia, Schottroff,  Luise, Schreiber,  Stefan, Standhartinger,  Angela, Stegemann,  Ekkehard W., Strotmann,  Angelika, Wick,  Peter
This commentary shows the way in which Paul interprets the Torah for the Gentiles: concretely, realistically, sensitively, and argumentatively. He looks for images of a hope capable of withstanding death. He records the prayers and songs that were sung in the messianic communities of his time. And: he contradicts himself, particularly in his conception of what women should be like and in his factual dealings with them. The fact that the letter includes the notorious misogynistic sentences that were written in Paul=s name is often the first association it calls up today. In addition, the letter is burdened by a long and prominent tradition of interpretation that used Paul to justify Christian positions of domination: the figure of Paul was used as a projection screen for Christian office-holders and their conceptions of domination over believers. Even more ominously, Paul epitomized a search for Christian identity by distinguishing it negatively from Judaism, which was regarded as a ?religion of the law=. A rediscovery of Paul is overdue. The first edition of this commentary on the First Letter to the Corinthians was published in 2013; for the new edition, the bibliography has been supplemented with more recent publications & in the spirit of Luise Schottroff, who was never concerned with completeness, but rather with relevance for a fresh reading of Paul that makes use of social history and criticism of empire and is gender-aware. Minor errors in the text have been corrected and a few additions have been made. The interpretation is enduringly up-to-date and represents the current state of international Pauline research. Luise Schottroff=s interpretation of the letter makes it possible to develop different perspectives on the text and make them fruitful for one=s own further research. Even five years after her death, she is an important teacher for those who are looking for their own critical and life-affirming approach to theology and exegesis.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
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Das Johannesevangelium

Das Johannesevangelium von Schottroff,  Luise, Stegemann,  Ekkehard W., Strotmann,  Angelika, Wengst,  Klaus
One of the reviewers of this commentary called it a ?commentary you can read=. This new edition has tried to make it even more readable. Following two previous editions, it has now not only been revised stylistically but also shortened, in order to publish it in a single volume. The commentary=s primary goal still applies, of course: renewal of the relationship between Christians and Jews, combined with a non-polemical, sympathetic and theologically deep-rooted perception of the Jewish people. This is in no sense an ideological narrowing, but rather is required by the text. The Gospel according to St John & like the other New Testament scriptures as well & is based on the Jewish Bible and arose in a Jewish context. To speak of ?Christianity= in the first century is simply anachronistic. In interpreting polemical statements made in an internal Jewish dispute, the commentary takes into account not only the situation in which they arose, but also the fact that our own situation today is substantially different from that. This prohibits a responsible interpretation from simply repeating statements that occur in such a context. More recent publications are also taken into account in the new edition, and fresh debate is sought particularly on passages in which contradictory interpretative approaches diverge.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
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Das Johannesevangelium

Das Johannesevangelium von Schottroff,  Luise, Stegemann,  Ekkehard W., Strotmann,  Angelika, Wengst,  Klaus
One of the reviewers of this commentary called it a ?commentary you can read=. This new edition has tried to make it even more readable. Following two previous editions, it has now not only been revised stylistically but also shortened, in order to publish it in a single volume. The commentary=s primary goal still applies, of course: renewal of the relationship between Christians and Jews, combined with a non-polemical, sympathetic and theologically deep-rooted perception of the Jewish people. This is in no sense an ideological narrowing, but rather is required by the text. The Gospel according to St John & like the other New Testament scriptures as well & is based on the Jewish Bible and arose in a Jewish context. To speak of ?Christianity= in the first century is simply anachronistic. In interpreting polemical statements made in an internal Jewish dispute, the commentary takes into account not only the situation in which they arose, but also the fact that our own situation today is substantially different from that. This prohibits a responsible interpretation from simply repeating statements that occur in such a context. More recent publications are also taken into account in the new edition, and fresh debate is sought particularly on passages in which contradictory interpretative approaches diverge.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
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Das Johannesevangelium

Das Johannesevangelium von Schottroff,  Luise, Stegemann,  Ekkehard W., Strotmann,  Angelika, Wengst,  Klaus
One of the reviewers of this commentary called it a ?commentary you can read=. This new edition has tried to make it even more readable. Following two previous editions, it has now not only been revised stylistically but also shortened, in order to publish it in a single volume. The commentary=s primary goal still applies, of course: renewal of the relationship between Christians and Jews, combined with a non-polemical, sympathetic and theologically deep-rooted perception of the Jewish people. This is in no sense an ideological narrowing, but rather is required by the text. The Gospel according to St John & like the other New Testament scriptures as well & is based on the Jewish Bible and arose in a Jewish context. To speak of ?Christianity= in the first century is simply anachronistic. In interpreting polemical statements made in an internal Jewish dispute, the commentary takes into account not only the situation in which they arose, but also the fact that our own situation today is substantially different from that. This prohibits a responsible interpretation from simply repeating statements that occur in such a context. More recent publications are also taken into account in the new edition, and fresh debate is sought particularly on passages in which contradictory interpretative approaches diverge.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
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Der erste Brief des Petrus

Der erste Brief des Petrus von Schottroff,  Luise, Stegemann,  Ekkehard W., Strotmann,  Angelika, Vahrenhorst,  Martin, Wengst,  Klaus
Der erste Petrusbrief richtet sich an Gemeinden, die in ihrem Herkunftsumfeld Diskriminierungserfahrungen machen, nachdem sie sich zum durch Jesus vermittelten Glauben an den einen Gott hingewandt hatten. Der Brief stellt diese Erfahrungen in neue Deutungshorizonte, indem er sie z. B. als notwendige Konsequenz der Zugehörigkeit zu Gott oder als Aktualisierung der Nachfolge des Gesalbten darstellt. Zugleich fordert er seine Leserschaft dazu auf, ihr "Fremdsein" in der Welt durch "befremdlich anderes" Verhalten zu leben.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
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Der erste Brief des Petrus

Der erste Brief des Petrus von Schottroff,  Luise, Stegemann,  Ekkehard W., Strotmann,  Angelika, Vahrenhorst,  Martin, Wengst,  Klaus
Der erste Petrusbrief richtet sich an Gemeinden, die in ihrem Herkunftsumfeld Diskriminierungserfahrungen machen, nachdem sie sich zum durch Jesus vermittelten Glauben an den einen Gott hingewandt hatten. Der Brief stellt diese Erfahrungen in neue Deutungshorizonte, indem er sie z. B. als notwendige Konsequenz der Zugehörigkeit zu Gott oder als Aktualisierung der Nachfolge des Gesalbten darstellt. Zugleich fordert er seine Leserschaft dazu auf, ihr "Fremdsein" in der Welt durch "befremdlich anderes" Verhalten zu leben.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
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Bücher von Strotmann, Angelika

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