Kompetenzdiagnostik in der beruflichen Bildung

Kompetenzdiagnostik in der beruflichen Bildung von Tschöpe,  Tanja
The primary aim pursued by this dissertation is to contribute to empirical competence modeling and measurement in vocational education and training. The field of investigation is the advisory competence of bank clerks with a special focus on their social competences. Social competences play a significant role in many vocational fi elds but are still underrepresented in empirical research. The study is subdivided in three parts. First, a requirements analysis inspects the field of client advisory in the vocational training of bank clerks. Analyses of documents, interviews with experts and sighting of the relevant literature are used to examine the main tasks and activities in customer service. Particular attention is directed to the in-company part of the training provided and the tasks and activities that trainees have to perform during this training. On this basis, a competence model for the advisory competences of trainee bank clerks who are almost finished with their vocational training is developed. Second, a situational judgment test for the assessment of social cognitive competences of bank clerks is designed. The quality of the instrument is estimated based on classical test theory and confirmatory factor analysis. Third, the situational Judgment test is applied in a study covering 300 apprentices at the end of their training. Additional data on professional competences and potential predictors of advisory competences is collected with standardised surveys. Relationships are analysed using bivariate measures, multiple regression and structural equation modeling. The results are interpreted concerning their relevance for the development and training of advisory competences of bank clerks.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-22
> findR *

Kompetenzdiagnostik in der beruflichen Bildung

Kompetenzdiagnostik in der beruflichen Bildung von Tschöpe,  Tanja
The primary aim pursued by this dissertation is to contribute to empirical competence modeling and measurement in vocational education and training. The field of investigation is the advisory competence of bank clerks with a special focus on their social competences. Social competences play a significant role in many vocational fi elds but are still underrepresented in empirical research. The study is subdivided in three parts. First, a requirements analysis inspects the field of client advisory in the vocational training of bank clerks. Analyses of documents, interviews with experts and sighting of the relevant literature are used to examine the main tasks and activities in customer service. Particular attention is directed to the in-company part of the training provided and the tasks and activities that trainees have to perform during this training. On this basis, a competence model for the advisory competences of trainee bank clerks who are almost finished with their vocational training is developed. Second, a situational judgment test for the assessment of social cognitive competences of bank clerks is designed. The quality of the instrument is estimated based on classical test theory and confirmatory factor analysis. Third, the situational Judgment test is applied in a study covering 300 apprentices at the end of their training. Additional data on professional competences and potential predictors of advisory competences is collected with standardised surveys. Relationships are analysed using bivariate measures, multiple regression and structural equation modeling. The results are interpreted concerning their relevance for the development and training of advisory competences of bank clerks.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-22
> findR *

Kompetenzdiagnostik in der beruflichen Bildung

Kompetenzdiagnostik in der beruflichen Bildung von Tschöpe,  Tanja
The primary aim pursued by this dissertation is to contribute to empirical competence modeling and measurement in vocational education and training. The field of investigation is the advisory competence of bank clerks with a special focus on their social competences. Social competences play a significant role in many vocational fi elds but are still underrepresented in empirical research. The study is subdivided in three parts. First, a requirements analysis inspects the field of client advisory in the vocational training of bank clerks. Analyses of documents, interviews with experts and sighting of the relevant literature are used to examine the main tasks and activities in customer service. Particular attention is directed to the in-company part of the training provided and the tasks and activities that trainees have to perform during this training. On this basis, a competence model for the advisory competences of trainee bank clerks who are almost finished with their vocational training is developed. Second, a situational judgment test for the assessment of social cognitive competences of bank clerks is designed. The quality of the instrument is estimated based on classical test theory and confirmatory factor analysis. Third, the situational Judgment test is applied in a study covering 300 apprentices at the end of their training. Additional data on professional competences and potential predictors of advisory competences is collected with standardised surveys. Relationships are analysed using bivariate measures, multiple regression and structural equation modeling. The results are interpreted concerning their relevance for the development and training of advisory competences of bank clerks.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-22
> findR *

Kompetenzdiagnostik in der beruflichen Bildung

Kompetenzdiagnostik in der beruflichen Bildung von Tschöpe,  Tanja
The primary aim pursued by this dissertation is to contribute to empirical competence modeling and measurement in vocational education and training. The field of investigation is the advisory competence of bank clerks with a special focus on their social competences. Social competences play a significant role in many vocational fi elds but are still underrepresented in empirical research. The study is subdivided in three parts. First, a requirements analysis inspects the field of client advisory in the vocational training of bank clerks. Analyses of documents, interviews with experts and sighting of the relevant literature are used to examine the main tasks and activities in customer service. Particular attention is directed to the in-company part of the training provided and the tasks and activities that trainees have to perform during this training. On this basis, a competence model for the advisory competences of trainee bank clerks who are almost finished with their vocational training is developed. Second, a situational judgment test for the assessment of social cognitive competences of bank clerks is designed. The quality of the instrument is estimated based on classical test theory and confirmatory factor analysis. Third, the situational Judgment test is applied in a study covering 300 apprentices at the end of their training. Additional data on professional competences and potential predictors of advisory competences is collected with standardised surveys. Relationships are analysed using bivariate measures, multiple regression and structural equation modeling. The results are interpreted concerning their relevance for the development and training of advisory competences of bank clerks.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-22
> findR *

Kompetenzdiagnostik in der beruflichen Bildung

Kompetenzdiagnostik in der beruflichen Bildung von Tschöpe,  Tanja
The primary aim pursued by this dissertation is to contribute to empirical competence modeling and measurement in vocational education and training. The field of investigation is the advisory competence of bank clerks with a special focus on their social competences. Social competences play a significant role in many vocational fi elds but are still underrepresented in empirical research. The study is subdivided in three parts. First, a requirements analysis inspects the field of client advisory in the vocational training of bank clerks. Analyses of documents, interviews with experts and sighting of the relevant literature are used to examine the main tasks and activities in customer service. Particular attention is directed to the in-company part of the training provided and the tasks and activities that trainees have to perform during this training. On this basis, a competence model for the advisory competences of trainee bank clerks who are almost finished with their vocational training is developed. Second, a situational judgment test for the assessment of social cognitive competences of bank clerks is designed. The quality of the instrument is estimated based on classical test theory and confirmatory factor analysis. Third, the situational Judgment test is applied in a study covering 300 apprentices at the end of their training. Additional data on professional competences and potential predictors of advisory competences is collected with standardised surveys. Relationships are analysed using bivariate measures, multiple regression and structural equation modeling. The results are interpreted concerning their relevance for the development and training of advisory competences of bank clerks.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-02
> findR *

Auswirkungen der Corona-Pandemie auf die Ausbildung von Medizinischen Fachangestellten

Auswirkungen der Corona-Pandemie auf die Ausbildung von Medizinischen Fachangestellten von Dietrich,  Mirco, Konheiser,  Sebastian, Peters,  Markus, Raecke,  Julia, Schneider,  Kerstin, Schnitzler,  Annalisa, Tschöpe,  Tanja, Volvakov,  Irina
Medizinische Fachangestellte (MFA) sind in ihrer Funktion direkt in die Bewältigung der Corona-Pandemie eingebunden, woraus sich spezifische Herausforderungen für Auszubildende in diesem Beruf ergeben. Zur Untersuchung der Auswirkungen der Pandemie auf ihre Situation wurde eine Umfrage mit 1.253 MFA in Ausbildung durchgeführt, in welcher sie um ihre Einschätzung zu den Veränderungen in Betrieb und Berufsschule gebeten wurden. Die Ergebnisse zeigen belastende Einflüsse der Pandemie in allen abgefragten Bereichen, etwa gesteigerte kommunikative Anforderungen in der Patienteninteraktion, fehlende Lern- und Übungszeiten, erhöhtes Arbeitsaufkommen und Veränderungen durch die notwendigen Schutzmaßnahmen. Die Qualität der Lernmöglichkeiten in Betrieb und Schule verlangt daher auch in Krisenzeiten gerade für systemrelevante Berufe besondere Aufmerksamkeit, damit Auszubildende auf die Herausforderungen ihres Berufs vorbereitet werden können.
Aktualisiert: 2021-08-31
> findR *

Kompetenzdiagnostik in der beruflichen Bildung

Kompetenzdiagnostik in der beruflichen Bildung von Tschöpe,  Tanja
Das übergeordnete Ziel der Dissertation besteht darin, einen Beitrag zur empirischen Kompetenzmodellierung und -messung in der beruflichen Bildung zu leisten. Als Untersuchungsfeld sind die Beratungskompetenzen von Bankkaufleuten ausgewählt. Ein besonderer Fokus liegt auf der Beleuchtung sozialer Kompetenzen, die in vielen Berufen eine bedeutende Rolle spielen, in empirischen Studien derzeit jedoch noch deutlich unterrepräsentiert sind. Die Arbeit ist in drei aufeinander aufbauende Teile unterteilt. Zunächst wird in einer Anforderungsanalyse das Tätigkeitsfeld Kundenberatung in der Ausbildung von angehenden Bankkaufleuten untersucht. In Dokumentenanalysen, Experteninterviews und einer Sichtung des Forschungsstands wird insbesondere auf den betrieblichen Teil der Ausbildung und die dort zu bewältigenden Aufgaben und Tätigkeiten fokussiert. Auf dieser Basis werden die für die Beratung erforderlichen Kompetenzen identifiziert, modelliert und beschrieben. Zweitens wird ein Situational Judgment Test zur Messung von sozial-kognitiven Beratungskompetenzen von angehenden Bankkaufleuten entwickelt und seine Güte anhand der Kriterien der klassischen Testtheorie und konfirmatorischer Faktorenanalysen abgeschätzt. Drittens wird der entwickelte Test in einer Studie mit 300 Auszubildenden gegen Ende der Ausbildung durchgeführt. Neben dem Situational Judgment Test werden ein Fachleistungstest und etablierte Instrumente zu potenziellen Einflussfaktoren von Beratungskompetenzen eingesetzt. Die Beziehungen zwischen allen erhobenen Variablen werden mit bivariaten Analysen, multiplen Regressionen und Strukturgleichungsmodellen bestimmt. Die Ergebnisse zu den Beratungskompetenzen werden im Sinne einer kompetenzförderlichen Gestaltung der Ausbildung interpretiert.
Aktualisiert: 2020-10-31
> findR *

Kompetenzdiagnostik in der beruflichen Bildung

Kompetenzdiagnostik in der beruflichen Bildung von Tschöpe,  Tanja
The primary aim pursued by this dissertation is to contribute to empirical competence modeling and measurement in vocational education and training. The field of investigation is the advisory competence of bank clerks with a special focus on their social competences. Social competences play a significant role in many vocational fi elds but are still underrepresented in empirical research. The study is subdivided in three parts. First, a requirements analysis inspects the field of client advisory in the vocational training of bank clerks. Analyses of documents, interviews with experts and sighting of the relevant literature are used to examine the main tasks and activities in customer service. Particular attention is directed to the in-company part of the training provided and the tasks and activities that trainees have to perform during this training. On this basis, a competence model for the advisory competences of trainee bank clerks who are almost finished with their vocational training is developed. Second, a situational judgment test for the assessment of social cognitive competences of bank clerks is designed. The quality of the instrument is estimated based on classical test theory and confirmatory factor analysis. Third, the situational Judgment test is applied in a study covering 300 apprentices at the end of their training. Additional data on professional competences and potential predictors of advisory competences is collected with standardised surveys. Relationships are analysed using bivariate measures, multiple regression and structural equation modeling. The results are interpreted concerning their relevance for the development and training of advisory competences of bank clerks.
Aktualisiert: 2023-04-01
> findR *

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