Since the publication of the previous edition, the ways in which the administrative process is understood have developed further in case law and academic studies. There have also been constant changes in procedural law regulations by the legislature, although these have been more concerned with details. The purposes and aims of this commentary are to present the effects of these changes and developments on judicial and extrajudicial practice by evaluating the case law and literature, cautiously offering the authors= own solutions where agreement has not so far been reached, and to provide those involved in administrative proceedings with a reliable guide through the diverse problems of administrative proceedings. In particular, the aim was to clarify the basic structures and systems involved in administrative procedural law for practitioners and to develop solutions from them for the various problems that arise in administrative procedural practice. In addition to incorporating changes in the Code of Administrative Court Procedure (VwGO), the Code of Civil Procedure (ZPO) and numerous ancillary laws, the book=s individual commentaries have been thoroughly revised and brought up to date.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *
Since the publication of the previous edition, the ways in which the administrative process is understood have developed further in case law and academic studies. There have also been constant changes in procedural law regulations by the legislature, although these have been more concerned with details. The purposes and aims of this commentary are to present the effects of these changes and developments on judicial and extrajudicial practice by evaluating the case law and literature, cautiously offering the authors= own solutions where agreement has not so far been reached, and to provide those involved in administrative proceedings with a reliable guide through the diverse problems of administrative proceedings. In particular, the aim was to clarify the basic structures and systems involved in administrative procedural law for practitioners and to develop solutions from them for the various problems that arise in administrative procedural practice. In addition to incorporating changes in the Code of Administrative Court Procedure (VwGO), the Code of Civil Procedure (ZPO) and numerous ancillary laws, the book=s individual commentaries have been thoroughly revised and brought up to date.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *
Since the publication of the previous edition, the ways in which the administrative process is understood have developed further in case law and academic studies. There have also been constant changes in procedural law regulations by the legislature, although these have been more concerned with details. The purposes and aims of this commentary are to present the effects of these changes and developments on judicial and extrajudicial practice by evaluating the case law and literature, cautiously offering the authors= own solutions where agreement has not so far been reached, and to provide those involved in administrative proceedings with a reliable guide through the diverse problems of administrative proceedings. In particular, the aim was to clarify the basic structures and systems involved in administrative procedural law for practitioners and to develop solutions from them for the various problems that arise in administrative procedural practice. In addition to incorporating changes in the Code of Administrative Court Procedure (VwGO), the Code of Civil Procedure (ZPO) and numerous ancillary laws, the book=s individual commentaries have been thoroughly revised and brought up to date.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *
Since the publication of the previous edition, the ways in which the administrative process is understood have developed further in case law and academic studies. There have also been constant changes in procedural law regulations by the legislature, although these have been more concerned with details. The purposes and aims of this commentary are to present the effects of these changes and developments on judicial and extrajudicial practice by evaluating the case law and literature, cautiously offering the authors= own solutions where agreement has not so far been reached, and to provide those involved in administrative proceedings with a reliable guide through the diverse problems of administrative proceedings. In particular, the aim was to clarify the basic structures and systems involved in administrative procedural law for practitioners and to develop solutions from them for the various problems that arise in administrative procedural practice. In addition to incorporating changes in the Code of Administrative Court Procedure (VwGO), the Code of Civil Procedure (ZPO) and numerous ancillary laws, the book=s individual commentaries have been thoroughly revised and brought up to date.
Aktualisiert: 2023-04-04
> findR *
Seit dem Erscheinen der Vorauflage hat sich das Verständnis des Verwaltungsprozesses in Rechtsprechung und Wissenschaft fortentwickelt. Hinzu kommen stetige, wenn auch mehr an Detailregelungen orientierte Änderungen der prozessrechtlichen Vorschriften durch den Gesetzgeber. Diese Änderungen und Entwicklungen in ihren Auswirkungen auf die gerichtliche und außergerichtliche Praxis in Auswertung der Rechtsprechung und Literatur darzustellen, behutsam dort eigene Lösungen anzubieten, wo bislang Übereinstimmung nicht erzielt werden konnte und den am Verwaltungsprozess Beteiligten eine zuverlässige Wegweisung durch die vielfältigen Problemstellungen des Verwaltungsprozesses zu bieten, bleibt Aufgabe und Ziel dieses Kommentars. Insbesondere dem Praktiker sollen die Grundstrukturen und Systematik des Verwaltungsprozessrechts verdeutlicht und daraus Lösungen für die vielfältigen Problemstellungen entwickelt werden, die sich in der verwaltungsprozessualen Praxis ergeben. Neben der Einarbeitung der gesetzlichen Änderungen in VwGO, ZPO und zahlreichen Nebengesetzen sind die einzelnen Kommentierungen gründlich überarbeitet und auf den neuesten Stand gebracht worden. Das Manuskript ist im April 2014 abgeschlossen worden.
Aktualisiert: 2021-08-26
> findR *
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