
Sportpsychologie von Dreiskämper,  Dennis, Elbe,  Anne-Marie, Fuchs,  Reinhard, Furley,  Phillip, Hagemann,  Norbert, Hasselhorn,  Marcus, Hegele,  Matthias, Klaperski,  Sandra, Kleinert,  Jens, Köhler,  Axel, Kunde,  Wilfried, Loffing,  Florian, Memmert,  Daniel, Munzert,  Jörn, Pels,  Fabian, Raab,  Markus, Schneider,  Silvia, Schorer,  Jörg, Sieber,  Vanda, Staufenbiel,  Kathrin, Strauss,  Bernd, Tietjens,  Maike, Werner,  Karsten, Wunsch,  Kathrin, Zentgraf,  Karen
Sports psychology is a dynamically developing discipline on the intersection between psychology and sports science. It deals with human experience and action in the complex field of sport and exercise. Areas of interest include options for ways of optimizing sports performance, on the one hand, and topics relating to sport and health as well as the sociopsychological effects of sport and exercise on the other. This textbook discusses these topics primarily in relation to the empirical and experimental foundations of the field and in the context of the current state of international research. In 12 chapters, internationally renowned authors introduce the empirical and experimental foundations for the individual topics of perception and attention, motor learning and motor expertise, emotion and motivation, embodiment and social-psychological aspects of sport, and they discuss the research methods that are central to each of these subject areas.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-07
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Sportpsychologie von Dreiskämper,  Dennis, Elbe,  Anne-Marie, Fuchs,  Reinhard, Furley,  Phillip, Hagemann,  Norbert, Hasselhorn,  Marcus, Hegele,  Matthias, Klaperski,  Sandra, Kleinert,  Jens, Köhler,  Axel, Kunde,  Wilfried, Loffing,  Florian, Memmert,  Daniel, Munzert,  Jörn, Pels,  Fabian, Raab,  Markus, Schneider,  Silvia, Schorer,  Jörg, Sieber,  Vanda, Staufenbiel,  Kathrin, Strauss,  Bernd, Tietjens,  Maike, Werner,  Karsten, Wunsch,  Kathrin, Zentgraf,  Karen
Sports psychology is a dynamically developing discipline on the intersection between psychology and sports science. It deals with human experience and action in the complex field of sport and exercise. Areas of interest include options for ways of optimizing sports performance, on the one hand, and topics relating to sport and health as well as the sociopsychological effects of sport and exercise on the other. This textbook discusses these topics primarily in relation to the empirical and experimental foundations of the field and in the context of the current state of international research. In 12 chapters, internationally renowned authors introduce the empirical and experimental foundations for the individual topics of perception and attention, motor learning and motor expertise, emotion and motivation, embodiment and social-psychological aspects of sport, and they discuss the research methods that are central to each of these subject areas.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-01
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Sportpsychologie von Dreiskämper,  Dennis, Elbe,  Anne-Marie, Fuchs,  Reinhard, Furley,  Phillip, Hagemann,  Norbert, Hasselhorn,  Marcus, Hegele,  Matthias, Klaperski,  Sandra, Kleinert,  Jens, Köhler,  Axel, Kunde,  Wilfried, Loffing,  Florian, Memmert,  Daniel, Munzert,  Jörn, Pels,  Fabian, Raab,  Markus, Schneider,  Silvia, Schorer,  Jörg, Sieber,  Vanda, Staufenbiel,  Kathrin, Strauss,  Bernd, Tietjens,  Maike, Werner,  Karsten, Wunsch,  Kathrin, Zentgraf,  Karen
Sports psychology is a dynamically developing discipline on the intersection between psychology and sports science. It deals with human experience and action in the complex field of sport and exercise. Areas of interest include options for ways of optimizing sports performance, on the one hand, and topics relating to sport and health as well as the sociopsychological effects of sport and exercise on the other. This textbook discusses these topics primarily in relation to the empirical and experimental foundations of the field and in the context of the current state of international research. In 12 chapters, internationally renowned authors introduce the empirical and experimental foundations for the individual topics of perception and attention, motor learning and motor expertise, emotion and motivation, embodiment and social-psychological aspects of sport, and they discuss the research methods that are central to each of these subject areas.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-25
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Sportpsychologie von Dreiskämper,  Dennis, Elbe,  Anne-Marie, Fuchs,  Reinhard, Furley,  Phillip, Hagemann,  Norbert, Hasselhorn,  Marcus, Hegele,  Matthias, Klaperski,  Sandra, Kleinert,  Jens, Köhler,  Axel, Kunde,  Wilfried, Loffing,  Florian, Memmert,  Daniel, Munzert,  Jörn, Pels,  Fabian, Raab,  Markus, Schneider,  Silvia, Schorer,  Jörg, Sieber,  Vanda, Staufenbiel,  Kathrin, Strauss,  Bernd, Tietjens,  Maike, Werner,  Karsten, Wunsch,  Kathrin, Zentgraf,  Karen
Sports psychology is a dynamically developing discipline on the intersection between psychology and sports science. It deals with human experience and action in the complex field of sport and exercise. Areas of interest include options for ways of optimizing sports performance, on the one hand, and topics relating to sport and health as well as the sociopsychological effects of sport and exercise on the other. This textbook discusses these topics primarily in relation to the empirical and experimental foundations of the field and in the context of the current state of international research. In 12 chapters, internationally renowned authors introduce the empirical and experimental foundations for the individual topics of perception and attention, motor learning and motor expertise, emotion and motivation, embodiment and social-psychological aspects of sport, and they discuss the research methods that are central to each of these subject areas.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-02
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Sportpsychologie von Dreiskämper,  Dennis, Elbe,  Anne-Marie, Fuchs,  Reinhard, Furley,  Phillip, Hagemann,  Norbert, Hasselhorn,  Marcus, Hegele,  Matthias, Klaperski,  Sandra, Kleinert,  Jens, Köhler,  Axel, Kunde,  Wilfried, Loffing,  Florian, Memmert,  Daniel, Munzert,  Jörn, Pels,  Fabian, Raab,  Markus, Schneider,  Silvia, Schorer,  Jörg, Sieber,  Vanda, Staufenbiel,  Kathrin, Strauss,  Bernd, Tietjens,  Maike, Werner,  Karsten, Wunsch,  Kathrin, Zentgraf,  Karen
Sports psychology is a dynamically developing discipline on the intersection between psychology and sports science. It deals with human experience and action in the complex field of sport and exercise. Areas of interest include options for ways of optimizing sports performance, on the one hand, and topics relating to sport and health as well as the sociopsychological effects of sport and exercise on the other. This textbook discusses these topics primarily in relation to the empirical and experimental foundations of the field and in the context of the current state of international research. In 12 chapters, internationally renowned authors introduce the empirical and experimental foundations for the individual topics of perception and attention, motor learning and motor expertise, emotion and motivation, embodiment and social-psychological aspects of sport, and they discuss the research methods that are central to each of these subject areas.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-02
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Sportpsychologie von Dreiskämper,  Dennis, Elbe,  Anne-Marie, Fuchs,  Reinhard, Furley,  Phillip, Hagemann,  Norbert, Hasselhorn,  Marcus, Hegele,  Matthias, Klaperski,  Sandra, Kleinert,  Jens, Köhler,  Axel, Kunde,  Wilfried, Loffing,  Florian, Memmert,  Daniel, Munzert,  Jörn, Pels,  Fabian, Raab,  Markus, Schneider,  Silvia, Schorer,  Jörg, Sieber,  Vanda, Staufenbiel,  Kathrin, Strauss,  Bernd, Tietjens,  Maike, Werner,  Karsten, Wunsch,  Kathrin, Zentgraf,  Karen
Sports psychology is a dynamically developing discipline on the intersection between psychology and sports science. It deals with human experience and action in the complex field of sport and exercise. Areas of interest include options for ways of optimizing sports performance, on the one hand, and topics relating to sport and health as well as the sociopsychological effects of sport and exercise on the other. This textbook discusses these topics primarily in relation to the empirical and experimental foundations of the field and in the context of the current state of international research. In 12 chapters, internationally renowned authors introduce the empirical and experimental foundations for the individual topics of perception and attention, motor learning and motor expertise, emotion and motivation, embodiment and social-psychological aspects of sport, and they discuss the research methods that are central to each of these subject areas.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-02
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Sportpsychologie von Dreiskämper,  Dennis, Elbe,  Anne-Marie, Fuchs,  Reinhard, Furley,  Phillip, Hagemann,  Norbert, Hasselhorn,  Marcus, Hegele,  Matthias, Klaperski,  Sandra, Kleinert,  Jens, Köhler,  Axel, Kunde,  Wilfried, Loffing,  Florian, Memmert,  Daniel, Munzert,  Jörn, Pels,  Fabian, Raab,  Markus, Schneider,  Silvia, Schorer,  Jörg, Sieber,  Vanda, Staufenbiel,  Kathrin, Strauss,  Bernd, Tietjens,  Maike, Werner,  Karsten, Wunsch,  Kathrin, Zentgraf,  Karen
Sports psychology is a dynamically developing discipline on the intersection between psychology and sports science. It deals with human experience and action in the complex field of sport and exercise. Areas of interest include options for ways of optimizing sports performance, on the one hand, and topics relating to sport and health as well as the sociopsychological effects of sport and exercise on the other. This textbook discusses these topics primarily in relation to the empirical and experimental foundations of the field and in the context of the current state of international research. In 12 chapters, internationally renowned authors introduce the empirical and experimental foundations for the individual topics of perception and attention, motor learning and motor expertise, emotion and motivation, embodiment and social-psychological aspects of sport, and they discuss the research methods that are central to each of these subject areas.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-02
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