Acta conciliorum oecumenicorum. Series Secunda. Concilium Universale Nicaenum Secundum / Concilii Actiones VI-VII
Tarasii et synodi epistulae. Epiphanii sermo laudatorius. Canones. Tarasii epistulae post synodum scriptae. Appendix Graeca
Erich Lamberz
The 3rd volume of the series on the 7th Ecumenical Council of 787, devoted to the issue of the veneration of icons, completes the authoritative series on the ecumenical councils, the Acta conciliorum oecumenicorum. Critically edited for the first time, the texts of the ACO form the basis for theological, historical, and philological research on late antiquity and the Middle Ages. They are an essential component of every research library.