Basics of Management Accounting and Asian Perspectives von Berkau,  Carsten, Darun,  Mohd Ridzuan

Basics of Management Accounting and Asian Perspectives

This text book is an introduction to Management Accounting that has been prepared for Malaysian/Asian students. It meets all syllabus requirements for students in Industrial Management who study Management Accounting for the bachelor’s and master’s degree.

The text book starts with a detailed case study about a production firm showing the differences between Financial Accounting (IFRSs) and Management Accounting. Basics of Management Accounting and Asian Perspectives contains 2 major parts (1) Accounting for General Management, such as business plan, flexible udgeting, CVP analysis, degree of operating leverage, mergers and acquisition, risk management and (2) Cost Accounting, such as cost accounting systems and the cost flow therein, cost allocation methods, monitoring, reporting and manufacturing accounting as well as fixed cost management and ABC-costing.

The text book is case study-based and teaches how Accounting is done. All calculation steps are accurately explained and illustrated by exhibits. Chapters about real companies show how Accounting methods are applied in Asia. You can find further explanations and numerous exam tasks online.

The text book is the result of an Universiti Malaysia Phang (UMP) cooperation.

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