Kommentar mit Umweltrechtsbehelfsgesetz und Bundesartenschutzverordnung
Thomas Bunge, Detlef Czybulka, Peter Fischer-Hüftle, Dietrich Kratsch, Anke Schumacher, Jochen Schumacher
This third edition of what has become a standard commentary brings the commentary on Germany=s Federal Nature Conservation Act (BnatSchG) up to date. The changes in the law that have occurred in the meantime and the case law that has been handed down since the previous edition have been included. As before, the focus is on practical relevance. Special attention is given to the requirements of European law, which are presented in detail together with case law from the ECJ. Species protection law, including the Federal Ordinance on the Protection of Species (BArtSchV), is explained in tried and tested fashion by Dr. Kratsch, while Prof. Czybulka continues to provide expert guidance on marine nature conservation law. Since legal protection issues are now largely regulated outside the BNatSchG, the team of authors has been expanded to include a proven expert on the subject: Prof. Bunge provides a complete commentary on the Environmental Legal Remedies Act. The interdisciplinary character of the work has been maintained, with qualified biologist Anke Schumacher continuing to deal with the technical aspects of the legislation.