Das EBQ-Instrument und seine entwicklungspsychologischen Grundlagen von Calvet,  Claudine, Reimer,  Silke, Schumacher,  Karin

Das EBQ-Instrument und seine entwicklungspsychologischen Grundlagen

Which of our innate skills and which of our experiences are necessary to develop proper relationships with our fellow human beings? This question is important not only in music therapy with children with major developmental disorders, but also in most any therapy conducted with children or adults who suffer from relationship disturbances or autism. The EBQ test was developed to assess the quality of relationships based on knowledge won in research on babies and their attachments as well as from brain research.This instrument comprises three scales that capture the somatic-emotional, the vocal-prelinquistic and the instrumental ways in which patients express themselves. A fourth scale focusses on the therapist´s method of intervention and shows whether an over- or understimulation is hindering the progress of the therapy.This book is relevant to all professional groups that treat interpersonal disorders, particularly in noncommunicative patients. The added DVD provides an introduction to the scales of the EBQ as well as film sequences from the practice of music therapy with profoundly disturbed children.

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