Rom, Germanien und die Chatten
Armin Becker, Stephan Berke, Holger Th Graef, Peter Kehne, Florian Krüpe, Ulrich Niggemann, Patrick Reinard, Kai Ruffing, Rüdiger Splitter, Roland Steinacher
The year 2019 was the 2000th anniversary of the death of Germanicus. The charismatic prince is best known to the wider public through his military campaigns in Germania. This volume emerged from an interdisciplinary lecture series on ?2000 Years of Germanicus= held at the University of Kassel and brings together essays from various disciplines in classical studies. The focus is on Roman&Germanic conflicts, Rome=s power on the periphery of the Empire, and the history and reception of the Chatti, an ancient Germanic tribe. The book is intended for academics as well as interested laypersons.