Open Educational Resources (OER) an berufsbildenden Schulen in Deutschland
Ergebnisse einer bundesweiten Onlineumfrage
Susanne Grimm, Bodo Rödel
The idea of making your own knowledge
available to the public is becoming more and
more popular. But how high is the willingness,
to share teaching and learning material
as Open Educational Resources (OER)? To
this end, the Federal Institution for Vocational
Education and Training conducted an online
survey at vocational schools at the end
of 2019. The results show, that the exchange
of educational material is practiced activley
among colleagues. However, for a large majority
of the teachers surveyed, who create
material themselves, the willingness or possibility
to make them available to a wider
group of users ends there. Those who are familiar
with the term OER are however generally
positiv about it.