Operationalisierung von Ersetzungspotentialen in Erwerbstätigkeiten durch Technologie
Anna Lewalder, Felix Lukowski, Michael Tiemann
Many studies analyze substitution potentials
of occupations as the amount of their tasks,
which machines can possibly carry out in the
future. In the following, we discuss to what
extent these substitution potentials might
actually materialize along the interpretation
of a plethora of indexes. We, first, combine
two indexes about task content from the employer
and employee perspective to assess
substitution potentials. Second, we construct
four different indexes about the state of digitalization
of industrial sectors and use them
to discuss actual exploitation of substitution
potentials. Our findings suggest that relatively
large decreases in labor demand are possible
in the chemical and pharmaceutical sector
as well as traffic, warehousing, and postal
services. For these sectors, we find both comparably
high substitution potentials and exploitation.