Qualitätsoffensive Lehrer:innenbildung: Einflussfaktoren und Gelingensbedingungen
Ergebnisse aus Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
Yvonne Blumenthal, Stephanie Dahn, Jasmin Föllmer, Eileen Hage, Helen Hammerich, Frances Hoferichter, Tom Kempke, Oliver Krämer, Luise Leist, Kathrin Mahlau, Wenke Mückel, Emanuel Nestler, Christoph Perleth, Maximilian Piotraschke, Diana Raufelder, Carolin Retzlaff-Fürst, Daniel Rühlow, Marit Schwede-Anders, Sabine Schweder, Olga Steinberg, Tino Wulff, Lena Wuntke
Which factors favour successful teacher education? The volume presents interdisciplinary projects with the aim of further developing the quality of teacher education in two central fields of action: in the area of improving the quality of practical relevance and in the orientation of teacher education towards the requirements of heterogeneity and inclusion. Conditions for success are derived from the empirical project results and presented in accordance with Urie Bronfenbrenner’s ecosystemic approach. The focus is particularly on the transferability and sustainability of the tested measures and best practice examples in order to enable implementation in other contexts.