The Legacy of the Atlanteans von Ullrich,  Michael

The Legacy of the Atlanteans

An Exploration of the Atlantis Mystery

Experts worldwide have constantly wondered which advanced ice-age civilization was the source of ancient artifacts from 12,000 years ago. Few scientists dare to point to the „advanced Atlantean civilization,” as I call it, even though there is no other choice! This exploration of the Atlantis mystery pieces together knowledge from the most varied disciplines to form a coherent overall picture. The „gods“ worshipped by the Egyptians and natives of the Americas were Atlanteans who traversed the oceans, founded colonies, and planned or left behind world-famous structures before their homeland sank beneath the ocean in one night. The Atlanteans perceived in time that their civilization would be destroyed, so they deliberately left us distinct clues intended for later cultures. Now you can explore the details of this obscure culture, whose clear existence has previously defied scientific study.

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