Tschechische Republik von Kruse,  Bernd M

Tschechische Republik

The entry of the Czech Republic into the European Union is currently being negotiated. Its mineral resources will change the market conditions in the EU, providing new alternatives for mineral resources supply. The study presented here reviews the mineral resources of the Czech Republic and the structure and development of the mineral resources market of the country since Slovakia and the Czech Republic separated and a market economy was introduced. The data on the mineral resources, mine production, and mineral imports and exports was taken from the Mineral Commodity Summaries of the Czech Republic, published annually in English by Geofund of the Czech Ministry of the Environment since 1994. For comparison, please refer to BGR Mineral Economic Study XIV: Eastward Extension of the European Union (1999), which presents a comparative inventory of mineral mineral resourcesy of ten Central and East European countries, planning to join the European Union.

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