Untersuchungen und Gestaltungshinweise für adaptive multifunktionale Stellteile mit aktiver haptischer Rückmeldung
Thomas Hampel
The number of operable functions of a product is associated with the number of operating
elements and displays. If there are too many elements and displays, the user
friendliness is affected because of the increased complexity of this kind of human machine
interface. To reduce this complexity, the substitution of many single operating
elements by one adaptive multifunctional operating element is a possible solution of this
problem. An adaptive multifunctional operating element is defined as an element for the
operation of several functions. Because of its active components and the haptical feedback
resulting from these components, an adaptive multifunctional operating element
can be adapted to the situation, the user or the task. Therefore, with such an operating
element, it is not only possible to haptically transmit information, which, up to now, are
displayed visually but also to reduce operating errors .