Zwischen Ekklesiologie und Administration
Modelle territorialer Kirchenleitung und Religionsverwaltung im Jahrhundert der europäischen Reformationen
Sabine Arend, Martin Armgart, Regina Baar-Cantoni, Irene Dingel, Axel Gotthard, Karl Härter, Jens E. Olesen, Georg Plasger, Maciej Ptaszynski, Elisabeth Rosenfeld, Klaus Unterburger, Johannes Wischmeyer
The volume presents new and interdisciplinary research on a core issue of European religious and political history: the development of centralised institutions of church government in the Early Modern territorial states. Using approaches from the intellectual history of theology to archive-based structural history, the contributionsshed light on a wide range of phenomena. Phenomena from all three major Christian confessions as well as territories from Scandinavia to Transsilvania are focused in ten essays and two concluding comments.