The diffusion of Egyptian type objects throughout the Mediterranean is a chief research topic of the author. In this volume, preceded by summarising presentations of Aegyptiaca from Archaic Italy, Phoenician-Punic Sardinia, and from the Maltese islands, there are presented for the main part the up to now unpublished amulets and scarabs from Al Mina situated at the mouth of the river Orontes (today in Turkey). Extensive comments with comparative material from Egypt and the whole Mediterranean along with the photographic documentation partly in colour elucidate the single pieces. These come from the excavations undertaken by Sir Leonard Woolley during the years 1936 and 1937 and were brought mostly to Antakya, but also to the Ashmolean Museum at Oxford and to the British Museum, London. The scarabs from Tarsus reconsidered (excavations Hetty Goldman, 1934–38) as well as scattered finds of scarabs made accessible to the writer in the museums of Adana and Gaziantep are added to the catalogue. These should serve for a better understanding of the cultural and commercial interconnections mediated by the Aegyptiaca. The author’s special objective is also to demonstrate the cultural position of the Egyptian type objects presented in the catalogue within the wider territory around the Gulf of Iskenderun during the Neo-Hittite and Neo-Assyrian Periods. For this purpose could be used the finds from the Tells of the Amuq-Plain (in the hinterland of Al Mina), brought to light by the American missions of the thirties of the last century, not yet published but studied by the writer.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-12
> findR *
The diffusion of Egyptian type objects throughout the Mediterranean is a chief research topic of the author. In this volume, preceded by summarising presentations of Aegyptiaca from Archaic Italy, Phoenician-Punic Sardinia, and from the Maltese islands, there are presented for the main part the up to now unpublished amulets and scarabs from Al Mina situated at the mouth of the river Orontes (today in Turkey). Extensive comments with comparative material from Egypt and the whole Mediterranean along with the photographic documentation partly in colour elucidate the single pieces. These come from the excavations undertaken by Sir Leonard Woolley during the years 1936 and 1937 and were brought mostly to Antakya, but also to the Ashmolean Museum at Oxford and to the British Museum, London. The scarabs from Tarsus reconsidered (excavations Hetty Goldman, 1934–38) as well as scattered finds of scarabs made accessible to the writer in the museums of Adana and Gaziantep are added to the catalogue. These should serve for a better understanding of the cultural and commercial interconnections mediated by the Aegyptiaca. The author’s special objective is also to demonstrate the cultural position of the Egyptian type objects presented in the catalogue within the wider territory around the Gulf of Iskenderun during the Neo-Hittite and Neo-Assyrian Periods. For this purpose could be used the finds from the Tells of the Amuq-Plain (in the hinterland of Al Mina), brought to light by the American missions of the thirties of the last century, not yet published but studied by the writer.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-12
> findR *
The diffusion of Egyptian type objects throughout the Mediterranean is a chief research topic of the author. In this volume, preceded by summarising presentations of Aegyptiaca from Archaic Italy, Phoenician-Punic Sardinia, and from the Maltese islands, there are presented for the main part the up to now unpublished amulets and scarabs from Al Mina situated at the mouth of the river Orontes (today in Turkey). Extensive comments with comparative material from Egypt and the whole Mediterranean along with the photographic documentation partly in colour elucidate the single pieces. These come from the excavations undertaken by Sir Leonard Woolley during the years 1936 and 1937 and were brought mostly to Antakya, but also to the Ashmolean Museum at Oxford and to the British Museum, London. The scarabs from Tarsus reconsidered (excavations Hetty Goldman, 1934–38) as well as scattered finds of scarabs made accessible to the writer in the museums of Adana and Gaziantep are added to the catalogue. These should serve for a better understanding of the cultural and commercial interconnections mediated by the Aegyptiaca. The author’s special objective is also to demonstrate the cultural position of the Egyptian type objects presented in the catalogue within the wider territory around the Gulf of Iskenderun during the Neo-Hittite and Neo-Assyrian Periods. For this purpose could be used the finds from the Tells of the Amuq-Plain (in the hinterland of Al Mina), brought to light by the American missions of the thirties of the last century, not yet published but studied by the writer.
Aktualisiert: 2023-02-23
> findR *
The diffusion of Egyptian type objects throughout the Mediterranean is a chief research topic of the author. In this volume, preceded by summarising presentations of Aegyptiaca from Archaic Italy, Phoenician-Punic Sardinia, and from the Maltese islands, there are presented for the main part the up to now unpublished amulets and scarabs from Al Mina situated at the mouth of the river Orontes (today in Turkey). Extensive comments with comparative material from Egypt and the whole Mediterranean along with the photographic documentation partly in colour elucidate the single pieces. These come from the excavations undertaken by Sir Leonard Woolley during the years 1936 and 1937 and were brought mostly to Antakya, but also to the Ashmolean Museum at Oxford and to the British Museum, London. The scarabs from Tarsus reconsidered (excavations Hetty Goldman, 1934–38) as well as scattered finds of scarabs made accessible to the writer in the museums of Adana and Gaziantep are added to the catalogue. These should serve for a better understanding of the cultural and commercial interconnections mediated by the Aegyptiaca. The author’s special objective is also to demonstrate the cultural position of the Egyptian type objects presented in the catalogue within the wider territory around the Gulf of Iskenderun during the Neo-Hittite and Neo-Assyrian Periods. For this purpose could be used the finds from the Tells of the Amuq-Plain (in the hinterland of Al Mina), brought to light by the American missions of the thirties of the last century, not yet published but studied by the writer.
Aktualisiert: 2023-02-23
> findR *
Ponte fra le culture, Schriften des Knauf-Museums Iphofen, Bd. 4., Hardcover, 80 Seiten, mit zahlr. Farbabb.
Die Hauptdarsteller dieses barocken Hieroglyphischen Theaters sind Osiris, Isis und Horus, die klassischen Gottheiten Ägyptens. Sie treten auf als dunkle geheimnisvolle Gestalten, und ihre Farbe ist demzufolge auch schwarz, zur deutlichen Unterscheidung von den hellen, weißen Götterfiguren Griechenlands und Roms. Dieser farbliche Kontrast symbolisiert den Gegensatz zwischen Lichtsphäre und Unterwelt, Bewusstem und Unbewußtem, zwischen Leben und Tod. Diese in der mythologischen Tradition des Humanismus und der Kunst der Renaissance stehenden Wiedergeburt der antiken Götter ist charakteristisch für die Ägyptenrezeption des Barock. Die ägyptisierenden Bildwerke aus dem Königlichen Antiquarium der Münchner Residenz und dem Pantheon in Wörlitz (Sachsen-Anhalt) stellen die beiden einzigen bisher bekannten Götterensembles dieser Art aus der Barockzeit dar. Es handelt sich dabei ausschließlich um an antiquarischen Vorlagen orientierte Neuschöpfungen im ägyptischen Stil aus der 2. Hälfte des 18. Jahrhunderts, um so die las Mysterien empfundene altägyptische Kultur zu repräsentieren. Der geistesgeschichtliche Hintergrund ist die fürstliche Sammlertätigkeit im späten 18. Jahrhundert, und die "Enträtselung" dieser Aegyptiaca gibt somit nicht nur Einblick in die kunsthistorische Dimension, sondern vor allem auch in den ideengeschichtlichen Prozess der bereits im Mittelalter in Europa einsetzenden Ägyptomanie. Dabei stehen die "hieroglyphen-kundlichen" Münchner Götterstatuen stellvertretend für die allgemeine Ägyptophilie des Barock, die ägyptisierenden Wörlitzer Bildwerke dagegen speziell für die Ägyptenromantik der Goethezeit. Begleitband zur gleichnamigen Ausstellung im Knauf-Museum Iphofen.
Aktualisiert: 2019-12-18
> findR *
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Der vorliegende Bestandskatalog präsentiert die Aegyptiaca und Papyri der Sammlung des Berliner Pfarrers Julius Kurth (1870–1949). Diese gelangte 1950 zunächst als Leihgabe an das Archäologische Museum der Martin-Luther-Universität, dem sie dann 1993 von den Erben als Schenkung übereignet wurde. Kurth hat seine Sammlungen selbst wissenschaftlich bearbeitet und seine handschriftlichen Kataloge mit Aquarellen illustriert. Ausgehend von einem Seminar sind die Aegyptiaca von Ägyptologen und Studenten der Universität Leipzig neu bearbeitet worden, die Papyri wurden durch das Papyrusprojekt Halle–Jena–Leipzig erfasst. Im Katalog sind alle vorhandenen Objekte durch aktuelle Abbildungen dokumentiert, gleichzeitig werden aber auch die großartigen Aquarelle Kurths reproduziert und damit auch die verschollenen Objekte vorgelegt.
Dr. Julius Kurth war ein äußerst vielseitiger Gelehrter und Sammler, dem Katalog vorangestellt ist eine biografische Skizze dieser bemerkenswerten Persönlichkeit.
Aktualisiert: 2020-03-17
> findR *
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