Im Christentum ethisch begründete Lebensmuster.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-28
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Im Christentum ethisch begründete Lebensmuster.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-28
> findR *
Im Christentum ethisch begründete Lebensmuster.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-28
> findR *
This dissertation on the philosophy of Plotinus has the relationship between the beautiful and the good as its central theme. Plato of course already drew attention to the moral value of the beautiful: Beauty awakens man’s Eros, which leads us – over more and more lofty forms of beauty – to the Good. Plotinus makes the connection between the beautiful and the good even more clear to us and made it one of the cornerstones of his philosophy.In this book the current debates on Plotinian ethics are being joined and new results are being examined for their relevance for the moral status of the artistic domain. The plausibility and strength of the Plotinian analysis of the aesthetic experience are being shown and the nature of art and the artist scrutinized. After the moral value of beauty and the arts have been thoroughly discussed, the focus will lay on the question, whether within the Plotinic philosophy beauty can be ascribed to the Good.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-28
> findR *
This dissertation on the philosophy of Plotinus has the relationship between the beautiful and the good as its central theme. Plato of course already drew attention to the moral value of the beautiful: Beauty awakens man’s Eros, which leads us – over more and more lofty forms of beauty – to the Good. Plotinus makes the connection between the beautiful and the good even more clear to us and made it one of the cornerstones of his philosophy.In this book the current debates on Plotinian ethics are being joined and new results are being examined for their relevance for the moral status of the artistic domain. The plausibility and strength of the Plotinian analysis of the aesthetic experience are being shown and the nature of art and the artist scrutinized. After the moral value of beauty and the arts have been thoroughly discussed, the focus will lay on the question, whether within the Plotinic philosophy beauty can be ascribed to the Good.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-28
> findR *
This dissertation on the philosophy of Plotinus has the relationship between the beautiful and the good as its central theme. Plato of course already drew attention to the moral value of the beautiful: Beauty awakens man’s Eros, which leads us – over more and more lofty forms of beauty – to the Good. Plotinus makes the connection between the beautiful and the good even more clear to us and made it one of the cornerstones of his philosophy.In this book the current debates on Plotinian ethics are being joined and new results are being examined for their relevance for the moral status of the artistic domain. The plausibility and strength of the Plotinian analysis of the aesthetic experience are being shown and the nature of art and the artist scrutinized. After the moral value of beauty and the arts have been thoroughly discussed, the focus will lay on the question, whether within the Plotinic philosophy beauty can be ascribed to the Good.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-28
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Im Christentum ethisch begründete Lebensmuster.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-28
> findR *
Wie ein roter Faden führt das Thema ›Schönheit‹ durch die plotinische Philosophie. Speziell die Beziehung zwischen dem Schönen und dem Guten in seinen Schriften nimmt dieses Buch in den Blick. Bereits Platon hat auf die ethische Bedeutung des Ästhetischen hingewiesen: Die Schönheit erweckt unseren Eros, der uns – über stets erhabenere Arten der Schönheit – zum Guten führt. Plotin macht diese Beziehung noch einsichtiger und erhebt sie zu einem der Pfeiler seiner Philosophie. Die Autorin geht auf die aktuellen Debatten in der plotinischen Ethik ein und prüft neue Ergebnisse auf ihre Relevanz für den ethischen Status des künstlerischen Bereichs. Die Plausibilität und Kraft, die die plotinische Analyse der ästhetischen Erfahrung ausmacht, und das Wesen der Kunst und des Künstlers werden deutlich. Schließlich wird untersucht, inwiefern innerhalb der plotinischen Philosophie dem Guten Schönheit zugeschrieben werden kann.
Aktualisiert: 2019-04-23
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Im Christentum ethisch begründete Lebensmuster.
Aktualisiert: 2023-04-28
> findR *
Übersetzung, Kommentar und Analyse der Weisheitslehre Ptahhoteps.
Aktualisiert: 2019-05-02
> findR *
This dissertation on the philosophy of Plotinus has the relationship between the beautiful and the good as its central theme. Plato of course already drew attention to the moral value of the beautiful: Beauty awakens man’s Eros, which leads us – over more and more lofty forms of beauty – to the Good. Plotinus makes the connection between the beautiful and the good even more clear to us and made it one of the cornerstones of his philosophy.In this book the current debates on Plotinian ethics are being joined and new results are being examined for their relevance for the moral status of the artistic domain. The plausibility and strength of the Plotinian analysis of the aesthetic experience are being shown and the nature of art and the artist scrutinized. After the moral value of beauty and the arts have been thoroughly discussed, the focus will lay on the question, whether within the Plotinic philosophy beauty can be ascribed to the Good.
Aktualisiert: 2023-04-28
> findR *
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