The Non-Participation of Parties and Default Proceedings in Swiss International Commercial Arbitration

The Non-Participation of Parties and Default Proceedings in Swiss International Commercial Arbitration von Weinöhrl-Brüggemann,  Romana
Arbitration is a consensual means of dispute resolution. What does this mean for proceedings in which a party defaults? Many arbitration laws, including Swiss international lex arbitri, do not provide answers to the many questions that can arise in this context. This study is a comprehensive analysis of the various issues resulting from the default of a party in international commercial arbitration proceedings, studying aspects such as the implications on the proceedings, the consequences of default in particular steps of the proceedings, and the possibilities of recourse against or the methods of preventing the recognition and enforcement of awards rendered in default proceedings. For each aspect, the author first examines solutions found in various arbitration laws, before drawing conclusions for Swiss international arbitrations.
Aktualisiert: 2023-02-16
> findR *

International Arbitration (PrintPlu§)

International Arbitration (PrintPlu§) von Girsberger,  Daniel, Voser,  Nathalie
A great many new developments needed to be considered for the fourth edition of this popular book on international arbitration. To name only a few: o The recent revision of Chapter 12 of the Swiss PILA (in force as of 1st January 2021), and in the drafting of which both authors have been actively involved. o The revision of the legal framework of the Court of Arbitration for Sports in Lausanne o The inclusion of approximately 100 new decisions of the Federal Supreme Court and of some foreign courts, many of them sending important messages to the arbitration community o The most recent revisions of the numerous institutional rules covered by this book, such as of the ICC, LCIA, DIS, SCC, SIAC, HKIA, and VIAC, and of the IBA Evidence Rules. A must-have for everyone concerned with arbitration in Switzerland. Authors: Prof. Dr. iur. Daniel Girsberger, LL.M., Rechtsanwalt Prof. Dr. iur. Natalie Voser, LL.M., Rechtsanwältin
Aktualisiert: 2021-03-24
> findR *

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