Sustainable clean water

Sustainable clean water von Furtado,  J I, Lim,  L H, Lim,  R P, Viner,  A B
The critical nature of clean water supplies in many parts of the world, and particularly in the least industrialised areas, has long been a matter of worldwide concern. It has been acknowledged that much of the health and economic problems of such countries could be attributed to poor water resources, and encouragement has been given to improving this state of affairs. One of the rasons that the Workshop on Limnology and Water Resources in the Developing Countries of Asia and the Pacific was arranged was to review those countries current technical position. It was apparent at the Workshop that there is no single policy which can be of general use to sustaining clean water in such a wide region, but different conditions must lead to different approaches. Local technical skills, as distinct from imported opinions, are crucial to develop appropriately separate lines, and the following pages illustrate the extent to which they exist at present. It is left to the reader to decide which parts can be selected as an aid to his particular needs. The proceedings also showed that there is much to learn from relevant experience in the industrially developed parts of the world, which is evidently often missed in the normal conduction of experimental work on water resources in Asia. The presentation here of contributions from a very wide variety of origins makes some remedy for this, but clearly a more efficient flow of up-to-date information is something exposed as a need. The value of coordinated policies and accentuation of multi-purpose water usage, which reduces the dependence upon sophisticated and expensive technology was perceived by many contributors. The transferring of such approaches to public opinion and hence to government can be as an avenue of future effort.
Aktualisiert: 2022-04-20
> findR *

Mineral resources‘ extraction, environmental protection and land-use planning in the industrial and developing countries

Mineral resources‘ extraction, environmental protection and land-use planning in the industrial and developing countries von Arndt,  Peter, Lüttig,  Gerd W
In the last few decades access to the natural resources has taken on alarming proportions due to the increase in the world population and the consumption of natural resources. Although many who made prognoses and spoke about the exhaustibility of these natural resources were fortunately wrong, a number of shortages do show that we have to handle these natural goods carefully. The concern about the future of mankind has brought together scientists involved with investigating, increasing and releasing the natural environment's potential and representatives of environmental protection who often complain about the ruthless impact on natural landscapes, biological communities and the space available for human beings. The dialogue with those responsible for land-use planning has begun. Every level of continuing and intensifying this must be taken advantage of. Since nations characterized by their industrialization and those still developing have moved closer together economically and ethnologically, it is evident that it is necessary in all parts of this world to search for ways of eliminating conflicts between resource extraction and the utilization of soil, water and the biosphere on one hand and environmental protection on the other. In solving conflicts, the maps that translate geoscientific and other findings into recommendations regional planners can understand have proven useful. In this volume the problems to be discussed are presented; the contributions introduce general and then specific problems before the representatives of the industrial nations and then those of the developing countries express themselves. At the end, an attempt is made to arrive at conclusions for the three professional fields represented.
Aktualisiert: 2022-04-20
> findR *

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