„Tell el-Dabʿa XXII“ ist die abschließende und umfassende Publikation der Ergebnisse einer Grabung des Österreichischen Archäologischen Instituts, Zweigstelle Kairo, im Areal von Ezbet Ruschdi, nordöstlich von Tell el-Dabʿa (Areal R/I). Bereits in den 1950er Jahren hat eine Grabung der ägyptischen Antikenverwaltung an dieser Stelle die Ruinen eines monumentalen Ziegeltempels der 12. Dynastie nebst umgebender Wohnbebauung freigelegt. Die österreichische Grabung des Jahres 1996 unter der Leitung von Manfred Bietak sollte den damaligen Befund neu untersuchen und in Details klären. Daraus entwickelte sich eine größere archäologische Unternehmung in zwei Kampagnen, die zahlreiche neue Befunde und reichlich Fundmaterial erbrachte. Das Tempelgebäude wurde neu untersucht und aufgenommen; es wird gezeigt, dass die Gründung nicht vor der Mitte der 12. Dynastie (wahrscheinlich im fünften Jahr Sesostris III.) erfolgt ist. Eine darunter gelegene ältere Siedlung aus der ersten Hälfte der 12. Dynastie wurde neu entdeckt.
Die Darstellung des Baubefundes des Tempels und der Häuser der Siedlung sowie die Vorstellung und Auswertung des reichen Fundgutes (Keramik, Silices, Statuenfragmente etc.) stehen im Mittelpunkt der vorliegenden Studie in 2 Bänden (Teil 1: Text; Teil 2: Abbildungen, Tafeln, Pläne, Profile, Schnitte).
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-26
> findR *
„Tell el-Dabʿa XXII“ ist die abschließende und umfassende Publikation der Ergebnisse einer Grabung des Österreichischen Archäologischen Instituts, Zweigstelle Kairo, im Areal von Ezbet Ruschdi, nordöstlich von Tell el-Dabʿa (Areal R/I). Bereits in den 1950er Jahren hat eine Grabung der ägyptischen Antikenverwaltung an dieser Stelle die Ruinen eines monumentalen Ziegeltempels der 12. Dynastie nebst umgebender Wohnbebauung freigelegt. Die österreichische Grabung des Jahres 1996 unter der Leitung von Manfred Bietak sollte den damaligen Befund neu untersuchen und in Details klären. Daraus entwickelte sich eine größere archäologische Unternehmung in zwei Kampagnen, die zahlreiche neue Befunde und reichlich Fundmaterial erbrachte. Das Tempelgebäude wurde neu untersucht und aufgenommen; es wird gezeigt, dass die Gründung nicht vor der Mitte der 12. Dynastie (wahrscheinlich im fünften Jahr Sesostris III.) erfolgt ist. Eine darunter gelegene ältere Siedlung aus der ersten Hälfte der 12. Dynastie wurde neu entdeckt.
Die Darstellung des Baubefundes des Tempels und der Häuser der Siedlung sowie die Vorstellung und Auswertung des reichen Fundgutes (Keramik, Silices, Statuenfragmente etc.) stehen im Mittelpunkt der vorliegenden Studie in 2 Bänden (Teil 1: Text; Teil 2: Abbildungen, Tafeln, Pläne, Profile, Schnitte).
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-06
> findR *
Tell el-Dab'a XXII is the comprehensive final publication of the results of an excavation by the Cairo branch of the Austrian Archaeological Institute in the area of Ezbet Rushdi, northeast of Tell el-Dab'a (area R/I). A first excavation at that site in the 1950s by the Egyptian Antiquities Organisation had revealed the existence of a large mud brick temple plus surrounding settlement structures of 12th dynasty date. The Austrian archaeological work in 1996 under the directorship of Manfred Bietak had the initial scope to re-examine the previous results and to clarify some details. However, it developed into a more substantial excavation held in two campaigns, which yielded many new results and finds. The temple building was re-studied; it could be established that it was founded not earlier than the middle-12th dynasty (probably in the fifth year of Sesostris III). A previous settlement stretching under the temple was newly discovered.
The focal point of the present publication in two volumes (Part 1: text; Part 2: illustrations, plates, profiles) is the presentation of the architecture of both the temple and the houses of the settlement, as well as the presentation and study of the many findings (ceramics, flints, statue-fragments, etc.).
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-12
> findR *
Tell el-Dab'a XXII is the comprehensive final publication of the results of an excavation by the Cairo branch of the Austrian Archaeological Institute in the area of Ezbet Rushdi, northeast of Tell el-Dab'a (area R/I). A first excavation at that site in the 1950s by the Egyptian Antiquities Organisation had revealed the existence of a large mud brick temple plus surrounding settlement structures of 12th dynasty date. The Austrian archaeological work in 1996 under the directorship of Manfred Bietak had the initial scope to re-examine the previous results and to clarify some details. However, it developed into a more substantial excavation held in two campaigns, which yielded many new results and finds. The temple building was re-studied; it could be established that it was founded not earlier than the middle-12th dynasty (probably in the fifth year of Sesostris III). A previous settlement stretching under the temple was newly discovered.
The focal point of the present publication in two volumes (Part 1: text; Part 2: illustrations, plates, profiles) is the presentation of the architecture of both the temple and the houses of the settlement, as well as the presentation and study of the many findings (ceramics, flints, statue-fragments, etc.).
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-12
> findR *
Tell el-Dab'a XXII is the comprehensive final publication of the results of an excavation by the Cairo branch of the Austrian Archaeological Institute in the area of Ezbet Rushdi, northeast of Tell el-Dab'a (area R/I). A first excavation at that site in the 1950s by the Egyptian Antiquities Organisation had revealed the existence of a large mud brick temple plus surrounding settlement structures of 12th dynasty date. The Austrian archaeological work in 1996 under the directorship of Manfred Bietak had the initial scope to re-examine the previous results and to clarify some details. However, it developed into a more substantial excavation held in two campaigns, which yielded many new results and finds. The temple building was re-studied; it could be established that it was founded not earlier than the middle-12th dynasty (probably in the fifth year of Sesostris III). A previous settlement stretching under the temple was newly discovered.
The focal point of the present publication in two volumes (Part 1: text; Part 2: illustrations, plates, profiles) is the presentation of the architecture of both the temple and the houses of the settlement, as well as the presentation and study of the many findings (ceramics, flints, statue-fragments, etc.).
Aktualisiert: 2023-02-23
> findR *
Tell el-Dab'a XXII is the comprehensive final publication of the results of an excavation by the Cairo branch of the Austrian Archaeological Institute in the area of Ezbet Rushdi, northeast of Tell el-Dab'a (area R/I). A first excavation at that site in the 1950s by the Egyptian Antiquities Organisation had revealed the existence of a large mud brick temple plus surrounding settlement structures of 12th dynasty date. The Austrian archaeological work in 1996 under the directorship of Manfred Bietak had the initial scope to re-examine the previous results and to clarify some details. However, it developed into a more substantial excavation held in two campaigns, which yielded many new results and finds. The temple building was re-studied; it could be established that it was founded not earlier than the middle-12th dynasty (probably in the fifth year of Sesostris III). A previous settlement stretching under the temple was newly discovered.
The focal point of the present publication in two volumes (Part 1: text; Part 2: illustrations, plates, profiles) is the presentation of the architecture of both the temple and the houses of the settlement, as well as the presentation and study of the many findings (ceramics, flints, statue-fragments, etc.).
Aktualisiert: 2023-02-23
> findR *
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