Finnisch-Ugrische Mitteilungen Band 45

Finnisch-Ugrische Mitteilungen Band 45 von Hasselblatt,  Cornelius, Wagner-Nagy,  Beata
Abstracts Originalia: Elizaveta Kotorova (Zielona Góra / Tomsk) – Andrey Nefedov (Hamburg): Besonderheiten des Kommunikationsverhaltens der indigenen sibirischen Völker (am Beispiel des Ketischen) The peculiarities of communicative behavior within the national culture are determined, on the one hand, by certain linguistic means, and on the other hand, by the rules defining how to use these means. In this article, we identify the following main features of speech behavior patterns implemented by speakers of indigenous languages of Siberia, in particular by the Ket language speakers: 1) Etiquettical speech behavior patterns are implemented in most cases not verbally, but actionally; 2) There are practically no native politeness formulas, instead of them arbitrarily formulated statements or borrowed etiquette clichés are used; 3) Informative speech behavior patterns can be implemented both verbally and actionally; 4) Such communicative and pragmatic factors as age, social status and social distance do not seem to affect the implementation of directive speech behavior patterns. Miika Lehtinen (Oulu): Skolt Saami passive verbs This paper deals with the Skolt Saami passive verb suffixes -j- and -õõvvâ- (e.g. mott-j-ed ‘change (intr.)’, rottš-õõvvâ-d ‘be pulled’) cognate with North Saami -o(j)- and -uvva- (e.g. dahkk-o-t ‘be done’, muhttaš-uvva-t ‘change (intr.)’) as well as Finnish -u- ~ -y- (e.g. käänt-y-ä ‘turn (intr)’). The research material has two complementary parts: a dialectal dictionary and a speech corpus. The semantics of the relevant verbs in the material is examined. The main distinction is made between intentional passives (true passives having a volitional agent) and automative passives (actions that happen spontaneously or by accident, anticausatives). The results show that at least the suffix -jed and to a lesser extent -õõvvâd are mainly used to mark automative passives, but some instances of intentional passives are also found as well as some cases that are ambiguous between the two. The suffix -õõvvâd is used in the passive function more rarely than the suffix -jed and it has more functions. Sándor Maticsák (Debrecen): Die mordwinische Sammlung aus der Orenburg-Expedition von Pallas (1768–1774) The 1769 transit of the Venus across the Sun was always an important astronomical event, because it made possible for astronomers to calculate the distance between the Sun and the Earth. 151 scientists and scholars travelled to 77 pre-selected spots around the world to observe the transit. In 1768, the Imperial Academy of St. Petersburg organized five expeditions besides the Venus-observing teams to explore the flora, the fauna, the geological and the meteorological characteristics of far-off territories in Russia. The travellers obtained a large amount of information about the residents, customs, lifestyle and culture of these far-off lands, including some linguistic material as well. They wrote travelogues about their experiences. The leader of the expedition was Peter Simon Pallas (1741–1811), the renowned Swedish natural scientist, and the subdivisions were led by German, Swedish and Russian scientists and scholars. Between 1768 and 1774, Pallas travelled around the Middle Volga Region, the Orenburg Region, Bashkortostan, Southwest Siberia and finally he reached as far as Buryatia. His travelogue was published in three volumes between 1771 and 1776 titled Reise durch verschiedene Provinzen des Russischen Reichs. Pallas’s book contains linguistic material from several languages, Mordvin, Khanty, Mansi, Samoyedic, Mari and Udmurt included. Most of the words are animal and plant names and vocabulary related to clothing and religious beliefs. The Mordvin material is made up of 83 words. The first volume of the travelogue contains 34 of these, which are mostly names for pieces of clothing and medicinal herbs. The third volume contains a multi-lingual glossary, 49 Mordvin words (mostly from the basic vocabulary) included. The present paper analyses these Mordvin words. Earlier literature studied only a few of them. The majority of the words occur for the first time ever in Pallas’s work. Natalia Pimenova (Moskau): Prähistorische Kontakte der Eskimo-Aleutischen und austronesischen Sprachen: sprachliche Zeugnisse im „altaischen“ und „uralo-sibirischen“ Kontext The Eskimo-Aleut languages are believed to represent a separate prehistoric migration of people from Asia. The more credible proposals on the external relations and prehistoric contacts of Eskimo-Aleut concern one or more of the language families of northern Eurasia. The two serious genetic hypotheses are ‘Altaic’ and ‘Uralo-Siberian’ or more inclusively ‘Nostratic’ (‘Eurasiatic’). With using a comparative analysis method, this paper provides data for connections between Eskimo-Aleut and Austronesian languages. The comparative word-list consists of comparisons of Proto-Eskimo (PE) or Proto-Eskimo-Aleut (PEA) and Proto-Austronesian (PAN) and Proto-Malayo-Polinesian (PMP) words put together by the author. The material includes lexical entries that the author believes to be strong evidence for the Austronesian influence on Eskimo and Aleut languages. We can explain the lexical similarities as a result of a prehistoric substratum or convergence of proto-languages (contacts with peripheral prehistoric Austronesian subgroups). Austronesian and alternate Uralo-Sibirian or Altaic etymologies of Eskimo words are discussed. Sándor Szeverényi (Szeged): Tense in Nganasan narratives The main objective of the study is to categorize the use of verb tenses in Nganasan personal narratives. The study is corpus-based, with texts found in the annotated Nganasan Spoken Language Corpus (Brykina et al. 2018). The motivation of the study is to describe the various and complicated system of TAME categories in Nganasan. The analysis proves that a relation of the use of past tense and perfective aorist and their role in the storytelling may be motivated by ethnosyntactic factors. An ethnosyntactic base can be detected behind the use of the aorist – but full-fledged proof of this requires further investigation, into notions such as the “value” of time in the Nganasan culture. It seems that in the use of the aorist the prominence of the present moment and real-time of life is reflected. Labov’s oral narrative structure description is applied to the Nganasan narratives as well. The research focuses on the relation of the beginning and the main parts, i.e. the Abstract/Orientation and Complicating Action. In Nganasan stories, we find sequences: typical beginnings and segments. These are well reflected in the tense of the foreground. A relevant part of the foreground can be the utterances of the characters that belong to the mainline. The two main strategies are the use of past tense and perfective aorist. It means that there are two basic story-telling temporal frames: perfective aorist and general past tense. The first one is more typical in the folklore genres. These two strategies can be combined with narrative/reportative evidentiality. Several aspects play a role in the “choice” of tense, one of the most important being the role of the speaker and their relationship to the story. This is well reflected, for example, between the introductory parts (Abstract and Orientation) and the dominant tense of the main story-line (Complicating action). Sándor Szeverényi and Beáta Wagner-Nagy: Verbs of speaking in Nganasan: A corpus-based approach The study aims at categorizing verbs of speaking and thinking in Nganasan. All verbs that can be associated with thinking and speaking are examined in the texts found in the annotated Nganasan Spoken Language Corpus (Brykina et al. 2018). The approach as a whole is rather formal and quantitative, primarily focusing on which verbs are involved in constructing report speech. It can be shown that in the Nganasan texts, several verbs express utterances, but according to their number of occurrences, munu- ‘say’ is the most common and most frequently used verb of speaking. According to the distribution in the corpus data, it seems that the overall number of verb-of-speaking is not high.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-16
> findR *

Finnisch-Ugrische Mitteilungen Band 32/33

Finnisch-Ugrische Mitteilungen Band 32/33 von Gusev,  Valentin Ju., Klein,  Annkatrin, Widmer,  Anna
Aus dem Inhalt: Paula Jääsalmi-Krüger: Zum Geleit. Thomas von Ahn: Ideologie im Jugendbegriff von Jen? Krammer. Alexandr Anikin: [.]: postscriptum. Marianne Bakró-Nagy: /f/ > /h/ aspiration in Nganasan. O. E. Dobhanskaya: [.]. Anna Dybo: [.]. István Futaky: Hölderlins "Hälfte des Lebens" in ungarischem Sprachgewand. Valentin Gusev: [.]. Cornelius Hasselblatt: Jacob Grimm und Estland. Ferenc Havas: Historisch-typologische Zeugnisse der partizipialen Subordinierung in den uralischen Sprachen. Georg Holzer: Zum Gebrauch der Numeri im Indogermanischen. László Honti: Einige Ergänzungen zur Bildung ostjakischer Zahlwörter. Juha Janhunen: On the Turkicization of Turkey in a Eurasian context. Ulrike Kahrs: Der Übergangsritus Geburt bei den Selkupen: ethnographisches und lexikalisches Material. Veronika Kampf: Zur Entwicklung einer Wortbildungskompetenz im Bereich der Substantivkomposita am Beispiel des Finnischen. Barbara Kellner-Heinkele: Coping with the Rules of Rulership: Saadet Gerey Khan III in Crimean Tatar and Ottoman Historiography. László Keresztes: Ein Aspekt des Systems der Demonstrativpronomina im Saamischen (Lappischen). Gerson Klumpp: Kamassisch-selkupisch-ketische Parallelen in der Märchenfolklore. Michael Knüppel: Jakutische Elemente in tungusischen Sprachen V: Jakutisches im Lamunchinischen. Viacheslav Kuleshov: [.]. Ago Künnap: Case Forms of the Partial Direct Object in Uralic Languages. A. I. Kuznetsova:[.]. Johanna Laakso: On the Difficulty of Popularizing Finno-Ugric Studies. Jean-Luc Lambert: [.]. Lars-Gunnar Larsson: Der Illativ Singular im Ullisjaure-Samischen. M. D. Ljublinskaja: [.]. A. K. Matveev: [.]. Vladimir Napolskich: Über die Herkunft der Benennungen 'Silber' und 'Blei/Zinn' in den permischen Sprachen. Jarkko Niemi: The problem of ethnically definable singing styles: a rare document of an Enets song. Petra Novotná / Václac Blažek: Fenno-Saamic - The Test of Glottochronology. Urmanchieva Pevnov: [.]. Stefanie Seifert: Unter der wortgeschichtlichen Lupe: Óperencia. Elena Skribnik: Die Nominalisatoren 'Mensch' und 'Ding' in den uralischen und türkischen Sprachen Südsibiriens: I, Lexikon und Wortbildung. Marek Stachowski: On the article-like use of the Px2Sg in Dolgan, Nganasan and some other languages in an areal Siberian context. Natal'ja A. Tuchkova / Nadezhda G. Kuznetsova: Die Südselkupen und die südliche Grenze ihres Verbreitungsgebietes. Zsuzsa Várnai: Quasi-consonantal stems in Nganasan - a possible analysis (based on a Somlói galuska with Eugene). Beáta Wagner-Nagy: Existential and possessive predicate phrases in Nganasan. Anna Widmer: Schräge Entlehnungen im Obugrischen. Andrew Wiget / Olga Balalaeva: Khanty Soul Concepts and Reincarnation.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-16
> findR *

Finnisch-Ugrische Mitteilungen Band 45

Finnisch-Ugrische Mitteilungen Band 45 von Hasselblatt,  Cornelius, Wagner-Nagy,  Beata
Abstracts Originalia: Elizaveta Kotorova (Zielona Góra / Tomsk) – Andrey Nefedov (Hamburg): Besonderheiten des Kommunikationsverhaltens der indigenen sibirischen Völker (am Beispiel des Ketischen) The peculiarities of communicative behavior within the national culture are determined, on the one hand, by certain linguistic means, and on the other hand, by the rules defining how to use these means. In this article, we identify the following main features of speech behavior patterns implemented by speakers of indigenous languages of Siberia, in particular by the Ket language speakers: 1) Etiquettical speech behavior patterns are implemented in most cases not verbally, but actionally; 2) There are practically no native politeness formulas, instead of them arbitrarily formulated statements or borrowed etiquette clichés are used; 3) Informative speech behavior patterns can be implemented both verbally and actionally; 4) Such communicative and pragmatic factors as age, social status and social distance do not seem to affect the implementation of directive speech behavior patterns. Miika Lehtinen (Oulu): Skolt Saami passive verbs This paper deals with the Skolt Saami passive verb suffixes -j- and -õõvvâ- (e.g. mott-j-ed ‘change (intr.)’, rottš-õõvvâ-d ‘be pulled’) cognate with North Saami -o(j)- and -uvva- (e.g. dahkk-o-t ‘be done’, muhttaš-uvva-t ‘change (intr.)’) as well as Finnish -u- ~ -y- (e.g. käänt-y-ä ‘turn (intr)’). The research material has two complementary parts: a dialectal dictionary and a speech corpus. The semantics of the relevant verbs in the material is examined. The main distinction is made between intentional passives (true passives having a volitional agent) and automative passives (actions that happen spontaneously or by accident, anticausatives). The results show that at least the suffix -jed and to a lesser extent -õõvvâd are mainly used to mark automative passives, but some instances of intentional passives are also found as well as some cases that are ambiguous between the two. The suffix -õõvvâd is used in the passive function more rarely than the suffix -jed and it has more functions. Sándor Maticsák (Debrecen): Die mordwinische Sammlung aus der Orenburg-Expedition von Pallas (1768–1774) The 1769 transit of the Venus across the Sun was always an important astronomical event, because it made possible for astronomers to calculate the distance between the Sun and the Earth. 151 scientists and scholars travelled to 77 pre-selected spots around the world to observe the transit. In 1768, the Imperial Academy of St. Petersburg organized five expeditions besides the Venus-observing teams to explore the flora, the fauna, the geological and the meteorological characteristics of far-off territories in Russia. The travellers obtained a large amount of information about the residents, customs, lifestyle and culture of these far-off lands, including some linguistic material as well. They wrote travelogues about their experiences. The leader of the expedition was Peter Simon Pallas (1741–1811), the renowned Swedish natural scientist, and the subdivisions were led by German, Swedish and Russian scientists and scholars. Between 1768 and 1774, Pallas travelled around the Middle Volga Region, the Orenburg Region, Bashkortostan, Southwest Siberia and finally he reached as far as Buryatia. His travelogue was published in three volumes between 1771 and 1776 titled Reise durch verschiedene Provinzen des Russischen Reichs. Pallas’s book contains linguistic material from several languages, Mordvin, Khanty, Mansi, Samoyedic, Mari and Udmurt included. Most of the words are animal and plant names and vocabulary related to clothing and religious beliefs. The Mordvin material is made up of 83 words. The first volume of the travelogue contains 34 of these, which are mostly names for pieces of clothing and medicinal herbs. The third volume contains a multi-lingual glossary, 49 Mordvin words (mostly from the basic vocabulary) included. The present paper analyses these Mordvin words. Earlier literature studied only a few of them. The majority of the words occur for the first time ever in Pallas’s work. Natalia Pimenova (Moskau): Prähistorische Kontakte der Eskimo-Aleutischen und austronesischen Sprachen: sprachliche Zeugnisse im „altaischen“ und „uralo-sibirischen“ Kontext The Eskimo-Aleut languages are believed to represent a separate prehistoric migration of people from Asia. The more credible proposals on the external relations and prehistoric contacts of Eskimo-Aleut concern one or more of the language families of northern Eurasia. The two serious genetic hypotheses are ‘Altaic’ and ‘Uralo-Siberian’ or more inclusively ‘Nostratic’ (‘Eurasiatic’). With using a comparative analysis method, this paper provides data for connections between Eskimo-Aleut and Austronesian languages. The comparative word-list consists of comparisons of Proto-Eskimo (PE) or Proto-Eskimo-Aleut (PEA) and Proto-Austronesian (PAN) and Proto-Malayo-Polinesian (PMP) words put together by the author. The material includes lexical entries that the author believes to be strong evidence for the Austronesian influence on Eskimo and Aleut languages. We can explain the lexical similarities as a result of a prehistoric substratum or convergence of proto-languages (contacts with peripheral prehistoric Austronesian subgroups). Austronesian and alternate Uralo-Sibirian or Altaic etymologies of Eskimo words are discussed. Sándor Szeverényi (Szeged): Tense in Nganasan narratives The main objective of the study is to categorize the use of verb tenses in Nganasan personal narratives. The study is corpus-based, with texts found in the annotated Nganasan Spoken Language Corpus (Brykina et al. 2018). The motivation of the study is to describe the various and complicated system of TAME categories in Nganasan. The analysis proves that a relation of the use of past tense and perfective aorist and their role in the storytelling may be motivated by ethnosyntactic factors. An ethnosyntactic base can be detected behind the use of the aorist – but full-fledged proof of this requires further investigation, into notions such as the “value” of time in the Nganasan culture. It seems that in the use of the aorist the prominence of the present moment and real-time of life is reflected. Labov’s oral narrative structure description is applied to the Nganasan narratives as well. The research focuses on the relation of the beginning and the main parts, i.e. the Abstract/Orientation and Complicating Action. In Nganasan stories, we find sequences: typical beginnings and segments. These are well reflected in the tense of the foreground. A relevant part of the foreground can be the utterances of the characters that belong to the mainline. The two main strategies are the use of past tense and perfective aorist. It means that there are two basic story-telling temporal frames: perfective aorist and general past tense. The first one is more typical in the folklore genres. These two strategies can be combined with narrative/reportative evidentiality. Several aspects play a role in the “choice” of tense, one of the most important being the role of the speaker and their relationship to the story. This is well reflected, for example, between the introductory parts (Abstract and Orientation) and the dominant tense of the main story-line (Complicating action). Sándor Szeverényi and Beáta Wagner-Nagy: Verbs of speaking in Nganasan: A corpus-based approach The study aims at categorizing verbs of speaking and thinking in Nganasan. All verbs that can be associated with thinking and speaking are examined in the texts found in the annotated Nganasan Spoken Language Corpus (Brykina et al. 2018). The approach as a whole is rather formal and quantitative, primarily focusing on which verbs are involved in constructing report speech. It can be shown that in the Nganasan texts, several verbs express utterances, but according to their number of occurrences, munu- ‘say’ is the most common and most frequently used verb of speaking. According to the distribution in the corpus data, it seems that the overall number of verb-of-speaking is not high.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-16
> findR *

Finnisch-Ugrische Mitteilungen Band 44

Finnisch-Ugrische Mitteilungen Band 44 von Hasselblatt,  Cornelius, Wagner-Nagy,  Beata
Abstracts Originalia: Josefina Budzisch – Ulrike Kahrs (Hamburg): Cardinal directions in Selkup The paper deals with the denotations of the main cardinal points in Selkup, taking all three main dialect groups (Northern, Central and Southern) into account. The naming of cardinal points is not well studied for Selkup, there is a lack of analysis of the underlying semantic structure of the denominations – this study aims at closing that research gap and giving some insights in environmental and cultural factors playing a role in expressing cardinal points. The paper has the following structure: after a brief introduction, the current state of research is presented as well as the data used in the study, the main section deals with the analysis of the underlying structures in denoting south/north and east/west. The findings are summarized in the final section. Sándor Szeverényi – Katalin Sipőcz (Szeged): Formen der direkten und indirekten Redewiedergabe im Nganasanischen und im Mansischen In this paper we examine reported speech constructions in two Uralic languages spoken in Siberia, Nganasan and Mansi. We also examine whether areal - primarily Russian - influence can be found in these structures. Indirect speech report with person shift are rare in the languages studied, but sporadic data can be found in the corpus for this type, too. In Mansi and Nganasan the direct reported speech structure is much more common than indirect. It can be observed that in languages the direct speech structure consisting of two clauses requires a complementizer resulting subordinating clauses. Such complementizers do not exis in these languages, although there are examples in our corpus for the adaption of the Russian conjunction što ‘that’. In Mansi, in addition to the direct structure we can find indirect type without conjunction, and non-finit structure can be used, too. In Nganasan the reportative evidential serves as an alternative strategy. Denys Teptiuk (Tartu): Quotative indexes in Erzya: a typological overview In this paper, I provide a typological overview of quotative indexes, i.e. linguistic expression(s) encoding the presence of reported speech and thought, in contemporary Erzya. I focus on quotative strategies of different complexity attested in social media texts and classify the constructions according to their morphosyntactic structure and orientation. Furthermore, I take into account the possible connotations arising in the use of concrete strategies, such as the precision of reported discourse vis-à-vis original discourse, the reporter’s evaluative connotations concerning reported information and ambiguity in the presentation of speech and thought. The results of this study show that the markers used in Erzya quotative indexes correspond to their uses in other related languages and reflect cross-linguistic tendencies in the use of semantically reportative and non-reportative markers in quotative constructions. Enikő Tóth – Péter Csatár (Debrecen): A comparison of Hungarian focus structures: experimental insights Our paper reports the results of an experiment we conducted to compare Hungarian preverbal focus (PVF) and syntactically unmarked focus (SUF) within the same experimental framework. The aim of the experiment was twofold: (i) to examine whether native speakers give higher ratings for PVF/SUF constructions in exhaustive settings than in non-exhaustive ones, (ii) to test whether the mode of presentation (written vs. auditory clues, no introductory question vs. the presence of an introductory wh-question) influences the ratings. We used a sentence-picture verification task in a relatively rich context. We found no empirical difference between PFV and SUF across the conditions, i.e. SUF might also receive an exhaustive interpretation (Surányi 2011). The results regarding the role of the wh-question are in line with Onea and Beaver’s work (2011) on PVF. Our findings support the assumption that for both structures exhaustiveness can be explained by the presence of a not necessarily explicit introductory wh-question, namely, a contextually derivable implicit question under discussion also facilitates the exhaustive interpretation. Diskussion und Kritik: Volker Pirsich (Hrsg.): Die Nadelwälder dunkeln fort im Osten. Deutschsprachige Gedichte über Finnland und die Finnen. Grevenbroich: Heiner Labonde Verlag 2019. 167 S. (Veröffentlichungen der Aue-Stiftung, 42). Jukka Korpela: Slaves from the North. Finns and Karelians in the East European Slave Trade, 900 – 1600. Leiden, Boston: Brill 2019. 306 S. (Studies in Global Slavery, Volume 5). Musäus, Thekla: Wasser, Wälder und graue Dörfer. Karelien in der finnischen und sowjetischen Literatur 1931‒1957. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag 2019. VSUA 92. Inaugural-Dissertation zur Erlangung des Doktorgrades der Philosophie an der Universität Greifswald. 449 Seiten. Berichte, Mitteilungen, Nachrichten: Paul Kokla 17.8.1929 – 16.5.2020 Digitale Edition des Kuzmina Archivs
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-16
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Finnisch-Ugrische Mitteilungen Band 44

Finnisch-Ugrische Mitteilungen Band 44 von Hasselblatt,  Cornelius, Wagner-Nagy,  Beata
Josefina Budzisch – Ulrike Kahrs (Hamburg): Cardinal directions in Selkup The paper deals with the denotations of the main cardinal points in Selkup, taking all three main dialect groups (Northern, Central and Southern) into account. The naming of cardinal points is not well studied for Selkup, there is a lack of analysis of the underlying semantic structure of the denominations – this study aims at closing that research gap and giving some insights in environmental and cultural factors playing a role in expressing cardinal points. The paper has the following structure: after a brief introduction, the current state of research is presented as well as the data used in the study, the main section deals with the analysis of the underlying structures in denoting south/north and east/west. The findings are summarized in the final section. Sándor Szeverényi – Katalin Sipőcz (Szeged): Formen der direkten und indirekten Redewiedergabe im Nganasanischen und im Mansischen In this paper we examine reported speech constructions in two Uralic languages spoken in Siberia, Nganasan and Mansi. We also examine whether areal - primarily Russian - influence can be found in these structures. Indirect speech report with person shift are rare in the languages studied, but sporadic data can be found in the corpus for this type, too. In Mansi and Nganasan the direct reported speech structure is much more common than indirect. It can be observed that in languages the direct speech structure consisting of two clauses requires a complementizer resulting subordinating clauses. Such complementizers do not exis in these languages, although there are examples in our corpus for the adaption of the Russian conjunction što 'that'. In Mansi, in addition to the direct structure we can find indirect type without conjunction, and non-finit structure can be used, too. In Nganasan the reportative evidential serves as an alternative strategy. Denys Teptiuk (Tartu): Quotative indexes in Erzya: a typological overview In this paper, I provide a typological overview of quotative indexes, i.e. linguistic expression(s) encoding the presence of reported speech and thought, in contemporary Erzya. I focus on quotative strategies of different complexity attested in social media texts and classify the constructions according to their morphosyntactic structure and orientation. Furthermore, I take into account the possible connotations arising in the use of concrete strategies, such as the precision of reported discourse vis-à-vis original discourse, the reporter's evaluative connotations concerning reported information and ambiguity in the presentation of speech and thought. The results of this study show that the markers used in Erzya quotative indexes correspond to their uses in other related languages and reflect cross-linguistic tendencies in the use of semantically reportative and non-reportative markers in quotative constructions.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-16
> findR *

Finnisch-Ugrische Mitteilungen Band 45

Finnisch-Ugrische Mitteilungen Band 45 von Hasselblatt,  Cornelius, Wagner-Nagy,  Beata
Abstracts Originalia: Elizaveta Kotorova (Zielona Góra / Tomsk) – Andrey Nefedov (Hamburg): Besonderheiten des Kommunikationsverhaltens der indigenen sibirischen Völker (am Beispiel des Ketischen) The peculiarities of communicative behavior within the national culture are determined, on the one hand, by certain linguistic means, and on the other hand, by the rules defining how to use these means. In this article, we identify the following main features of speech behavior patterns implemented by speakers of indigenous languages of Siberia, in particular by the Ket language speakers: 1) Etiquettical speech behavior patterns are implemented in most cases not verbally, but actionally; 2) There are practically no native politeness formulas, instead of them arbitrarily formulated statements or borrowed etiquette clichés are used; 3) Informative speech behavior patterns can be implemented both verbally and actionally; 4) Such communicative and pragmatic factors as age, social status and social distance do not seem to affect the implementation of directive speech behavior patterns. Miika Lehtinen (Oulu): Skolt Saami passive verbs This paper deals with the Skolt Saami passive verb suffixes -j- and -õõvvâ- (e.g. mott-j-ed ‘change (intr.)’, rottš-õõvvâ-d ‘be pulled’) cognate with North Saami -o(j)- and -uvva- (e.g. dahkk-o-t ‘be done’, muhttaš-uvva-t ‘change (intr.)’) as well as Finnish -u- ~ -y- (e.g. käänt-y-ä ‘turn (intr)’). The research material has two complementary parts: a dialectal dictionary and a speech corpus. The semantics of the relevant verbs in the material is examined. The main distinction is made between intentional passives (true passives having a volitional agent) and automative passives (actions that happen spontaneously or by accident, anticausatives). The results show that at least the suffix -jed and to a lesser extent -õõvvâd are mainly used to mark automative passives, but some instances of intentional passives are also found as well as some cases that are ambiguous between the two. The suffix -õõvvâd is used in the passive function more rarely than the suffix -jed and it has more functions. Sándor Maticsák (Debrecen): Die mordwinische Sammlung aus der Orenburg-Expedition von Pallas (1768–1774) The 1769 transit of the Venus across the Sun was always an important astronomical event, because it made possible for astronomers to calculate the distance between the Sun and the Earth. 151 scientists and scholars travelled to 77 pre-selected spots around the world to observe the transit. In 1768, the Imperial Academy of St. Petersburg organized five expeditions besides the Venus-observing teams to explore the flora, the fauna, the geological and the meteorological characteristics of far-off territories in Russia. The travellers obtained a large amount of information about the residents, customs, lifestyle and culture of these far-off lands, including some linguistic material as well. They wrote travelogues about their experiences. The leader of the expedition was Peter Simon Pallas (1741–1811), the renowned Swedish natural scientist, and the subdivisions were led by German, Swedish and Russian scientists and scholars. Between 1768 and 1774, Pallas travelled around the Middle Volga Region, the Orenburg Region, Bashkortostan, Southwest Siberia and finally he reached as far as Buryatia. His travelogue was published in three volumes between 1771 and 1776 titled Reise durch verschiedene Provinzen des Russischen Reichs. Pallas’s book contains linguistic material from several languages, Mordvin, Khanty, Mansi, Samoyedic, Mari and Udmurt included. Most of the words are animal and plant names and vocabulary related to clothing and religious beliefs. The Mordvin material is made up of 83 words. The first volume of the travelogue contains 34 of these, which are mostly names for pieces of clothing and medicinal herbs. The third volume contains a multi-lingual glossary, 49 Mordvin words (mostly from the basic vocabulary) included. The present paper analyses these Mordvin words. Earlier literature studied only a few of them. The majority of the words occur for the first time ever in Pallas’s work. Natalia Pimenova (Moskau): Prähistorische Kontakte der Eskimo-Aleutischen und austronesischen Sprachen: sprachliche Zeugnisse im „altaischen“ und „uralo-sibirischen“ Kontext The Eskimo-Aleut languages are believed to represent a separate prehistoric migration of people from Asia. The more credible proposals on the external relations and prehistoric contacts of Eskimo-Aleut concern one or more of the language families of northern Eurasia. The two serious genetic hypotheses are ‘Altaic’ and ‘Uralo-Siberian’ or more inclusively ‘Nostratic’ (‘Eurasiatic’). With using a comparative analysis method, this paper provides data for connections between Eskimo-Aleut and Austronesian languages. The comparative word-list consists of comparisons of Proto-Eskimo (PE) or Proto-Eskimo-Aleut (PEA) and Proto-Austronesian (PAN) and Proto-Malayo-Polinesian (PMP) words put together by the author. The material includes lexical entries that the author believes to be strong evidence for the Austronesian influence on Eskimo and Aleut languages. We can explain the lexical similarities as a result of a prehistoric substratum or convergence of proto-languages (contacts with peripheral prehistoric Austronesian subgroups). Austronesian and alternate Uralo-Sibirian or Altaic etymologies of Eskimo words are discussed. Sándor Szeverényi (Szeged): Tense in Nganasan narratives The main objective of the study is to categorize the use of verb tenses in Nganasan personal narratives. The study is corpus-based, with texts found in the annotated Nganasan Spoken Language Corpus (Brykina et al. 2018). The motivation of the study is to describe the various and complicated system of TAME categories in Nganasan. The analysis proves that a relation of the use of past tense and perfective aorist and their role in the storytelling may be motivated by ethnosyntactic factors. An ethnosyntactic base can be detected behind the use of the aorist – but full-fledged proof of this requires further investigation, into notions such as the “value” of time in the Nganasan culture. It seems that in the use of the aorist the prominence of the present moment and real-time of life is reflected. Labov’s oral narrative structure description is applied to the Nganasan narratives as well. The research focuses on the relation of the beginning and the main parts, i.e. the Abstract/Orientation and Complicating Action. In Nganasan stories, we find sequences: typical beginnings and segments. These are well reflected in the tense of the foreground. A relevant part of the foreground can be the utterances of the characters that belong to the mainline. The two main strategies are the use of past tense and perfective aorist. It means that there are two basic story-telling temporal frames: perfective aorist and general past tense. The first one is more typical in the folklore genres. These two strategies can be combined with narrative/reportative evidentiality. Several aspects play a role in the “choice” of tense, one of the most important being the role of the speaker and their relationship to the story. This is well reflected, for example, between the introductory parts (Abstract and Orientation) and the dominant tense of the main story-line (Complicating action). Sándor Szeverényi and Beáta Wagner-Nagy: Verbs of speaking in Nganasan: A corpus-based approach The study aims at categorizing verbs of speaking and thinking in Nganasan. All verbs that can be associated with thinking and speaking are examined in the texts found in the annotated Nganasan Spoken Language Corpus (Brykina et al. 2018). The approach as a whole is rather formal and quantitative, primarily focusing on which verbs are involved in constructing report speech. It can be shown that in the Nganasan texts, several verbs express utterances, but according to their number of occurrences, munu- ‘say’ is the most common and most frequently used verb of speaking. According to the distribution in the corpus data, it seems that the overall number of verb-of-speaking is not high.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-13
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Finnisch-Ugrische Mitteilungen Band 45

Finnisch-Ugrische Mitteilungen Band 45 von Hasselblatt,  Cornelius, Wagner-Nagy,  Beata
Abstracts Originalia: Elizaveta Kotorova (Zielona Góra / Tomsk) – Andrey Nefedov (Hamburg): Besonderheiten des Kommunikationsverhaltens der indigenen sibirischen Völker (am Beispiel des Ketischen) The peculiarities of communicative behavior within the national culture are determined, on the one hand, by certain linguistic means, and on the other hand, by the rules defining how to use these means. In this article, we identify the following main features of speech behavior patterns implemented by speakers of indigenous languages of Siberia, in particular by the Ket language speakers: 1) Etiquettical speech behavior patterns are implemented in most cases not verbally, but actionally; 2) There are practically no native politeness formulas, instead of them arbitrarily formulated statements or borrowed etiquette clichés are used; 3) Informative speech behavior patterns can be implemented both verbally and actionally; 4) Such communicative and pragmatic factors as age, social status and social distance do not seem to affect the implementation of directive speech behavior patterns. Miika Lehtinen (Oulu): Skolt Saami passive verbs This paper deals with the Skolt Saami passive verb suffixes -j- and -õõvvâ- (e.g. mott-j-ed ‘change (intr.)’, rottš-õõvvâ-d ‘be pulled’) cognate with North Saami -o(j)- and -uvva- (e.g. dahkk-o-t ‘be done’, muhttaš-uvva-t ‘change (intr.)’) as well as Finnish -u- ~ -y- (e.g. käänt-y-ä ‘turn (intr)’). The research material has two complementary parts: a dialectal dictionary and a speech corpus. The semantics of the relevant verbs in the material is examined. The main distinction is made between intentional passives (true passives having a volitional agent) and automative passives (actions that happen spontaneously or by accident, anticausatives). The results show that at least the suffix -jed and to a lesser extent -õõvvâd are mainly used to mark automative passives, but some instances of intentional passives are also found as well as some cases that are ambiguous between the two. The suffix -õõvvâd is used in the passive function more rarely than the suffix -jed and it has more functions. Sándor Maticsák (Debrecen): Die mordwinische Sammlung aus der Orenburg-Expedition von Pallas (1768–1774) The 1769 transit of the Venus across the Sun was always an important astronomical event, because it made possible for astronomers to calculate the distance between the Sun and the Earth. 151 scientists and scholars travelled to 77 pre-selected spots around the world to observe the transit. In 1768, the Imperial Academy of St. Petersburg organized five expeditions besides the Venus-observing teams to explore the flora, the fauna, the geological and the meteorological characteristics of far-off territories in Russia. The travellers obtained a large amount of information about the residents, customs, lifestyle and culture of these far-off lands, including some linguistic material as well. They wrote travelogues about their experiences. The leader of the expedition was Peter Simon Pallas (1741–1811), the renowned Swedish natural scientist, and the subdivisions were led by German, Swedish and Russian scientists and scholars. Between 1768 and 1774, Pallas travelled around the Middle Volga Region, the Orenburg Region, Bashkortostan, Southwest Siberia and finally he reached as far as Buryatia. His travelogue was published in three volumes between 1771 and 1776 titled Reise durch verschiedene Provinzen des Russischen Reichs. Pallas’s book contains linguistic material from several languages, Mordvin, Khanty, Mansi, Samoyedic, Mari and Udmurt included. Most of the words are animal and plant names and vocabulary related to clothing and religious beliefs. The Mordvin material is made up of 83 words. The first volume of the travelogue contains 34 of these, which are mostly names for pieces of clothing and medicinal herbs. The third volume contains a multi-lingual glossary, 49 Mordvin words (mostly from the basic vocabulary) included. The present paper analyses these Mordvin words. Earlier literature studied only a few of them. The majority of the words occur for the first time ever in Pallas’s work. Natalia Pimenova (Moskau): Prähistorische Kontakte der Eskimo-Aleutischen und austronesischen Sprachen: sprachliche Zeugnisse im „altaischen“ und „uralo-sibirischen“ Kontext The Eskimo-Aleut languages are believed to represent a separate prehistoric migration of people from Asia. The more credible proposals on the external relations and prehistoric contacts of Eskimo-Aleut concern one or more of the language families of northern Eurasia. The two serious genetic hypotheses are ‘Altaic’ and ‘Uralo-Siberian’ or more inclusively ‘Nostratic’ (‘Eurasiatic’). With using a comparative analysis method, this paper provides data for connections between Eskimo-Aleut and Austronesian languages. The comparative word-list consists of comparisons of Proto-Eskimo (PE) or Proto-Eskimo-Aleut (PEA) and Proto-Austronesian (PAN) and Proto-Malayo-Polinesian (PMP) words put together by the author. The material includes lexical entries that the author believes to be strong evidence for the Austronesian influence on Eskimo and Aleut languages. We can explain the lexical similarities as a result of a prehistoric substratum or convergence of proto-languages (contacts with peripheral prehistoric Austronesian subgroups). Austronesian and alternate Uralo-Sibirian or Altaic etymologies of Eskimo words are discussed. Sándor Szeverényi (Szeged): Tense in Nganasan narratives The main objective of the study is to categorize the use of verb tenses in Nganasan personal narratives. The study is corpus-based, with texts found in the annotated Nganasan Spoken Language Corpus (Brykina et al. 2018). The motivation of the study is to describe the various and complicated system of TAME categories in Nganasan. The analysis proves that a relation of the use of past tense and perfective aorist and their role in the storytelling may be motivated by ethnosyntactic factors. An ethnosyntactic base can be detected behind the use of the aorist – but full-fledged proof of this requires further investigation, into notions such as the “value” of time in the Nganasan culture. It seems that in the use of the aorist the prominence of the present moment and real-time of life is reflected. Labov’s oral narrative structure description is applied to the Nganasan narratives as well. The research focuses on the relation of the beginning and the main parts, i.e. the Abstract/Orientation and Complicating Action. In Nganasan stories, we find sequences: typical beginnings and segments. These are well reflected in the tense of the foreground. A relevant part of the foreground can be the utterances of the characters that belong to the mainline. The two main strategies are the use of past tense and perfective aorist. It means that there are two basic story-telling temporal frames: perfective aorist and general past tense. The first one is more typical in the folklore genres. These two strategies can be combined with narrative/reportative evidentiality. Several aspects play a role in the “choice” of tense, one of the most important being the role of the speaker and their relationship to the story. This is well reflected, for example, between the introductory parts (Abstract and Orientation) and the dominant tense of the main story-line (Complicating action). Sándor Szeverényi and Beáta Wagner-Nagy: Verbs of speaking in Nganasan: A corpus-based approach The study aims at categorizing verbs of speaking and thinking in Nganasan. All verbs that can be associated with thinking and speaking are examined in the texts found in the annotated Nganasan Spoken Language Corpus (Brykina et al. 2018). The approach as a whole is rather formal and quantitative, primarily focusing on which verbs are involved in constructing report speech. It can be shown that in the Nganasan texts, several verbs express utterances, but according to their number of occurrences, munu- ‘say’ is the most common and most frequently used verb of speaking. According to the distribution in the corpus data, it seems that the overall number of verb-of-speaking is not high.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-13
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Finnisch-Ugrische Mitteilungen Band 44

Finnisch-Ugrische Mitteilungen Band 44 von Hasselblatt,  Cornelius, Wagner-Nagy,  Beata
Abstracts Originalia: Josefina Budzisch – Ulrike Kahrs (Hamburg): Cardinal directions in Selkup The paper deals with the denotations of the main cardinal points in Selkup, taking all three main dialect groups (Northern, Central and Southern) into account. The naming of cardinal points is not well studied for Selkup, there is a lack of analysis of the underlying semantic structure of the denominations – this study aims at closing that research gap and giving some insights in environmental and cultural factors playing a role in expressing cardinal points. The paper has the following structure: after a brief introduction, the current state of research is presented as well as the data used in the study, the main section deals with the analysis of the underlying structures in denoting south/north and east/west. The findings are summarized in the final section. Sándor Szeverényi – Katalin Sipőcz (Szeged): Formen der direkten und indirekten Redewiedergabe im Nganasanischen und im Mansischen In this paper we examine reported speech constructions in two Uralic languages spoken in Siberia, Nganasan and Mansi. We also examine whether areal - primarily Russian - influence can be found in these structures. Indirect speech report with person shift are rare in the languages studied, but sporadic data can be found in the corpus for this type, too. In Mansi and Nganasan the direct reported speech structure is much more common than indirect. It can be observed that in languages the direct speech structure consisting of two clauses requires a complementizer resulting subordinating clauses. Such complementizers do not exis in these languages, although there are examples in our corpus for the adaption of the Russian conjunction što ‘that’. In Mansi, in addition to the direct structure we can find indirect type without conjunction, and non-finit structure can be used, too. In Nganasan the reportative evidential serves as an alternative strategy. Denys Teptiuk (Tartu): Quotative indexes in Erzya: a typological overview In this paper, I provide a typological overview of quotative indexes, i.e. linguistic expression(s) encoding the presence of reported speech and thought, in contemporary Erzya. I focus on quotative strategies of different complexity attested in social media texts and classify the constructions according to their morphosyntactic structure and orientation. Furthermore, I take into account the possible connotations arising in the use of concrete strategies, such as the precision of reported discourse vis-à-vis original discourse, the reporter’s evaluative connotations concerning reported information and ambiguity in the presentation of speech and thought. The results of this study show that the markers used in Erzya quotative indexes correspond to their uses in other related languages and reflect cross-linguistic tendencies in the use of semantically reportative and non-reportative markers in quotative constructions. Enikő Tóth – Péter Csatár (Debrecen): A comparison of Hungarian focus structures: experimental insights Our paper reports the results of an experiment we conducted to compare Hungarian preverbal focus (PVF) and syntactically unmarked focus (SUF) within the same experimental framework. The aim of the experiment was twofold: (i) to examine whether native speakers give higher ratings for PVF/SUF constructions in exhaustive settings than in non-exhaustive ones, (ii) to test whether the mode of presentation (written vs. auditory clues, no introductory question vs. the presence of an introductory wh-question) influences the ratings. We used a sentence-picture verification task in a relatively rich context. We found no empirical difference between PFV and SUF across the conditions, i.e. SUF might also receive an exhaustive interpretation (Surányi 2011). The results regarding the role of the wh-question are in line with Onea and Beaver’s work (2011) on PVF. Our findings support the assumption that for both structures exhaustiveness can be explained by the presence of a not necessarily explicit introductory wh-question, namely, a contextually derivable implicit question under discussion also facilitates the exhaustive interpretation. Diskussion und Kritik: Volker Pirsich (Hrsg.): Die Nadelwälder dunkeln fort im Osten. Deutschsprachige Gedichte über Finnland und die Finnen. Grevenbroich: Heiner Labonde Verlag 2019. 167 S. (Veröffentlichungen der Aue-Stiftung, 42). Jukka Korpela: Slaves from the North. Finns and Karelians in the East European Slave Trade, 900 – 1600. Leiden, Boston: Brill 2019. 306 S. (Studies in Global Slavery, Volume 5). Musäus, Thekla: Wasser, Wälder und graue Dörfer. Karelien in der finnischen und sowjetischen Literatur 1931‒1957. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag 2019. VSUA 92. Inaugural-Dissertation zur Erlangung des Doktorgrades der Philosophie an der Universität Greifswald. 449 Seiten. Berichte, Mitteilungen, Nachrichten: Paul Kokla 17.8.1929 – 16.5.2020 Digitale Edition des Kuzmina Archivs
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-13
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Finnisch-Ugrische Mitteilungen Band 44

Finnisch-Ugrische Mitteilungen Band 44 von Hasselblatt,  Cornelius, Wagner-Nagy,  Beata
Josefina Budzisch – Ulrike Kahrs (Hamburg): Cardinal directions in Selkup The paper deals with the denotations of the main cardinal points in Selkup, taking all three main dialect groups (Northern, Central and Southern) into account. The naming of cardinal points is not well studied for Selkup, there is a lack of analysis of the underlying semantic structure of the denominations – this study aims at closing that research gap and giving some insights in environmental and cultural factors playing a role in expressing cardinal points. The paper has the following structure: after a brief introduction, the current state of research is presented as well as the data used in the study, the main section deals with the analysis of the underlying structures in denoting south/north and east/west. The findings are summarized in the final section. Sándor Szeverényi – Katalin Sipőcz (Szeged): Formen der direkten und indirekten Redewiedergabe im Nganasanischen und im Mansischen In this paper we examine reported speech constructions in two Uralic languages spoken in Siberia, Nganasan and Mansi. We also examine whether areal - primarily Russian - influence can be found in these structures. Indirect speech report with person shift are rare in the languages studied, but sporadic data can be found in the corpus for this type, too. In Mansi and Nganasan the direct reported speech structure is much more common than indirect. It can be observed that in languages the direct speech structure consisting of two clauses requires a complementizer resulting subordinating clauses. Such complementizers do not exis in these languages, although there are examples in our corpus for the adaption of the Russian conjunction što 'that'. In Mansi, in addition to the direct structure we can find indirect type without conjunction, and non-finit structure can be used, too. In Nganasan the reportative evidential serves as an alternative strategy. Denys Teptiuk (Tartu): Quotative indexes in Erzya: a typological overview In this paper, I provide a typological overview of quotative indexes, i.e. linguistic expression(s) encoding the presence of reported speech and thought, in contemporary Erzya. I focus on quotative strategies of different complexity attested in social media texts and classify the constructions according to their morphosyntactic structure and orientation. Furthermore, I take into account the possible connotations arising in the use of concrete strategies, such as the precision of reported discourse vis-à-vis original discourse, the reporter's evaluative connotations concerning reported information and ambiguity in the presentation of speech and thought. The results of this study show that the markers used in Erzya quotative indexes correspond to their uses in other related languages and reflect cross-linguistic tendencies in the use of semantically reportative and non-reportative markers in quotative constructions.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-08
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Finnisch-Ugrische Mitteilungen Band 39

Finnisch-Ugrische Mitteilungen Band 39 von Hasselblatt,  Cornelius, Wagner-Nagy,  Beata
In den seit 1977 erscheinenden »Finnisch-Ugrischen Mitteilungen« werden Aufsätze und Berichte aus dem gesamten Bereich der Finnougristik (Uralistik), Materialien und Beiträge zu deren Wissenschaftsgeschichte sowie Besprechungen von Neuerscheinungen publiziert. Originalia: Däbritz, Chris Lasse: Die Entwicklung des urslavischen und spätgemeinslavischen Vokalsystems: Eine phonetische Analyse anhand slavischer Lehnwörter in ostseefi nnischen Sprachen Horváth, Csilla: Old problems and new solutions: Teaching methods in the governmental and alternative Mansi educational institutions Mus, Nikolett: Predicate interrogative phrases in Tundra Nenets Siegl, Florian: The non-possessive use of px.2p in Nganasan and Dolgan – a reappraisal Ylikoski, Jussi: From compound nouns to case marking: Prolatives in South Saami and Lule Saami Diskussion und Kritik: Bradley, Jeremy: Gábor Bereczki in Zusammenarbeit mit Klára Agyagási: Etymologisches Wörterbuch des Tscheremissischen (Mari). Der einheimische Wortschatz Hasselblatt, Cornelius: Raimo Raag: Estniska från grunden Berichte, Mitteilungen, Nachrichten: Knüppel, Michael: Nachträge zum Schriftenverzeichnis István Futaky 2002–2011
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-08
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Finnisch-Ugrische Mitteilungen Band 38

Finnisch-Ugrische Mitteilungen Band 38 von Budzisch,  Josefina, Hasselblatt,  Cornelius, Wagner-Nagy,  Beata
___________Originalia de Smit, Merlijn: Proto-Uralic Ergativity Reconsidered Duray, Zsuzsa: Language Attitudes in a Minority Language Context: The Case of Sodankylä and Enontekiö Gulyás, Nikolett F. – Yulia Speshilova: Impersonals and passives in contemporary Udmurt Laakso, Johanna: The prehistoric multilingual speaker: What can we know about the multilingualism of Proto-Uralic speakers? Maticsák, Sándor: The Erzya-Mordvin continuation of nominal derivational suffixes in the proto-language composed of a single sibilant or affricate Pischlöger, Christian: Udmurtness in Web 2.0: Urban Udmurts Resisting Language Shift Sipos, Mária: Purpose clauses in the texts of a bilingual speaker Tammekänd, Liina: Individual Multilingualism of Southern Estonians: Language Biographies Zamyatin, Konstantin: ‘Maintaining and Developing the Languages’: Participation in Decision-Making and Support for Language Revival in Russia’s Finno-Ugric Republics ___________Forschungsberichte Fenyvesi, Anna: Endangered languages in the digital age: Supporting and studying digital language use in them Szeverényi, Sándor: On the Project of a Diachronic Cognitive Onomasiological Dictionary of the Nganasan Language ___________Diskussion und Kritik Schötschel-Fleischer, Monika: Hans-Hermann Bartens: Wotische Folklore ___________Berichte, Mitteilungen, Nachrichten Budzisch, Josefina – Hannah Wegener – Attila Bihari – Chris Lasse Däbritz: Die zweite internationale Winterschule der Finnougristik zu Gast in Szeged Grim, Annelieke: IFUSCO in Syktyvkar Hübner, Julia: Zurück zu den Wurzeln der IFUSCO Knüppel, Michael: Weitere Ergänzungen zum Schriftenverzeichnis Eugen Helimski
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-08
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Finnisch-Ugrische Mitteilungen Band 32/33

Finnisch-Ugrische Mitteilungen Band 32/33 von Gusev,  Valentin Ju., Klein,  Annkatrin, Widmer,  Anna
Aus dem Inhalt: Paula Jääsalmi-Krüger: Zum Geleit. Thomas von Ahn: Ideologie im Jugendbegriff von Jen? Krammer. Alexandr Anikin: [.]: postscriptum. Marianne Bakró-Nagy: /f/ > /h/ aspiration in Nganasan. O. E. Dobhanskaya: [.]. Anna Dybo: [.]. István Futaky: Hölderlins "Hälfte des Lebens" in ungarischem Sprachgewand. Valentin Gusev: [.]. Cornelius Hasselblatt: Jacob Grimm und Estland. Ferenc Havas: Historisch-typologische Zeugnisse der partizipialen Subordinierung in den uralischen Sprachen. Georg Holzer: Zum Gebrauch der Numeri im Indogermanischen. László Honti: Einige Ergänzungen zur Bildung ostjakischer Zahlwörter. Juha Janhunen: On the Turkicization of Turkey in a Eurasian context. Ulrike Kahrs: Der Übergangsritus Geburt bei den Selkupen: ethnographisches und lexikalisches Material. Veronika Kampf: Zur Entwicklung einer Wortbildungskompetenz im Bereich der Substantivkomposita am Beispiel des Finnischen. Barbara Kellner-Heinkele: Coping with the Rules of Rulership: Saadet Gerey Khan III in Crimean Tatar and Ottoman Historiography. László Keresztes: Ein Aspekt des Systems der Demonstrativpronomina im Saamischen (Lappischen). Gerson Klumpp: Kamassisch-selkupisch-ketische Parallelen in der Märchenfolklore. Michael Knüppel: Jakutische Elemente in tungusischen Sprachen V: Jakutisches im Lamunchinischen. Viacheslav Kuleshov: [.]. Ago Künnap: Case Forms of the Partial Direct Object in Uralic Languages. A. I. Kuznetsova:[.]. Johanna Laakso: On the Difficulty of Popularizing Finno-Ugric Studies. Jean-Luc Lambert: [.]. Lars-Gunnar Larsson: Der Illativ Singular im Ullisjaure-Samischen. M. D. Ljublinskaja: [.]. A. K. Matveev: [.]. Vladimir Napolskich: Über die Herkunft der Benennungen 'Silber' und 'Blei/Zinn' in den permischen Sprachen. Jarkko Niemi: The problem of ethnically definable singing styles: a rare document of an Enets song. Petra Novotná / Václac Blažek: Fenno-Saamic - The Test of Glottochronology. Urmanchieva Pevnov: [.]. Stefanie Seifert: Unter der wortgeschichtlichen Lupe: Óperencia. Elena Skribnik: Die Nominalisatoren 'Mensch' und 'Ding' in den uralischen und türkischen Sprachen Südsibiriens: I, Lexikon und Wortbildung. Marek Stachowski: On the article-like use of the Px2Sg in Dolgan, Nganasan and some other languages in an areal Siberian context. Natal'ja A. Tuchkova / Nadezhda G. Kuznetsova: Die Südselkupen und die südliche Grenze ihres Verbreitungsgebietes. Zsuzsa Várnai: Quasi-consonantal stems in Nganasan - a possible analysis (based on a Somlói galuska with Eugene). Beáta Wagner-Nagy: Existential and possessive predicate phrases in Nganasan. Anna Widmer: Schräge Entlehnungen im Obugrischen. Andrew Wiget / Olga Balalaeva: Khanty Soul Concepts and Reincarnation.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-08
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Finnisch-Ugrische Mitteilungen Band 34

Finnisch-Ugrische Mitteilungen Band 34 von Budzisch,  Josefina, Hasselblatt,  Cornelius, Wagner-Nagy,  Beata
Svetlana Burkova: On the grammatical status of the -bcu form in Tundra Nenets Rita Csiszár: The Role of Minority Mother Tongue within the Austrian Minority Policy - with Special Focus on Hungarians of Autochthounous and Migrant Origin Living in Austria Merlijn de Smit: The polypersonal passives of Old Finnish Rogier Blokland: Rezension Salis-Livisches Wörterbuch. Herausgegeben von Eberhard Winkler und Karl Pajusalu. Linguistica Uralica. Supplementary Series. Volume 3. Tallinn: Teaduste Akadeemia Kirjastus. Simon Mulder: Rezension Blokland, Rogier: The Russian Loanwords in Literary Estonian. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz 2009. (VSUA 78) - Linde, Paul van: The Finnic vocabulary against the background of interference. Ph.D. Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. 2007. - Bentlin, Mikko: Niederdeutsch-finnische Sprachkontakte. Der lexikalische Einfluß des Niederdeutschen auf die finnische Sprache während des Mittelalters und der frühen Neuzeit. Helsinki: Suomalais-ugrilainen seura 2008. (MSFOu 256) Michael Rießler: Rezension Allemann, Lukas: Die Samen der Kola- Halbinsel: Über das Leben einer ethnischen Minderheit in der Sowjetunion. Peter Lang (=Menschen und Strukturen; 18), 2010 Paula Jääsalmi-Krüger: Rezension Molan, Harald: Grundwortschatz FINNISCH. Hamburg: Helmut Buske Verlag. 2010 Paula Jääsalmi-Krüger: Rezension Karlsson, Fred: Suomen peruskielioppi. Neljäs, laajennettu ja uudistettu painos. Helsinki: SKS. 2009. Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seuran Toimituksia 378 Hasso Krull: Der finnougrische Mythos - Thesen zum 101. Jahrestag des Estnischen Nationalmuseums am 13. April 2010 Johanna Domokos: Towards a more pluralist and cosmopolitan literature in Finland. Cornelius Hasselblatt: Exotisierungszwang - Zur Wahrnehmug finnougrischer Kulturen am Beispiel der Rezeption der estnischen Literatur im deutschsprachigen Raum Norman Langerak: Mittlerweile im Osten - Der IFUSCO in Perm und Kudymkar Cornelius Hasselblatt: Andries Dirk Kylstra (8. Oktober 1920 - 10. Dezember 2009). Riho Grünthal: Seppo Suhonen (1938-2010) Michael Knüppel: Ergänzungen zum Schriftenverzeichnis Eugen Helimski
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-08
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Finnisch-Ugrische Mitteilungen Band 40

Finnisch-Ugrische Mitteilungen Band 40 von Hasselblatt,  Cornelius, Wagner-Nagy,  Beata
Originalia: Hamari, Arja: The genitive in the secondary declension in the Mordvin languages Helimski, Eugen: Praeliminaria. Paralipomena Kovylin, Sergei: Negative Pronouns and Adverbs in the Central and Southern Dialects of Selkup Lauerma, Petri: Votian Suffixal Disharmony, its Causes and Variation Scharre, Alexandra: Eine Analyse der Bilder in chantischen Fibeln vor dem Hintergrund der sowjetischen Nationalitätenpolitik Ylikoski, Jussi: Degrammaticalization in North Saami: development of adpositions, adverbs and a free lexical noun from inflectional and derivational suffixes Diskussion und Kritik: Bartens, Hans-Hermann: Gábor Tillinger: Samiska ord för ord. Att mäta lexikalt avstånd mellan språk [Saamisch Wort für Wort. Den lexikalischen Abstand zwischen Sprachen messen] Blokland, Rogier: Sergej Maksimov & Sirkka Saarinen, Vadim Danilov, Ekaterina Seliverstova. Suomalais-udmurttilainen sanakirja. Apuneuvoja suomalaisugrilaisten kielten opintoja varten XVI. [Hilfsmittel für das Studium der finnisch-ugrischen Sprachen XVI.] Hasselblatt, Cornelius: Aet Lees: Case Alternations in Five Finnic languages. Estonian, Finnish, Karelian, Livonian and Veps Hasselblatt, Cornelius: Aino Jõgi: Inglise päritolu sõnad eesti keeles Pantermöller, Marko: Nobufumi Inaba: Suomen datiivigenetiivin juuret vertailevan menetelmän valossa. [Die Wurzeln des finnischen dativischen Genitivs im Lichte der vergleichenden Methode] Berichte, Mitteilungen, Nachrichten: Eckmann, Stefanie: Tradition und Innovation: Seit 50 Jahren Finnougristik in München Hasselblatt, Cornelius: Konvulsion statt Innovation: Die 48 Jahre der niederländischen Finnougristik Matteikat, Sophia: Start in das vierte Jahrzehnt von Studentenkonferenzen – die IFUSCO 2015 in Pécs Shcherbatykh, Maria: Summary of the XV Finno-ugric student conference (as a part of XIX Open student conference of Faculty of Philology) Anhang: Hasselblatt, Cornelius: Inhaltsverzeichnis mit Indizes der FUM 21–40 (1997–2016)
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-08
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Finnisch-Ugrische Mitteilungen Band 45

Finnisch-Ugrische Mitteilungen Band 45 von Hasselblatt,  Cornelius, Wagner-Nagy,  Beata
Abstracts Originalia: Elizaveta Kotorova (Zielona Góra / Tomsk) – Andrey Nefedov (Hamburg): Besonderheiten des Kommunikationsverhaltens der indigenen sibirischen Völker (am Beispiel des Ketischen) The peculiarities of communicative behavior within the national culture are determined, on the one hand, by certain linguistic means, and on the other hand, by the rules defining how to use these means. In this article, we identify the following main features of speech behavior patterns implemented by speakers of indigenous languages of Siberia, in particular by the Ket language speakers: 1) Etiquettical speech behavior patterns are implemented in most cases not verbally, but actionally; 2) There are practically no native politeness formulas, instead of them arbitrarily formulated statements or borrowed etiquette clichés are used; 3) Informative speech behavior patterns can be implemented both verbally and actionally; 4) Such communicative and pragmatic factors as age, social status and social distance do not seem to affect the implementation of directive speech behavior patterns. Miika Lehtinen (Oulu): Skolt Saami passive verbs This paper deals with the Skolt Saami passive verb suffixes -j- and -õõvvâ- (e.g. mott-j-ed ‘change (intr.)’, rottš-õõvvâ-d ‘be pulled’) cognate with North Saami -o(j)- and -uvva- (e.g. dahkk-o-t ‘be done’, muhttaš-uvva-t ‘change (intr.)’) as well as Finnish -u- ~ -y- (e.g. käänt-y-ä ‘turn (intr)’). The research material has two complementary parts: a dialectal dictionary and a speech corpus. The semantics of the relevant verbs in the material is examined. The main distinction is made between intentional passives (true passives having a volitional agent) and automative passives (actions that happen spontaneously or by accident, anticausatives). The results show that at least the suffix -jed and to a lesser extent -õõvvâd are mainly used to mark automative passives, but some instances of intentional passives are also found as well as some cases that are ambiguous between the two. The suffix -õõvvâd is used in the passive function more rarely than the suffix -jed and it has more functions. Sándor Maticsák (Debrecen): Die mordwinische Sammlung aus der Orenburg-Expedition von Pallas (1768–1774) The 1769 transit of the Venus across the Sun was always an important astronomical event, because it made possible for astronomers to calculate the distance between the Sun and the Earth. 151 scientists and scholars travelled to 77 pre-selected spots around the world to observe the transit. In 1768, the Imperial Academy of St. Petersburg organized five expeditions besides the Venus-observing teams to explore the flora, the fauna, the geological and the meteorological characteristics of far-off territories in Russia. The travellers obtained a large amount of information about the residents, customs, lifestyle and culture of these far-off lands, including some linguistic material as well. They wrote travelogues about their experiences. The leader of the expedition was Peter Simon Pallas (1741–1811), the renowned Swedish natural scientist, and the subdivisions were led by German, Swedish and Russian scientists and scholars. Between 1768 and 1774, Pallas travelled around the Middle Volga Region, the Orenburg Region, Bashkortostan, Southwest Siberia and finally he reached as far as Buryatia. His travelogue was published in three volumes between 1771 and 1776 titled Reise durch verschiedene Provinzen des Russischen Reichs. Pallas’s book contains linguistic material from several languages, Mordvin, Khanty, Mansi, Samoyedic, Mari and Udmurt included. Most of the words are animal and plant names and vocabulary related to clothing and religious beliefs. The Mordvin material is made up of 83 words. The first volume of the travelogue contains 34 of these, which are mostly names for pieces of clothing and medicinal herbs. The third volume contains a multi-lingual glossary, 49 Mordvin words (mostly from the basic vocabulary) included. The present paper analyses these Mordvin words. Earlier literature studied only a few of them. The majority of the words occur for the first time ever in Pallas’s work. Natalia Pimenova (Moskau): Prähistorische Kontakte der Eskimo-Aleutischen und austronesischen Sprachen: sprachliche Zeugnisse im „altaischen“ und „uralo-sibirischen“ Kontext The Eskimo-Aleut languages are believed to represent a separate prehistoric migration of people from Asia. The more credible proposals on the external relations and prehistoric contacts of Eskimo-Aleut concern one or more of the language families of northern Eurasia. The two serious genetic hypotheses are ‘Altaic’ and ‘Uralo-Siberian’ or more inclusively ‘Nostratic’ (‘Eurasiatic’). With using a comparative analysis method, this paper provides data for connections between Eskimo-Aleut and Austronesian languages. The comparative word-list consists of comparisons of Proto-Eskimo (PE) or Proto-Eskimo-Aleut (PEA) and Proto-Austronesian (PAN) and Proto-Malayo-Polinesian (PMP) words put together by the author. The material includes lexical entries that the author believes to be strong evidence for the Austronesian influence on Eskimo and Aleut languages. We can explain the lexical similarities as a result of a prehistoric substratum or convergence of proto-languages (contacts with peripheral prehistoric Austronesian subgroups). Austronesian and alternate Uralo-Sibirian or Altaic etymologies of Eskimo words are discussed. Sándor Szeverényi (Szeged): Tense in Nganasan narratives The main objective of the study is to categorize the use of verb tenses in Nganasan personal narratives. The study is corpus-based, with texts found in the annotated Nganasan Spoken Language Corpus (Brykina et al. 2018). The motivation of the study is to describe the various and complicated system of TAME categories in Nganasan. The analysis proves that a relation of the use of past tense and perfective aorist and their role in the storytelling may be motivated by ethnosyntactic factors. An ethnosyntactic base can be detected behind the use of the aorist – but full-fledged proof of this requires further investigation, into notions such as the “value” of time in the Nganasan culture. It seems that in the use of the aorist the prominence of the present moment and real-time of life is reflected. Labov’s oral narrative structure description is applied to the Nganasan narratives as well. The research focuses on the relation of the beginning and the main parts, i.e. the Abstract/Orientation and Complicating Action. In Nganasan stories, we find sequences: typical beginnings and segments. These are well reflected in the tense of the foreground. A relevant part of the foreground can be the utterances of the characters that belong to the mainline. The two main strategies are the use of past tense and perfective aorist. It means that there are two basic story-telling temporal frames: perfective aorist and general past tense. The first one is more typical in the folklore genres. These two strategies can be combined with narrative/reportative evidentiality. Several aspects play a role in the “choice” of tense, one of the most important being the role of the speaker and their relationship to the story. This is well reflected, for example, between the introductory parts (Abstract and Orientation) and the dominant tense of the main story-line (Complicating action). Sándor Szeverényi and Beáta Wagner-Nagy: Verbs of speaking in Nganasan: A corpus-based approach The study aims at categorizing verbs of speaking and thinking in Nganasan. All verbs that can be associated with thinking and speaking are examined in the texts found in the annotated Nganasan Spoken Language Corpus (Brykina et al. 2018). The approach as a whole is rather formal and quantitative, primarily focusing on which verbs are involved in constructing report speech. It can be shown that in the Nganasan texts, several verbs express utterances, but according to their number of occurrences, munu- ‘say’ is the most common and most frequently used verb of speaking. According to the distribution in the corpus data, it seems that the overall number of verb-of-speaking is not high.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-08
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Finnisch-Ugrische Mitteilungen Band 28/29

Finnisch-Ugrische Mitteilungen Band 28/29 von Hasselblatt,  Cornelius, Helimski,  Eugen, Widmer,  Anna
R. BARTENS, M. A. Plotnikovin "Mansilainen poeema". M. CSEPREGI, Zur Syntax der chantischen Rätsel. E. FORGÁCS, Zur Übersetzungsrelevanz von Phraseologismen in Péter Esterházys "Harmonia caelestis". T. FORGÁCS, Redensarten und Sprichwörter mit der Komponente Löwe. M. GEISLER, Permisch *ür- 'Schrecken; böser Geist, Krankheit'. Etymologische und volkskundliche Anmerkungen zu den permisch-tschuwaschischen Lehnbeziehungen. E. GREBER, Visuelle Schachpoesie - 'Figur' im Schachfigurengedicht. U. GROENKE, Kalevala - Stabreim. Zur Verisländischung des Kalevala. S. GRÜNTHAL, 'Jo se kohoaa!' Schiller in Das Lied von der Glocke -runon ensimmäinen suomennos. C. GÜNZEL, Die Schriftstellerin und Kulturbotschafterin Maila Talvio - Aspekte ihres Deutschlandsbezugs in Werk und Biographie. S.-L. HAHMO, Tingata ja tinkiä - johdoksia vai lainasanoja? C. HASSELBLATT, Zur Übersetzung des Unübersetzbaren - Lösungsansätze für die Onomatopöien von Jaan Kross in seinen deutschen Übersetzungen. T. HOFSTRA, Zur Herkunft von finnisch taistella 'kämpfen'. L. HONTI, Meinungen und Gegenmeinungen über den Zahlwortschatz der uralischen Sprachen (Ergänzungen zu meiner Monographie). E. HÖSCH, "Vom Osten kommt reinere Luft als vom Westen, daher gebührt dem Osten der Vorzug". Die Deutschen und das russische Erbe in Finnland. I. ITKIN / V. NAPOLSKIKH, Paronymy and word play in Votyak folklore: the reconstruction of a case. P. JÄÄSALMI-KRÜGER, Wie heißt Handy auf Chantisch? P. KARKAMA, Elias Lönnrots Kalevala und Kanteletar - Bildung und Volksdichtung. J. KOIVULETHO, Ein neuer autochthoner Grundstamm? M. LUUKKAINEN, Zu 'Zeitnennwörtern' des Typs Raummacher, Zärtlichkeitsanbieter und Warmduscher von Justus Georg Schottelius bis zu Heinrich Böll und den modernen Medien. W. MIEDER, "Wer einen Kater hat, kommt leicht auf den Hund". Zu dem sprichwörtlichen Flexikon von Ron Kritzfeld. A. MORTZFELDT, Literarische Übersetzung: 'Das Ruderboot' von Raija Siekkinen. S. MOSTER, "Es ist dumm zu sterben". Pentti Holappas Gedichte über das Altern - Eine Skizze mit Übersetzungen. M. PANTERMÖLLER, Das Reisewörterbuch mit Finnisch als Zielsprache - Beitrag zur Biographie eines lexikographiehistorischen Stiefkindes. S. SAARINEN, Mordwinisch lango/langa. G. SAUER, Formeln und Formelhaftes in ostjakischen Märchen. G. SCHREY-VASARA, Spurensuche. Die Übersetzerin Helene Federn-Schwarz. K. SIITONEN, Siirtolainen tunnistamassa uudissanoja. A. TARREND, Männliche Kinderbuchhelden im Wandel der Zeiten - analysiert am Beispiel der estnischen Kinder- und Jugendliteratur. H. WENZEL, "Tempus hat nichts mit Zeit zu tun" - Eine Übersetzungsbetrachtung. A. WIDMER, Die ostjakischen Rätsel in József Pápays Nachlaß.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-08
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Finnisch-Ugrische Mitteilungen Band 35

Finnisch-Ugrische Mitteilungen Band 35 von Budzisch,  Josefina, Hasselblatt,  Cornelius, Wagner-Nagy,  Beata
Originalia Blokland, Rogier: Borrowability of pronouns: evidence from Uralic Fenyvesi, Anna: Hungarian Minorities in Romania, Slovakia and Serbia: Schoolchildren’s Attitudes to their Languages (minority vs. majority languages vs. EFL) and Teaching these Languages in School Keevallik, Leelo: Pragmatics of the Estonian heritage speakers in Sweden Markus, Elena – Rozhanskiy, Fedor: Votic or Ingrian: new evidence on the Kukkuzi variety Tamm, Anne: Partitive objects and the partitive evidential marker -vat in Estonian express incomplete evidence Venken, Sarah: The Afterlife of ‘The Seven Brothers’. Traces of Aleksis Kivi’s Seitsemän Veljestä in Finnish culture Diskussion und Kritik Hasselblatt, Cornelius: Rezension Ulrike Kahrs, Monika Schötschel: Literatursoziologische Entwicklungen bei Wolgafinnen und Permiern (1985–2008). Hamburg: Verlag Dr. Kovac 2011. 261 Seiten (Poetica. Schriften zur Literaturwissenschaft 113) Essay Laakso, Johanna: Language contact in space and time: Perspectives and pitfalls in diachronic contact linguistics Berichte, Mitteilungen, Nachrichten Bentlin, Mirkko: "Finnische Sprache und Literatur im europäischem Kontext – Historische Perspektiven und aktuelle Herausforderungen", Greifswald, 6. – 7.10.2011 Dobzhanskaya, Oksana: Kazimir Izidorovic Labanauskas Knüppel, Michael: Selkupisch und Sumerisch
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-08
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Finnisch-Ugrische Mitteilungen Band 44

Finnisch-Ugrische Mitteilungen Band 44 von Hasselblatt,  Cornelius, Wagner-Nagy,  Beata
Abstracts Originalia: Josefina Budzisch – Ulrike Kahrs (Hamburg): Cardinal directions in Selkup The paper deals with the denotations of the main cardinal points in Selkup, taking all three main dialect groups (Northern, Central and Southern) into account. The naming of cardinal points is not well studied for Selkup, there is a lack of analysis of the underlying semantic structure of the denominations – this study aims at closing that research gap and giving some insights in environmental and cultural factors playing a role in expressing cardinal points. The paper has the following structure: after a brief introduction, the current state of research is presented as well as the data used in the study, the main section deals with the analysis of the underlying structures in denoting south/north and east/west. The findings are summarized in the final section. Sándor Szeverényi – Katalin Sipőcz (Szeged): Formen der direkten und indirekten Redewiedergabe im Nganasanischen und im Mansischen In this paper we examine reported speech constructions in two Uralic languages spoken in Siberia, Nganasan and Mansi. We also examine whether areal - primarily Russian - influence can be found in these structures. Indirect speech report with person shift are rare in the languages studied, but sporadic data can be found in the corpus for this type, too. In Mansi and Nganasan the direct reported speech structure is much more common than indirect. It can be observed that in languages the direct speech structure consisting of two clauses requires a complementizer resulting subordinating clauses. Such complementizers do not exis in these languages, although there are examples in our corpus for the adaption of the Russian conjunction što ‘that’. In Mansi, in addition to the direct structure we can find indirect type without conjunction, and non-finit structure can be used, too. In Nganasan the reportative evidential serves as an alternative strategy. Denys Teptiuk (Tartu): Quotative indexes in Erzya: a typological overview In this paper, I provide a typological overview of quotative indexes, i.e. linguistic expression(s) encoding the presence of reported speech and thought, in contemporary Erzya. I focus on quotative strategies of different complexity attested in social media texts and classify the constructions according to their morphosyntactic structure and orientation. Furthermore, I take into account the possible connotations arising in the use of concrete strategies, such as the precision of reported discourse vis-à-vis original discourse, the reporter’s evaluative connotations concerning reported information and ambiguity in the presentation of speech and thought. The results of this study show that the markers used in Erzya quotative indexes correspond to their uses in other related languages and reflect cross-linguistic tendencies in the use of semantically reportative and non-reportative markers in quotative constructions. Enikő Tóth – Péter Csatár (Debrecen): A comparison of Hungarian focus structures: experimental insights Our paper reports the results of an experiment we conducted to compare Hungarian preverbal focus (PVF) and syntactically unmarked focus (SUF) within the same experimental framework. The aim of the experiment was twofold: (i) to examine whether native speakers give higher ratings for PVF/SUF constructions in exhaustive settings than in non-exhaustive ones, (ii) to test whether the mode of presentation (written vs. auditory clues, no introductory question vs. the presence of an introductory wh-question) influences the ratings. We used a sentence-picture verification task in a relatively rich context. We found no empirical difference between PFV and SUF across the conditions, i.e. SUF might also receive an exhaustive interpretation (Surányi 2011). The results regarding the role of the wh-question are in line with Onea and Beaver’s work (2011) on PVF. Our findings support the assumption that for both structures exhaustiveness can be explained by the presence of a not necessarily explicit introductory wh-question, namely, a contextually derivable implicit question under discussion also facilitates the exhaustive interpretation. Diskussion und Kritik: Volker Pirsich (Hrsg.): Die Nadelwälder dunkeln fort im Osten. Deutschsprachige Gedichte über Finnland und die Finnen. Grevenbroich: Heiner Labonde Verlag 2019. 167 S. (Veröffentlichungen der Aue-Stiftung, 42). Jukka Korpela: Slaves from the North. Finns and Karelians in the East European Slave Trade, 900 – 1600. Leiden, Boston: Brill 2019. 306 S. (Studies in Global Slavery, Volume 5). Musäus, Thekla: Wasser, Wälder und graue Dörfer. Karelien in der finnischen und sowjetischen Literatur 1931‒1957. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag 2019. VSUA 92. Inaugural-Dissertation zur Erlangung des Doktorgrades der Philosophie an der Universität Greifswald. 449 Seiten. Berichte, Mitteilungen, Nachrichten: Paul Kokla 17.8.1929 – 16.5.2020 Digitale Edition des Kuzmina Archivs
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-08
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Finnisch-Ugrische Mitteilungen Band 30/31

Finnisch-Ugrische Mitteilungen Band 30/31 von Hasselblatt,  Cornelius, Helimski,  Eugen, Widmer,  Anna
Originalia: ISTVÁN FUTAKY: Zur Rolle der altaischen Sprachen bei den awarisch-ungarischen Sprachbeziehungen. LEELO KEEVALLIK: Internal development and borrowing of pragmatic particles: Estonian vaata/vat "look", nääd "you see", and vot. ERIKA KÖRTVÉLY: Strategies of coordination in Tundra Nenets. Remco van Pareren: Die direkten baltischen Lehnwörter im Mordwinischen. Diskussion und Kritik: EUGEN HELIMSKI: Michael Geisler, Vokal-Null-Alternation, Synkope und Akzent in den permischen Sprachen (VDSUA 68). EUGEN HELIMSKI: Lihkkun lehkos! Beiträge zur Finnougristik aus Anlass des sechzigsten Geburtstages von Hans-Hermann Bartens. Hrsg. von Cornelius Hasselblatt, Eino Koponen und Anna Widmer (VDSUA 65). SIRKKA SAARINEN: Hartmut Katz, "Kleine Schriften" unter Mitarbeit von Veronika Mock hrsg. von Peter-Arnold Mumm, Gerson Klumpp und Dieter Strehle (Münchner Forschungen zur historischen Sprachwissenschaft, Band 5). EBERHARD WINKLER: Atlas Linguarum Fennicarum. Itämerensuomalainen kielikartasto. Läänemeresoome keeleatlas. ALFE 1. CORNELIUS HASSELBLATT: Kristiina Ross / Peteris Vanags (Hrsg.), Common Roots of the Latvian and Estonian Literary Languages. Greg Watson / Pekka Hirvonen (Hrsg.), Finno-Ugric Language Contacts (Opuscula Fenno-Ugrica Gottingensia 9). Archivum: CHRISTINE BETHGE: Die finnisch-ugrischen Bestände der Niedersächsischen Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek (SUB-Göttingen). MARGIT JÁNOSI / NATALIE REBELE: Die deutsche Rezeption von Attila József. Ein Bericht anlässlich des Attila-József-Jahres, entstanden im Rahmen eines Forschungsprojekts des Balassi-Bálint-Instituts.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-08
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