With background information and amusing episodes from the history of golfThe perfect gift for all golf enthusiasts and those who want to become oneGone are the days when golf was a quaint and old-fashioned pastime. Back on the Olympic program since 2016, the sport has had a rebirth like none other, with professionals like Tiger Woods and Rory McIlroy reinvigorating the course, and celebrities from Justin Timberlake to Bill Murray perfecting their backswing.While traditional golf clubs such as the Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St. Andrews are still the measure of all things, exciting new golf courses and golf resorts have multiplied the range of destinations for golf enthusiasts. This volume introduces the most exclusive, sophisticated, and spectacular golf resorts in the world. These are golfing holiday destinations that score not only with sophisticated layouts in charming landscapes—whether against alpine mountain scenery or tropical sandy beaches—but also with wonderful rooms, outstanding food, and comprehensive wellness offers. Within this perfect gift for golfers, each prestigious golf resort is presented with an expert review, covering its benefits on and off the fairways and greens. The sections on resorts are interspersed with background information and amusing anecdotes, capturing the history and contemporary world of golfing. Because as all good golfers know, this is more than a club-and-ball sport, it is a lifestyle.
Sprachen: Deutsch, Englisch
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-16
> findR *
With background information and amusing episodes from the history of golfThe perfect gift for all golf enthusiasts and those who want to become oneGone are the days when golf was a quaint and old-fashioned pastime. Back on the Olympic program since 2016, the sport has had a rebirth like none other, with professionals like Tiger Woods and Rory McIlroy reinvigorating the course, and celebrities from Justin Timberlake to Bill Murray perfecting their backswing.While traditional golf clubs such as the Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St. Andrews are still the measure of all things, exciting new golf courses and golf resorts have multiplied the range of destinations for golf enthusiasts. This volume introduces the most exclusive, sophisticated, and spectacular golf resorts in the world. These are golfing holiday destinations that score not only with sophisticated layouts in charming landscapes—whether against alpine mountain scenery or tropical sandy beaches—but also with wonderful rooms, outstanding food, and comprehensive wellness offers. Within this perfect gift for golfers, each prestigious golf resort is presented with an expert review, covering its benefits on and off the fairways and greens. The sections on resorts are interspersed with background information and amusing anecdotes, capturing the history and contemporary world of golfing. Because as all good golfers know, this is more than a club-and-ball sport, it is a lifestyle.
Sprachen: Deutsch, Englisch
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-16
> findR *
With background information and amusing episodes from the history of golfThe perfect gift for all golf enthusiasts and those who want to become oneGone are the days when golf was a quaint and old-fashioned pastime. Back on the Olympic program since 2016, the sport has had a rebirth like none other, with professionals like Tiger Woods and Rory McIlroy reinvigorating the course, and celebrities from Justin Timberlake to Bill Murray perfecting their backswing.While traditional golf clubs such as the Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St. Andrews are still the measure of all things, exciting new golf courses and golf resorts have multiplied the range of destinations for golf enthusiasts. This volume introduces the most exclusive, sophisticated, and spectacular golf resorts in the world. These are golfing holiday destinations that score not only with sophisticated layouts in charming landscapes—whether against alpine mountain scenery or tropical sandy beaches—but also with wonderful rooms, outstanding food, and comprehensive wellness offers. Within this perfect gift for golfers, each prestigious golf resort is presented with an expert review, covering its benefits on and off the fairways and greens. The sections on resorts are interspersed with background information and amusing anecdotes, capturing the history and contemporary world of golfing. Because as all good golfers know, this is more than a club-and-ball sport, it is a lifestyle.
Sprachen: Deutsch, Englisch
Aktualisiert: 2023-04-16
> findR *
Spätestens durch seinen Superstar Tiger Woods hat der Sport seinen Ruf als verstaubtes, altertümliches Freizeitvergnügen abgelegt und darf sich seit 2016 endlich wieder olympisch nennen. Aber trotz aller Professionalisierung und Öffnung, das soziale Prestige ist geblieben. Golfclubs ziehen immer noch Prominente wie Entscheidungsträger magisch an - passionierte Amateure, die jede frei Minute nutzen, um ihr Handicap zu verbessern.
Auch wenn weiterhin traditionsreiche Golfklubs wie der Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St Andrews das Maß aller Dinge sind, so haben sich mit aufregenden neuen Golf Courses und Golf Resorts die Auswahl an Traumdestinationen für Golfbegeisterte vervielfacht. Dieser Band stellt die exklusivsten, anspruchsvollsten und spektakulärsten Golf Resorts aus aller Welt vor. Resorts, die nicht nur mit ausgefeilten Layouts in reizvoller Landschaft - ob vor alpiner Bergkulisse oder an tropischen Sandstränden - punkten, sondern auch mit traumhaften Zimmern, herausragender Gastronomie und umfassenden Wellnessangeboten. Die Resorts werden mit alle ihren Vorzügen, auf und abseits der Fairways und Greens, vorgestellt. Denn Golf ist mehr als ein sportlicher Zeitvertreib, es ist ein Lebensstil, dem - von stilvoller Mode bis zu den richtigen Schlägern - in diesem Band ausführlich gehuldigt wird.
Aktualisiert: 2022-01-06
> findR *
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