Imagine that you have the power to control and manipulate what you want. How would you feel?
Well, the goal of this book is precise to give you a series of ideas, techniques, strategies that you can use immediately to understand people's minds and protect yourself from manipulation. Is it possible to influence others, to direct their
thoughts, to control their behaviors without being discovered?
Yes, within certain limits, it is possible. You have also realized that there are people who, when they talk to their interlocutors, seem to have the power to always carry them on their side, both in work and private life.
On the other hand, there are people who, despite having excellent content, despite knowing how to explain well, and despite having valid rational arguments, fail to change their opinion even to their closest friends. In this book, you will find the results of studies and research on human psychology, learning a practical method that will help you persuade and influence.
Within this book you will find out:
-How to analyze the behavior of your interlocutor and better understand who
-How to convince others without having to impose yourself in a rude and unprofessional way.
-How to plant an idea in the mind of your interlocutor, without notice.
-How to control people's behaviors: they will do what you want, without any resentment.
-How to apply these techniques of persuasion even in the digital world, on your social media.
-How to defend yourself, your friends, and your family from manipulative people.
After reading this book, you will have the ability to persuade and influence others to defend yourself against "professional persuaders" on the other. You will learn the methodology used by leading psychology experts to control other people's thoughts, actions, and behaviors. And not only that. Thanks to these techniques, you will become a significant, magnetic, and irresistible communicator. What are you waiting for?
Click BUY NOW and start learning today!
Aktualisiert: 2022-04-21
> findR *
Are you interested in developing your skills in the best possible way?
Some people seem more talented than others. NLP is one of the fastest developments in applied psychology, describing in simple terms what they do differently, and helping you learn the standards of excellence. This approach gives practical skills that people use significantly in communication. Absolute and multifaceted communication is the basis for creating spectacular results.
NLP's skills are valuable for personal development and professional excellence in consulting education and business.
The Technology of Change helps you:
-Create stable and honest relationships with people
-Communicate your ideas in full
-Convince more easily about the value of your ideas
-Boost confidence in yourself
-Fight insomnia, phobias, and unpleasant feelings that may have kept you away from your goals
-Find out what you want
-Do it!
-Be at the cutting edge of your abilities whenever you wish
And more!
This book is aimed both at ordinary people who want to improve their lives, as well as at researchers or scientists, psychologists, and linguists who would like to investigate the effect of language, verbal and a-verbal on human communication and use techniques.
Are you curious about it? Find it out by yourself. Click BUY NOW and get your copy!
Aktualisiert: 2022-04-21
> findR *
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