A little bit cancer & other indispositions

A little bit cancer & other indispositions von Hambrecht,  Martina
Marie Louise is now at the tender age of fifty years and it seems to be her life-task to permanently struggle against blows of fate and other indispositions. Her strategies to fight against them are her unfailing optimism, her zest of life and a great portion of gallows humour. Each challenge that she has mastered becomes a new beginning with interesting prospects for her. Even when she develops cancer she does not despair with it. She responds to it with her gallows humour and just gets back to business as usual. She does not find any rest as she sees herself confronted with continuous new challenges. Her humorous way of coping with fate is effective and absolutely recommendable for everyone - laughter lines inevitable.
Aktualisiert: 2023-07-01
> findR *

A little bit cancer & other indispositions

A little bit cancer & other indispositions von Hambrecht,  Martina
Marie Louise is now at the tender age of fifty years and it seems to be her life-task to permanently struggle against blows of fate and other indispositions. Her strategies to fight against them are her unfailing optimism, her zest of life and a great portion of gallows humour. Each challenge that she has mastered becomes a new beginning with interesting prospects for her. Even when she develops cancer she does not despair with it. She responds to it with her gallows humour and just gets back to business as usual. She does not find any rest as she sees herself confronted with continuous new challenges. Her humorous way of coping with fate is effective and absolutely recommendable for everyone - laughter lines inevitable.
Aktualisiert: 2023-07-01
> findR *

A little bit cancer & other indispositions

A little bit cancer & other indispositions von Hambrecht,  Martina
Marie Louise is now at the tender age of fifty years and it seems to be her life-task to permanently struggle against blows of fate and other indispositions. Her strategies to fight against them are her unfailing optimism, her zest of life and a great portion of gallows humour. Each challenge that she has mastered becomes a new beginning with interesting prospects for her. Even when she develops cancer she does not despair with it. She responds to it with her gallows humour and just gets back to business as usual. She does not find any rest as she sees herself confronted with continuous new challenges. Her humorous way of coping with fate is effective and absolutely recommendable for everyone - laughter lines inevitable.
Aktualisiert: 2023-07-01
> findR *

A little bit cancer & other indispositions

A little bit cancer & other indispositions von Hambrecht,  Martina
Marie Louise is now at the tender age of fifty years and it seems to be her life-task to permanently struggle against blows of fate and other indispositions. Her strategies to fight against them are her unfailing optimism, her zest of life and a great portion of gallows humour. Each challenge that she has mastered becomes a new beginning with interesting prospects for her. Even when she develops cancer she does not despair with it. She responds to it with her gallows humour and just gets back to business as usual. She does not find any rest as she sees herself confronted with continuous new challenges. Her humorous way of coping with fate is effective and absolutely recommendable for everyone - laughter lines inevitable.
Aktualisiert: 2023-07-01
> findR *

A little bit cancer & other indispositions

A little bit cancer & other indispositions von Hambrecht,  Martina
Marie Louise is now at the tender age of fifty years and it seems to be her life-task to permanently struggle against blows of fate and other indispositions. Her strategies to fight against them are her unfailing optimism, her zest of life and a great portion of gallows humour. Each challenge that she has mastered becomes a new beginning with interesting prospects for her. Even when she develops cancer she does not despair with it. She responds to it with her gallows humour and just gets back to business as usual. She does not find any rest as she sees herself confronted with continuous new challenges. Her humorous way of coping with fate is effective and absolutely recommendable for everyone - laughter lines inevitable.
Aktualisiert: 2023-07-01
> findR *

A little bit cancer & other indispositions

A little bit cancer & other indispositions von Hambrecht,  Martina
Marie Louise is now at the tender age of fifty years and it seems to be her life-task to permanently struggle against blows of fate and other indispositions. Her strategies to fight against them are her unfailing optimism, her zest of life and a great portion of gallows humour. Each challenge that she has mastered becomes a new beginning with interesting prospects for her. Even when she develops cancer she does not despair with it. She responds to it with her gallows humour and just gets back to business as usual. She does not find any rest as she sees herself confronted with continuous new challenges. Her humorous way of coping with fate is effective and absolutely recommendable for everyone - laughter lines inevitable.
Aktualisiert: 2023-01-01
> findR *

A little bit cancer & other indispositions

A little bit cancer & other indispositions von Hambrecht,  Martina
Marie Louise is now at the tender age of fifty years and it seems to be her life-task to permanently struggle against blows of fate and other indispositions. Her strategies to fight against them are her unfailing optimism, her zest of life and a great portion of gallows humour. Each challenge that she has mastered becomes a new beginning with interesting prospects for her. Even when she develops cancer she does not despair with it. She responds to it with her gallows humour and just gets back to business as usual. She does not find any rest as she sees herself confronted with continuous new challenges. Her humorous way of coping with fate is effective and absolutely recommendable for everyone - laughter lines inevitable.
Aktualisiert: 2023-01-01
> findR *

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