Berlin 1986. The Archetype of Shadow in a split World / Berlin 1986. The Archetype of Shadow in a split World

Berlin 1986. The Archetype of Shadow in a split World / Berlin 1986. The Archetype of Shadow in a split World von Mattoon,  Mary A
The Tenth International Congress of Analytical Psychology was held in Berlin, September 2-9, 1986. Its theme, The Archetype of Shadow in a Split World, was the focus of 25 major papers, with prepared responses to 14 of them. Congress participants were several hundred Jungian analysts.
Aktualisiert: 2016-07-03
> findR *

Jerusalem 1983

Jerusalem 1983 von Hinshaw,  Robert, Zoja,  Luigi
Symbolic and Clinical Approaches in Theory and Practiceedited by Luigi Zoja and Robert HinshawThis handsome volume, drawn from the Ninth International Congress of Analytical Psychology in Jerusalem, contains contributions reflecting on the meaning and significance of contemporary analytical work from 25 prominent Jungian analysts from around the world. Among the authors are Alfred Ziegler and Adolph Guggenbühl-Craig from Zürich, Rafael López-Pedraza from Caracas, and Aldo Carotenuto from Rome.Also available:San Francisco 1980Money, Food, Drink and Fashion, and Analytic TrainingProceedings of the 8th International Congress of the International Association for Analytical Psychology, edited by John BeebeThese proceedings from the 1980 San Francisco Congress of the IAAP have long been unavailable. Now a few last copies have been found and will be offered either singly or as a part of a package discount.From the Contents: A Contribution to Soul and Money by James Hillman; Projections: Soul and Money by Adolf Guggenbühl-Craig; The Training of Shadow and The Shadow of Training by Patricia Berry;The Hydrolith: On Drinking and Dryness in Archetypal Medicine by Alfred Ziegler; Fragmentary Vision: A Central Training Aim by Andrew Samuels; The Concealed Body Language of Anorexia Nervosa by Bani Shorter.ISBN 3-87089-304-4
Aktualisiert: 2016-07-03
> findR *

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