International Business Transactions

International Business Transactions von Pair,  Lara M.
International Business Transactions for Managers is a concise overview of the legal and financial topics that every business person needs to know about. This book explains the how and why of legal principles in international transactions. It breaks those principles down and translates them into business friendly language. The reader will walk away with the ability to identify vulnerabilities in their business and communicate those risks effectively. In addition, the book is organized in an easy to follow table of contents so you know exactly where to find information when you need it. The author has gathered experts from many fields to provide insights into practice. These insights provide firsthand knowledge on: Dispute Resolution; Employment Law; Foreign Investment in Russia; International Crimes; International Tax; Mergers and Acquisitions and much more.
Aktualisiert: 2020-01-08
> findR *

International Business Transactions

International Business Transactions von Pair,  Lara M.
International Business Transactions for Managers is a concise overview of the legal and financial topics that every business person needs to know about. This book explains the how and why of legal principles in international transactions. It breaks those principles down and translates them into business friendly language. The reader will walk away with the ability to identify vulnerabilities in their business and communicate those risks effectively. In addition, the book is organized in an easy to follow table of contents so you know exactly where to find information when you need it. The author has gathered experts from many fields to provide insights into practice. These insights provide firsthand knowledge on: Dispute Resolution; Employment Law; Foreign Investment in Russia; International Crimes; International Tax; Mergers and Acquisitions and much more.
Aktualisiert: 2020-01-08
> findR *

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