Quellenkritische Untersuchungen zu den ägyptischen Kapitulationsverträgen der Jahre 640-646

Quellenkritische Untersuchungen zu den ägyptischen Kapitulationsverträgen der Jahre 640-646 von Beihammer,  Alexander D
The aim of the present study is to conduct detailed investigations of the contractual agreements concluded against the background of the conquest of Egypt by the Arabs from 640 to 646 in the field of tension between the Byzantine central power, the local Egyptian decision-making bodies and the Arab conquerors. The first chapter of the investigation analyses the individual groups of sources with respect to the facts that they contain concerning the contents of the agreements and the historical circumstances that surround them, with a focus on clarifying the conditions of the historical transmission of each group of messages. The second part of the study attempts to present in a clear form the wide range of message material from the Arabic tradition in the form of a regest-like overview. The following detailed analysis attempts to identify the common tendencies that underlie the individual groups of messages.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-12
> findR *

Quellenkritische Untersuchungen zu den ägyptischen Kapitulationsverträgen der Jahre 640-646

Quellenkritische Untersuchungen zu den ägyptischen Kapitulationsverträgen der Jahre 640-646 von Beihammer,  Alexander D
The aim of the present study is to conduct detailed investigations of the contractual agreements concluded against the background of the conquest of Egypt by the Arabs from 640 to 646 in the field of tension between the Byzantine central power, the local Egyptian decision-making bodies and the Arab conquerors. The first chapter of the investigation analyses the individual groups of sources with respect to the facts that they contain concerning the contents of the agreements and the historical circumstances that surround them, with a focus on clarifying the conditions of the historical transmission of each group of messages. The second part of the study attempts to present in a clear form the wide range of message material from the Arabic tradition in the form of a regest-like overview. The following detailed analysis attempts to identify the common tendencies that underlie the individual groups of messages.
Aktualisiert: 2023-02-23
> findR *

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