Kirchenbauten sind beeindruckende Zeugnisse des Glaubens- und Weltverständnisses einer Epoche. Gleichzeitig sind sie Ausdruck der architektonischen und bautechnischen Möglichkeiten und des künstlerischen Vermögens ihrer Entstehungszeit. Dieses Handbuch vermittelt die Kenntnisse, die notwendig sind, um diese Zusammenhänge zu erkennen und zu verstehen. Neben einer Einführung in die Kirchenpädagogik bieten Textbausteine und Vorschläge zum kreativen Erkunden von Kirchenräumen eine Fülle von Material für viele spannende Entdeckungsreisen.
Aktualisiert: 2023-07-01
> findR *
Kirchenbauten sind beeindruckende Zeugnisse des Glaubens- und Weltverständnisses einer Epoche. Gleichzeitig sind sie Ausdruck der architektonischen und bautechnischen Möglichkeiten und des künstlerischen Vermögens ihrer Entstehungszeit. Dieses Handbuch vermittelt die Kenntnisse, die notwendig sind, um diese Zusammenhänge zu erkennen und zu verstehen. Neben einer Einführung in die Kirchenpädagogik bieten Textbausteine und Vorschläge zum kreativen Erkunden von Kirchenräumen eine Fülle von Material für viele spannende Entdeckungsreisen.
Aktualisiert: 2023-07-01
> findR *
Kirchenbauten sind beeindruckende Zeugnisse des Glaubens- und Weltverständnisses einer Epoche. Gleichzeitig sind sie Ausdruck der architektonischen und bautechnischen Möglichkeiten und des künstlerischen Vermögens ihrer Entstehungszeit. Dieses Handbuch vermittelt die Kenntnisse, die notwendig sind, um diese Zusammenhänge zu erkennen und zu verstehen. Neben einer Einführung in die Kirchenpädagogik bieten Textbausteine und Vorschläge zum kreativen Erkunden von Kirchenräumen eine Fülle von Material für viele spannende Entdeckungsreisen.
Aktualisiert: 2023-07-01
> findR *
"Bibliolog" is a method to experience the bible as alive and important for one's own life. A group, congregation or school class discovers the stories of the bible, interprets them by placing themselves into the minds of the biblical figures and answer questions that the text leaves open.
Discovered by the American Jew Peter Pitzele this approach has its roots in the Jewish tradition of Midrash.
Whether we have been socialised by the church or not, we are quickly touched and moved by the biblical texts and directly experience the actuality.
Bibliolog has quickly spread through the German speaking regions and the growing experience with this approach throughout Europe has lead to its presentation in two volumes. The first volume presents the basic forms that can be conducted in groups of any size over a short time period. The second volume presents forms that allow for more intense encounters with the biblical text.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *
"Bibliolog" is a method to experience the bible as alive and important for one's own life. A group, congregation or school class discovers the stories of the bible, interprets them by placing themselves into the minds of the biblical figures and answer questions that the text leaves open.
Discovered by the American Jew Peter Pitzele this approach has its roots in the Jewish tradition of Midrash.
Whether we have been socialised by the church or not, we are quickly touched and moved by the biblical texts and directly experience the actuality.
Bibliolog has quickly spread through the German speaking regions and the growing experience with this approach throughout Europe has lead to its presentation in two volumes. The first volume presents the basic forms that can be conducted in groups of any size over a short time period. The second volume presents forms that allow for more intense encounters with the biblical text.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *
"Bibliolog" is a method to experience the bible as alive and important for one's own life. A group, congregation or school class discovers the stories of the bible, interprets them by placing themselves into the minds of the biblical figures and answer questions that the text leaves open.
Discovered by the American Jew Peter Pitzele this approach has its roots in the Jewish tradition of Midrash.
Whether we have been socialised by the church or not, we are quickly touched and moved by the biblical texts and directly experience the actuality.
Bibliolog has quickly spread through the German speaking regions and the growing experience with this approach throughout Europe has lead to its presentation in two volumes. The first volume presents the basic forms that can be conducted in groups of any size over a short time period. The second volume presents forms that allow for more intense encounters with the biblical text.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *
In recent years, the ?Bibliolog= approach has become increasingly important in schools. Religious education teachers have reported that with Bibliolog, it is much easier to cope with one of the greatest challenges in the teaching of religion today & dramatizing an encounter with the Christian tradition in an interesting and true-to-life way and stimulating independent discussion. This method also offers considerable opportunities in religiously heterogeneous groups. The basic elements of the approach are presented comprehensively in the books Bibliolog 1 (Basic Forms) and Bibliolog 2 (Structure). The present volume addresses specific conditions in the school setting and provides specific educational aids for working with Bibliolog in religious education.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *
In recent years, the ?Bibliolog= approach has become increasingly important in schools. Religious education teachers have reported that with Bibliolog, it is much easier to cope with one of the greatest challenges in the teaching of religion today & dramatizing an encounter with the Christian tradition in an interesting and true-to-life way and stimulating independent discussion. This method also offers considerable opportunities in religiously heterogeneous groups. The basic elements of the approach are presented comprehensively in the books Bibliolog 1 (Basic Forms) and Bibliolog 2 (Structure). The present volume addresses specific conditions in the school setting and provides specific educational aids for working with Bibliolog in religious education.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *
"Bibliolog" is a method to experience the bible as alive and important for one's own life. A group, congregation or school class discovers the stories of the bible, interprets them by placing themselves into the minds of the biblical figures and answer questions that the text leaves open.
Discovered by the American Jew Peter Pitzele this approach has its roots in the Jewish tradition of Midrash.
Whether we have been socialised by the church or not, we are quickly touched and moved by the biblical texts and directly experience the actuality.
Bibliolog has quickly spread through the German speaking regions and the growing experience with this approach throughout Europe has lead to its presentation in two volumes. The first volume presents the basic forms that can be conducted in groups of any size over a short time period. The second volume presents forms that allow for more intense encounters with the biblical text.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *
"Bibliolog" is a method to experience the bible as alive and important for one's own life. A group, congregation or school class discovers the stories of the bible, interprets them by placing themselves into the minds of the biblical figures and answer questions that the text leaves open.
Discovered by the American Jew Peter Pitzele this approach has its roots in the Jewish tradition of Midrash.
Whether we have been socialised by the church or not, we are quickly touched and moved by the biblical texts and directly experience the actuality.
Bibliolog has quickly spread through the German speaking regions and the growing experience with this approach throughout Europe has lead to its presentation in two volumes. The first volume presents the basic forms that can be conducted in groups of any size over a short time period. The second volume presents forms that allow for more intense encounters with the biblical text.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *
"Bibliolog" is a method to experience the bible as alive and important for one's own life. A group, congregation or school class discovers the stories of the bible, interprets them by placing themselves into the minds of the biblical figures and answer questions that the text leaves open.
Discovered by the American Jew Peter Pitzele this approach has its roots in the Jewish tradition of Midrash.
Whether we have been socialised by the church or not, we are quickly touched and moved by the biblical texts and directly experience the actuality.
Bibliolog has quickly spread through the German speaking regions and the growing experience with this approach throughout Europe has lead to its presentation in two volumes. The first volume presents the basic forms that can be conducted in groups of any size over a short time period. The second volume presents forms that allow for more intense encounters with the biblical text.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *
Diese Arbeit setzt sich mit einem im Kontext der muslimischen Präsenz in Deutschland sowie des interreligiösen Wirkens der Moscheegemeinden zweifelsohne wichtigen, bisher aber kaum beachteten Thema auseinander: Der Moscheeführung und den ihr zugrunde liegenden Konzepten. Dabei handelt es sich um eine empirische Forschung, welche auf Interviews mit Moscheeführer*innen basiert und versucht, deren Erfahrungen und Ansätze zu ordnen und mit kirchenpädagogischer Methodik gegenzulesen. Daraus resultieren „neue“ Methoden, die eine Nähe zur Kirchenpädagogik aufweisen, diese jedoch für den islamisch-theologischen Kontext eigenständig konkretisieren. Als Resultat wird eine Reihe von Qualitätskriterien für Moscheeführer*innen entwickelt, die für die weitere pädagogische Ausbildungen eine grundlegende Ebene bilden können.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-29
> findR *
Kirchenbauten sind beeindruckende Zeugnisse des Glaubens- und Weltverständnisses einer Epoche. Gleichzeitig sind sie Ausdruck der architektonischen und bautechnischen Möglichkeiten und des künstlerischen Vermögens ihrer Entstehungszeit. Dieses Handbuch vermittelt die Kenntnisse, die notwendig sind, um diese Zusammenhänge zu erkennen und zu verstehen. Neben einer Einführung in die Kirchenpädagogik bieten Textbausteine und Vorschläge zum kreativen Erkunden von Kirchenräumen eine Fülle von Material für viele spannende Entdeckungsreisen.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-01
> findR *
Kirchenbauten sind beeindruckende Zeugnisse des Glaubens- und Weltverständnisses einer Epoche. Gleichzeitig sind sie Ausdruck der architektonischen und bautechnischen Möglichkeiten und des künstlerischen Vermögens ihrer Entstehungszeit. Dieses Handbuch vermittelt die Kenntnisse, die notwendig sind, um diese Zusammenhänge zu erkennen und zu verstehen. Neben einer Einführung in die Kirchenpädagogik bieten Textbausteine und Vorschläge zum kreativen Erkunden von Kirchenräumen eine Fülle von Material für viele spannende Entdeckungsreisen.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-19
> findR *
Diese Arbeit setzt sich mit einem im Kontext der muslimischen Präsenz in Deutschland sowie des interreligiösen Wirkens der Moscheegemeinden zweifelsohne wichtigen, bisher aber kaum beachteten Thema auseinander: Der Moscheeführung und den ihr zugrunde liegenden Konzepten. Dabei handelt es sich um eine empirische Forschung, welche auf Interviews mit Moscheeführer*innen basiert und versucht, deren Erfahrungen und Ansätze zu ordnen und mit kirchenpädagogischer Methodik gegenzulesen. Daraus resultieren „neue“ Methoden, die eine Nähe zur Kirchenpädagogik aufweisen, diese jedoch für den islamisch-theologischen Kontext eigenständig konkretisieren. Als Resultat wird eine Reihe von Qualitätskriterien für Moscheeführer*innen entwickelt, die für die weitere pädagogische Ausbildungen eine grundlegende Ebene bilden können.
Aktualisiert: 2023-04-04
> findR *
Diese Arbeit setzt sich mit einem im Kontext der muslimischen Präsenz in Deutschland sowie des interreligiösen Wirkens der Moscheegemeinden zweifelsohne wichtigen, bisher aber kaum beachteten Thema auseinander: Der Moscheeführung und den ihr zugrunde liegenden Konzepten. Dabei handelt es sich um eine empirische Forschung, welche auf Interviews mit Moscheeführer*innen basiert und versucht, deren Erfahrungen und Ansätze zu ordnen und mit kirchenpädagogischer Methodik gegenzulesen. Daraus resultieren „neue“ Methoden, die eine Nähe zur Kirchenpädagogik aufweisen, diese jedoch für den islamisch-theologischen Kontext eigenständig konkretisieren. Als Resultat wird eine Reihe von Qualitätskriterien für Moscheeführer*innen entwickelt, die für die weitere pädagogische Ausbildungen eine grundlegende Ebene bilden können.
Aktualisiert: 2023-04-04
> findR *
In recent years, the ?Bibliolog= approach has become increasingly important in schools. Religious education teachers have reported that with Bibliolog, it is much easier to cope with one of the greatest challenges in the teaching of religion today & dramatizing an encounter with the Christian tradition in an interesting and true-to-life way and stimulating independent discussion. This method also offers considerable opportunities in religiously heterogeneous groups. The basic elements of the approach are presented comprehensively in the books Bibliolog 1 (Basic Forms) and Bibliolog 2 (Structure). The present volume addresses specific conditions in the school setting and provides specific educational aids for working with Bibliolog in religious education.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-03
> findR *
In recent years, the ?Bibliolog= approach has become increasingly important in schools. Religious education teachers have reported that with Bibliolog, it is much easier to cope with one of the greatest challenges in the teaching of religion today & dramatizing an encounter with the Christian tradition in an interesting and true-to-life way and stimulating independent discussion. This method also offers considerable opportunities in religiously heterogeneous groups. The basic elements of the approach are presented comprehensively in the books Bibliolog 1 (Basic Forms) and Bibliolog 2 (Structure). The present volume addresses specific conditions in the school setting and provides specific educational aids for working with Bibliolog in religious education.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-03
> findR *
In recent years, the ?Bibliolog= approach has become increasingly important in schools. Religious education teachers have reported that with Bibliolog, it is much easier to cope with one of the greatest challenges in the teaching of religion today & dramatizing an encounter with the Christian tradition in an interesting and true-to-life way and stimulating independent discussion. This method also offers considerable opportunities in religiously heterogeneous groups. The basic elements of the approach are presented comprehensively in the books Bibliolog 1 (Basic Forms) and Bibliolog 2 (Structure). The present volume addresses specific conditions in the school setting and provides specific educational aids for working with Bibliolog in religious education.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-03
> findR *
"Bibliolog" is a method to experience the bible as alive and important for one?s own life. A group, congregation or school class discovers the stories of the bible, interprets them by placing themselves into the minds of the biblical figures and answer questions that the text leaves open.
Discovered by the American Jew Peter Pitzele this approach has its roots in the Jewish tradition of Midrash.
Whether we have been socialised by the church or not, we are quickly touched and moved by the biblical texts and directly experience the actuality.
Bibliolog has quickly spread through the German speaking regions and the growing experience with this approach throughout Europe has lead to its presentation in two volumes. The first volume presents the basic forms that can be conducted in groups of any size over a short time period. The second volume presents forms that allow for more intense encounters with the biblical text.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-03
> findR *
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