Einfacharbeit in Deutschland – wer arbeitet was und unter welchen Bedingungen?

Einfacharbeit in Deutschland – wer arbeitet was und unter welchen Bedingungen? von Hall,  Anja, Sevindik,  Ugur
Despite technological change, digitalisation and globalisation, simple work will remain a significant factor in the German labour market in 2018. After receiving little attention in research in recent years, the topic has recently been back in the focus of labour market research. In this paper, simple work is differentiated on the basis of the BIBB/BAuA Employment Survey 2018 into simple worklevel 1, which requires only a short training time, and simple work-level 2, which requires a longer training time. This differentiation and the comparison with qualified work offers interesting insights into the different forms of simple work on the German labour market. Among other things, the extent and structure of simple work, the occupations and tasks carried out, the occupational requirements and the employment conditions are shown.
Aktualisiert: 2023-07-01
> findR *

Einfacharbeit in Deutschland – wer arbeitet was und unter welchen Bedingungen?

Einfacharbeit in Deutschland – wer arbeitet was und unter welchen Bedingungen? von Hall,  Anja, Sevindik,  Ugur
Despite technological change, digitalisation and globalisation, simple work will remain a significant factor in the German labour market in 2018. After receiving little attention in research in recent years, the topic has recently been back in the focus of labour market research. In this paper, simple work is differentiated on the basis of the BIBB/BAuA Employment Survey 2018 into simple worklevel 1, which requires only a short training time, and simple work-level 2, which requires a longer training time. This differentiation and the comparison with qualified work offers interesting insights into the different forms of simple work on the German labour market. Among other things, the extent and structure of simple work, the occupations and tasks carried out, the occupational requirements and the employment conditions are shown.
Aktualisiert: 2023-07-01
> findR *

Einfacharbeit in Deutschland – wer arbeitet was und unter welchen Bedingungen?

Einfacharbeit in Deutschland – wer arbeitet was und unter welchen Bedingungen? von Hall,  Anja, Sevindik,  Ugur
Despite technological change, digitalisation and globalisation, simple work will remain a significant factor in the German labour market in 2018. After receiving little attention in research in recent years, the topic has recently been back in the focus of labour market research. In this paper, simple work is differentiated on the basis of the BIBB/BAuA Employment Survey 2018 into simple worklevel 1, which requires only a short training time, and simple work-level 2, which requires a longer training time. This differentiation and the comparison with qualified work offers interesting insights into the different forms of simple work on the German labour market. Among other things, the extent and structure of simple work, the occupations and tasks carried out, the occupational requirements and the employment conditions are shown.
Aktualisiert: 2023-07-01
> findR *

Einfacharbeit in Deutschland – wer arbeitet was und unter welchen Bedingungen?

Einfacharbeit in Deutschland – wer arbeitet was und unter welchen Bedingungen? von Hall,  Anja, Sevindik,  Ugur
Despite technological change, digitalisation and globalisation, simple work will remain a significant factor in the German labour market in 2018. After receiving little attention in research in recent years, the topic has recently been back in the focus of labour market research. In this paper, simple work is differentiated on the basis of the BIBB/BAuA Employment Survey 2018 into simple worklevel 1, which requires only a short training time, and simple work-level 2, which requires a longer training time. This differentiation and the comparison with qualified work offers interesting insights into the different forms of simple work on the German labour market. Among other things, the extent and structure of simple work, the occupations and tasks carried out, the occupational requirements and the employment conditions are shown.
Aktualisiert: 2023-04-01
> findR *

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