Implementation guides from the series „Ausbildung gestalten“ support instructors, vocational school teachers, examiners and trainees in their efficient and practice-oriented planning and implementation of vocational training and examinations. The series is published by the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB). The contents are developed in collaboration with experts from the training field.
Aktualisiert: 2023-07-01
> findR *
„Digitalised working world“, „Environmental protection and sustainability“, „Safety and health at work“ and „Organisation of the training company, vocational training, labour law and collective bargaining law“ are qualification standards in all recognised training occupations of the dual system. With them, companies decisively promote competences that are needed in today's working world. The brochure from the series „Ausbildung gestalten“ provides background information on these so-called standard occupational profile items as well as tips and advice on how they can be integrated into everyday training.
Aktualisiert: 2023-07-01
> findR *
„Digitalised working world“, „Environmental protection and sustainability“, „Safety and health at work“ and „Organisation of the training company, vocational training, labour law and collective bargaining law“ are qualification standards in all recognised training occupations of the dual system. With them, companies decisively promote competences that are needed in today's working world. The brochure from the series „Ausbildung gestalten“ provides background information on these so-called standard occupational profile items as well as tips and advice on how they can be integrated into everyday training.
Aktualisiert: 2023-07-01
> findR *
Sustainability is one of the greatest social challenges of our time. Climate protection, fair working conditions or responsible neighbourhood are becoming increasingly important issues for companies. A sustainable in-company learning venue supports the development of sustainability-related skills among employees. These
skills are crucial for acting in accordance with the guiding principle of sustainability. On the company side, a lot is already being done in terms of sustainability. However, there is still a lot of untapped potential that needs to be exploited. This practical guide describes four areas to design sustainable learning venues with 13 fields of action. It provides practice-oriented suggestions for the implementation in companies. Thus, the practical guide not only provides new impulses for reporting but also helps to anchor sustainable development even more firmly within initial and continuing training practice in companies.
Aktualisiert: 2023-07-01
> findR *
Sustainability is one of the greatest social challenges of our time. Climate protection, fair working conditions or responsible neighbourhood are becoming increasingly important issues for companies. A sustainable in-company learning venue supports the development of sustainability-related skills among employees. These
skills are crucial for acting in accordance with the guiding principle of sustainability. On the company side, a lot is already being done in terms of sustainability. However, there is still a lot of untapped potential that needs to be exploited. This practical guide describes four areas to design sustainable learning venues with 13 fields of action. It provides practice-oriented suggestions for the implementation in companies. Thus, the practical guide not only provides new impulses for reporting but also helps to anchor sustainable development even more firmly within initial and continuing training practice in companies.
Aktualisiert: 2023-07-01
> findR *
Sustainability is one of the greatest social challenges of our time. Climate protection, fair working conditions or responsible neighbourhood are becoming increasingly important issues for companies. A sustainable in-company learning venue supports the development of sustainability-related skills among employees. These
skills are crucial for acting in accordance with the guiding principle of sustainability. On the company side, a lot is already being done in terms of sustainability. However, there is still a lot of untapped potential that needs to be exploited. This practical guide describes four areas to design sustainable learning venues with 13 fields of action. It provides practice-oriented suggestions for the implementation in companies. Thus, the practical guide not only provides new impulses for reporting but also helps to anchor sustainable development even more firmly within initial and continuing training practice in companies.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-22
> findR *
Sustainability is one of the greatest social challenges of our time. Climate protection, fair working conditions or responsible neighbourhood are becoming increasingly important issues for companies. A sustainable in-company learning venue supports the development of sustainability-related skills among employees. These
skills are crucial for acting in accordance with the guiding principle of sustainability. On the company side, a lot is already being done in terms of sustainability. However, there is still a lot of untapped potential that needs to be exploited. This practical guide describes four areas to design sustainable learning venues with 13 fields of action. It provides practice-oriented suggestions for the implementation in companies. Thus, the practical guide not only provides new impulses for reporting but also helps to anchor sustainable development even more firmly within initial and continuing training practice in companies.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-22
> findR *
Sustainability is one of the greatest social challenges of our time. Climate protection, fair working conditions or responsible neighbourhood are becoming increasingly important issues for companies. A sustainable in-company learning venue supports the development of sustainability-related skills among employees. These
skills are crucial for acting in accordance with the guiding principle of sustainability. On the company side, a lot is already being done in terms of sustainability. However, there is still a lot of untapped potential that needs to be exploited. This practical guide describes four areas to design sustainable learning venues with 13 fields of action. It provides practice-oriented suggestions for the implementation in companies. Thus, the practical guide not only provides new impulses for reporting but also helps to anchor sustainable development even more firmly within initial and continuing training practice in companies.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-22
> findR *
Sustainability is one of the greatest social challenges of our time. Climate protection, fair working conditions or responsible neighbourhood are becoming increasingly important issues for companies. A sustainable in-company learning venue supports the development of sustainability-related skills among employees. These
skills are crucial for acting in accordance with the guiding principle of sustainability. On the company side, a lot is already being done in terms of sustainability. However, there is still a lot of untapped potential that needs to be exploited. This practical guide describes four areas to design sustainable learning venues with 13 fields of action. It provides practice-oriented suggestions for the implementation in companies. Thus, the practical guide not only provides new impulses for reporting but also helps to anchor sustainable development even more firmly within initial and continuing training practice in companies.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-22
> findR *
Sustainability is one of the greatest social challenges of our time. Climate protection, fair working conditions or responsible neighbourhood are becoming increasingly important issues for companies. A sustainable in-company learning venue supports the development of sustainability-related skills among employees. These
skills are crucial for acting in accordance with the guiding principle of sustainability. On the company side, a lot is already being done in terms of sustainability. However, there is still a lot of untapped potential that needs to be exploited. This practical guide describes four areas to design sustainable learning venues with 13 fields of action. It provides practice-oriented suggestions for the implementation in companies. Thus, the practical guide not only provides new impulses for reporting but also helps to anchor sustainable development even more firmly within initial and continuing training practice in companies.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-22
> findR *
Sustainability is one of the greatest social challenges of our time. Climate protection, fair working conditions or responsible neighbourhood are becoming increasingly important issues for companies. A sustainable in-company learning venue supports the development of sustainability-related skills among employees. These
skills are crucial for acting in accordance with the guiding principle of sustainability. On the company side, a lot is already being done in terms of sustainability. However, there is still a lot of untapped potential that needs to be exploited. This practical guide describes four areas to design sustainable learning venues with 13 fields of action. It provides practice-oriented suggestions for the implementation in companies. Thus, the practical guide not only provides new impulses for reporting but also helps to anchor sustainable development even more firmly within initial and continuing training practice in companies.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-02
> findR *
Implementation guides from the series „Ausbildung gestalten“ support instructors, vocational school teachers, examiners and trainees in their efficient and practice-oriented planning and implementation of vocational training and examinations. The series is published by the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB). The contents are developed in collaboration with experts from the training field.
Aktualisiert: 2023-04-01
> findR *
„Digitalised working world“, „Environmental protection and sustainability“, „Safety and health at work“ and „Organisation of the training company, vocational training, labour law and collective bargaining law“ are qualification standards in all recognised training occupations of the dual system. With them, companies decisively promote competences that are needed in today's working world. The brochure from the series „Ausbildung gestalten“ provides background information on these so-called standard occupational profile items as well as tips and advice on how they can be integrated into everyday training.
Aktualisiert: 2023-04-01
> findR *
Sustainability is one of the greatest social challenges of our time. Climate protection, fair working conditions or responsible neighbourhood are becoming increasingly important issues for companies. A sustainable in-company learning venue supports the development of sustainability-related skills among employees. These
skills are crucial for acting in accordance with the guiding principle of sustainability. On the company side, a lot is already being done in terms of sustainability. However, there is still a lot of untapped potential that needs to be exploited. This practical guide describes four areas to design sustainable learning venues with 13 fields of action. It provides practice-oriented suggestions for the implementation in companies. Thus, the practical guide not only provides new impulses for reporting but also helps to anchor sustainable development even more firmly within initial and continuing training practice in companies.
Aktualisiert: 2023-04-01
> findR *
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