Manufacturing Excellence Report 2018 – Erkenntnisse und Ergebnisse

Manufacturing Excellence Report 2018 – Erkenntnisse und Ergebnisse von Klinkner,  Raimund, Straube,  Frank
The MX Report 2018 contains insights and results of Manufacturing Excellence (MX) Netzwerk and MX Award 2018. The MX Netzwerk offers a benchmarking platform to learn methods and processes, to adapt best practices and to discuss challenges in the production environment. In the course of the benchmark competition MX Award a jury awards best companies based on a self-assessment and an on-site visit by experts with regards to several categories. Excellent concepts are presented in the MX Report and each category is qualitatively evaluated across all companies. The emphasis of the academic elaboration is on data-based innovation. Therefore experts of the MX Netzwerk give insights into current projects and realized ideas.
Aktualisiert: 2020-03-02
> findR *

Manufacturing Excellence Report 2017 – Erkenntnisse und Ergebnisse

Manufacturing Excellence Report 2017 – Erkenntnisse und Ergebnisse von Klinkner,  Raimund, Straube,  Frank
The MX Report 2017 contains insights and results of Manufacturing Excellence (MX) Netzwerk and MX Award 2017. The MX Netzwerk offers a benchmarking platform to learn methods and processes, to adapt best practices and to discuss challenges in the production environment. In the course of the benchmark competition MX Award a jury awards best companies based on a self-assessment and an on-site visit by experts with regards to several categories. Excellent concepts are presented in the MX Report and each category is qualitatively evaluated across all companies. The emphasis of the academic elaboration is on digital product-service systems. Therefore experts of the MX Netzwerk give insights into current projects and realized ideas.
Aktualisiert: 2020-03-02
> findR *

Manufacturing Excellence Report 2016 – Erkenntnisse und Ergebnisse

Manufacturing Excellence Report 2016 – Erkenntnisse und Ergebnisse von Klinkner,  Raimund, Straube,  Frank
The MX Report 2016 contains insights and results of Manufacturing Excellence (MX) Netzwerk and MX Award 2016. The MX Netzwerk offers a benchmarking platform to learn methods and processes, to adapt best practices and to discuss challenges in the production environment. In the course of the benchmark competition MX Award a jury awards best companies based on a self-assessment and an on-site visit by experts with regards to several categories. Excellent concepts are presented in the MX Report and each category is qualitatively evaluated across all companies. The emphasis of the academic elaboration is on viable leadership and changes in management culture. Therefore experts of the MX Netzwerk give insights into current challenges and projects.
Aktualisiert: 2020-03-02
> findR *

Manufacturing Excellence Report 2014

Manufacturing Excellence Report 2014 von Klinkner,  Raimund, Straube,  Frank
The MX Report 2014 contains insights of the anniversary year of Manufacturing Excellence (MX) Netzwerk and presents and reflects experiences since its foundation ten years ago. The MX Netzwerk offers a benchmarking platform to learn methods and processes, to adapt best practices and to discuss challenges in the production environment. The MX Report 2014 focusses on results of MX Award 2014. During this benchmark competition a jury awards best companies based on a self-assessment and an on-site visit by experts with regards to several categories. Excellent concepts are presented in the MX Report and each category is qualitatively evaluated across all companies. The emphasis of the academic elaboration is on “German Mittelstand” whilst practical descriptions look on the development of the German economy over the last ten years.
Aktualisiert: 2019-03-28
> findR *

Manufacturing Excellence Report 2015 – Erkenntnisse und Ergebnisse

Manufacturing Excellence Report 2015 – Erkenntnisse und Ergebnisse von Klinkner,  Raimund, Straube,  Frank
The MX Report 2015 contains insights and results of Manufacturing Excellence (MX) Netzwerk and MX Award 2015. The MX Netzwerk offers a benchmarking platform to learn methods and processes, to adapt best practices and to discuss challenges in the production environment. In the course of the benchmark competition MX Award a jury awards best companies based on a self-assessment and an on-site visit by experts with regards to several categories. Excellent concepts are presented in the MX Report and each category is qualitatively evaluated across all companies. The emphasis of the academic elaboration is on the digital transformation and the upheaval in manufacturing. Therefore experts of the MX Netzwerk give insights into current challenges and projects.
Aktualisiert: 2019-03-28
> findR *

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