Mit dem aktuellen Band der „Forschungen in Ephesos“ liegen nun nach dem Faszikel zu den Altgrabungen am Mausoleum (C. Praschniker – M. Theuer, Das Mausoleum von Belevi, FiE 6 [Wien 1979]) die Ergebnisse der aktuellen abschließenden archäologischen und kunsthistorischen Untersuchungen an dem monumentalen Grabbau von Belevi im Hinterland von Ephesos vor. Auf Basis eines akkumulativ gewonnenen Datierungsansatzes konnte der Zeitraum der Errichtung für die Jahre zwischen 310 und 280/270 v. Chr. bestimmt werden. In eingehender Analyse der Ikonografie des Skulpturenprogramms sowie der Quellen zur Ereignisgeschichte wird Antigonos I. Monophthalmos als neuer Grabherr des Mausoleums von Belevi vorgeschlagen.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-13
> findR *
This current volume of Forschungen in Ephesos presents the concluding results of the recent archaeological and art-historical investigations at the monumental tomb at Belevi in the hinterland of Ephesus. It is preceded by C. Praschniker – M. Theuer, Das Mausoleum von Belevi, FiE 6 (Wien 1979) which covers the research at the Mausoleum during the 1930s and 1970s. The date of the Mausoleum can be fixed now accumulative between 310 and 280/70 BC. Following the interpretation of references regarding the monument’s dedication and the sources for the historical events, Antigonos I. Monophthalmos is recognised as the newly identified personality to whom the Mausoleum at Belevi belonged.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-12
> findR *
The early Hellenistic Mausoleum of Belevi is located 14 km northeast of Ephesos. The square structure reached monumental proportions, it consists of a massive lower level, which is crowned with a Corinthian peristasis. Important parts of its reconstruction could not be cleared up in the monographic publication of 1979, so a research project of the Austrian Academy of Sciences supported by the Austrian Archaeological Institute allowed for precise building measurement and the secure reconstruction of the monument. The height of the lower storey, the sophisticated layout of its masonry courses, the design of the Ionic false door and the construction of the grave chamber could be clarified. The layout of the upper floor containing a peristasis with a roof inclining to the inner unused courtyard could be proved. The extraordinary blind façade on the north side is a remarkable feature. A considerable part of the publication deals with construction techniques. New methods were applied, such as the intensive utilisation of grout mortar and the refinement of block-setting and dowelling techniques. The modularly constructed monument was designed with simple and pure proportions. Numerous optical refinements were included in the design. The basic layout of the mausoleum type deriving from Lycia and Caria was fused together with local, oriental, Macedonian and mainland Greek elements, and provided with innovations to create a new design.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-12
> findR *
This current volume of Forschungen in Ephesos presents the concluding results of the recent archaeological and art-historical investigations at the monumental tomb at Belevi in the hinterland of Ephesus. It is preceded by C. Praschniker – M. Theuer, Das Mausoleum von Belevi, FiE 6 (Wien 1979) which covers the research at the Mausoleum during the 1930s and 1970s. The date of the Mausoleum can be fixed now accumulative between 310 and 280/70 BC. Following the interpretation of references regarding the monument’s dedication and the sources for the historical events, Antigonos I. Monophthalmos is recognised as the newly identified personality to whom the Mausoleum at Belevi belonged.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-12
> findR *
This current volume of Forschungen in Ephesos presents the concluding results of the recent archaeological and art-historical investigations at the monumental tomb at Belevi in the hinterland of Ephesus. It is preceded by C. Praschniker – M. Theuer, Das Mausoleum von Belevi, FiE 6 (Wien 1979) which covers the research at the Mausoleum during the 1930s and 1970s. The date of the Mausoleum can be fixed now accumulative between 310 and 280/70 BC. Following the interpretation of references regarding the monument’s dedication and the sources for the historical events, Antigonos I. Monophthalmos is recognised as the newly identified personality to whom the Mausoleum at Belevi belonged.
Aktualisiert: 2023-02-23
> findR *
The early Hellenistic Mausoleum of Belevi is located 14 km northeast of Ephesos. The square structure reached monumental proportions, it consists of a massive lower level, which is crowned with a Corinthian peristasis. Important parts of its reconstruction could not be cleared up in the monographic publication of 1979, so a research project of the Austrian Academy of Sciences supported by the Austrian Archaeological Institute allowed for precise building measurement and the secure reconstruction of the monument. The height of the lower storey, the sophisticated layout of its masonry courses, the design of the Ionic false door and the construction of the grave chamber could be clarified. The layout of the upper floor containing a peristasis with a roof inclining to the inner unused courtyard could be proved. The extraordinary blind façade on the north side is a remarkable feature. A considerable part of the publication deals with construction techniques. New methods were applied, such as the intensive utilisation of grout mortar and the refinement of block-setting and dowelling techniques. The modularly constructed monument was designed with simple and pure proportions. Numerous optical refinements were included in the design. The basic layout of the mausoleum type deriving from Lycia and Caria was fused together with local, oriental, Macedonian and mainland Greek elements, and provided with innovations to create a new design.
Aktualisiert: 2023-02-23
> findR *
This current volume of Forschungen in Ephesos presents the concluding results of the recent archaeological and art-historical investigations at the monumental tomb at Belevi in the hinterland of Ephesus. It is preceded by C. Praschniker – M. Theuer, Das Mausoleum von Belevi, FiE 6 (Wien 1979) which covers the research at the Mausoleum during the 1930s and 1970s. The date of the Mausoleum can be fixed now accumulative between 310 and 280/70 BC. Following the interpretation of references regarding the monument’s dedication and the sources for the historical events, Antigonos I. Monophthalmos is recognised as the newly identified personality to whom the Mausoleum at Belevi belonged.
Aktualisiert: 2023-02-23
> findR *
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