Kompetenzdiagnostik in der beruflichen Bildung

Kompetenzdiagnostik in der beruflichen Bildung von Tschöpe,  Tanja
The primary aim pursued by this dissertation is to contribute to empirical competence modeling and measurement in vocational education and training. The field of investigation is the advisory competence of bank clerks with a special focus on their social competences. Social competences play a significant role in many vocational fi elds but are still underrepresented in empirical research. The study is subdivided in three parts. First, a requirements analysis inspects the field of client advisory in the vocational training of bank clerks. Analyses of documents, interviews with experts and sighting of the relevant literature are used to examine the main tasks and activities in customer service. Particular attention is directed to the in-company part of the training provided and the tasks and activities that trainees have to perform during this training. On this basis, a competence model for the advisory competences of trainee bank clerks who are almost finished with their vocational training is developed. Second, a situational judgment test for the assessment of social cognitive competences of bank clerks is designed. The quality of the instrument is estimated based on classical test theory and confirmatory factor analysis. Third, the situational Judgment test is applied in a study covering 300 apprentices at the end of their training. Additional data on professional competences and potential predictors of advisory competences is collected with standardised surveys. Relationships are analysed using bivariate measures, multiple regression and structural equation modeling. The results are interpreted concerning their relevance for the development and training of advisory competences of bank clerks.
Aktualisiert: 2023-07-01
> findR *

Kompetenzdiagnostik in der beruflichen Bildung

Kompetenzdiagnostik in der beruflichen Bildung von Tschöpe,  Tanja
The primary aim pursued by this dissertation is to contribute to empirical competence modeling and measurement in vocational education and training. The field of investigation is the advisory competence of bank clerks with a special focus on their social competences. Social competences play a significant role in many vocational fi elds but are still underrepresented in empirical research. The study is subdivided in three parts. First, a requirements analysis inspects the field of client advisory in the vocational training of bank clerks. Analyses of documents, interviews with experts and sighting of the relevant literature are used to examine the main tasks and activities in customer service. Particular attention is directed to the in-company part of the training provided and the tasks and activities that trainees have to perform during this training. On this basis, a competence model for the advisory competences of trainee bank clerks who are almost finished with their vocational training is developed. Second, a situational judgment test for the assessment of social cognitive competences of bank clerks is designed. The quality of the instrument is estimated based on classical test theory and confirmatory factor analysis. Third, the situational Judgment test is applied in a study covering 300 apprentices at the end of their training. Additional data on professional competences and potential predictors of advisory competences is collected with standardised surveys. Relationships are analysed using bivariate measures, multiple regression and structural equation modeling. The results are interpreted concerning their relevance for the development and training of advisory competences of bank clerks.
Aktualisiert: 2023-07-01
> findR *

Kompetenzdiagnostik in der beruflichen Bildung

Kompetenzdiagnostik in der beruflichen Bildung von Tschöpe,  Tanja
The primary aim pursued by this dissertation is to contribute to empirical competence modeling and measurement in vocational education and training. The field of investigation is the advisory competence of bank clerks with a special focus on their social competences. Social competences play a significant role in many vocational fi elds but are still underrepresented in empirical research. The study is subdivided in three parts. First, a requirements analysis inspects the field of client advisory in the vocational training of bank clerks. Analyses of documents, interviews with experts and sighting of the relevant literature are used to examine the main tasks and activities in customer service. Particular attention is directed to the in-company part of the training provided and the tasks and activities that trainees have to perform during this training. On this basis, a competence model for the advisory competences of trainee bank clerks who are almost finished with their vocational training is developed. Second, a situational judgment test for the assessment of social cognitive competences of bank clerks is designed. The quality of the instrument is estimated based on classical test theory and confirmatory factor analysis. Third, the situational Judgment test is applied in a study covering 300 apprentices at the end of their training. Additional data on professional competences and potential predictors of advisory competences is collected with standardised surveys. Relationships are analysed using bivariate measures, multiple regression and structural equation modeling. The results are interpreted concerning their relevance for the development and training of advisory competences of bank clerks.
Aktualisiert: 2023-07-01
> findR *

Kompetenzdiagnostik in der beruflichen Bildung

Kompetenzdiagnostik in der beruflichen Bildung von Tschöpe,  Tanja
The primary aim pursued by this dissertation is to contribute to empirical competence modeling and measurement in vocational education and training. The field of investigation is the advisory competence of bank clerks with a special focus on their social competences. Social competences play a significant role in many vocational fi elds but are still underrepresented in empirical research. The study is subdivided in three parts. First, a requirements analysis inspects the field of client advisory in the vocational training of bank clerks. Analyses of documents, interviews with experts and sighting of the relevant literature are used to examine the main tasks and activities in customer service. Particular attention is directed to the in-company part of the training provided and the tasks and activities that trainees have to perform during this training. On this basis, a competence model for the advisory competences of trainee bank clerks who are almost finished with their vocational training is developed. Second, a situational judgment test for the assessment of social cognitive competences of bank clerks is designed. The quality of the instrument is estimated based on classical test theory and confirmatory factor analysis. Third, the situational Judgment test is applied in a study covering 300 apprentices at the end of their training. Additional data on professional competences and potential predictors of advisory competences is collected with standardised surveys. Relationships are analysed using bivariate measures, multiple regression and structural equation modeling. The results are interpreted concerning their relevance for the development and training of advisory competences of bank clerks.
Aktualisiert: 2023-07-01
> findR *

Kompetenzdiagnostik in der beruflichen Bildung

Kompetenzdiagnostik in der beruflichen Bildung von Tschöpe,  Tanja
The primary aim pursued by this dissertation is to contribute to empirical competence modeling and measurement in vocational education and training. The field of investigation is the advisory competence of bank clerks with a special focus on their social competences. Social competences play a significant role in many vocational fi elds but are still underrepresented in empirical research. The study is subdivided in three parts. First, a requirements analysis inspects the field of client advisory in the vocational training of bank clerks. Analyses of documents, interviews with experts and sighting of the relevant literature are used to examine the main tasks and activities in customer service. Particular attention is directed to the in-company part of the training provided and the tasks and activities that trainees have to perform during this training. On this basis, a competence model for the advisory competences of trainee bank clerks who are almost finished with their vocational training is developed. Second, a situational judgment test for the assessment of social cognitive competences of bank clerks is designed. The quality of the instrument is estimated based on classical test theory and confirmatory factor analysis. Third, the situational Judgment test is applied in a study covering 300 apprentices at the end of their training. Additional data on professional competences and potential predictors of advisory competences is collected with standardised surveys. Relationships are analysed using bivariate measures, multiple regression and structural equation modeling. The results are interpreted concerning their relevance for the development and training of advisory competences of bank clerks.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-22
> findR *

Kompetenzdiagnostik in der beruflichen Bildung

Kompetenzdiagnostik in der beruflichen Bildung von Tschöpe,  Tanja
The primary aim pursued by this dissertation is to contribute to empirical competence modeling and measurement in vocational education and training. The field of investigation is the advisory competence of bank clerks with a special focus on their social competences. Social competences play a significant role in many vocational fi elds but are still underrepresented in empirical research. The study is subdivided in three parts. First, a requirements analysis inspects the field of client advisory in the vocational training of bank clerks. Analyses of documents, interviews with experts and sighting of the relevant literature are used to examine the main tasks and activities in customer service. Particular attention is directed to the in-company part of the training provided and the tasks and activities that trainees have to perform during this training. On this basis, a competence model for the advisory competences of trainee bank clerks who are almost finished with their vocational training is developed. Second, a situational judgment test for the assessment of social cognitive competences of bank clerks is designed. The quality of the instrument is estimated based on classical test theory and confirmatory factor analysis. Third, the situational Judgment test is applied in a study covering 300 apprentices at the end of their training. Additional data on professional competences and potential predictors of advisory competences is collected with standardised surveys. Relationships are analysed using bivariate measures, multiple regression and structural equation modeling. The results are interpreted concerning their relevance for the development and training of advisory competences of bank clerks.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-22
> findR *

Kompetenzdiagnostik in der beruflichen Bildung

Kompetenzdiagnostik in der beruflichen Bildung von Tschöpe,  Tanja
The primary aim pursued by this dissertation is to contribute to empirical competence modeling and measurement in vocational education and training. The field of investigation is the advisory competence of bank clerks with a special focus on their social competences. Social competences play a significant role in many vocational fi elds but are still underrepresented in empirical research. The study is subdivided in three parts. First, a requirements analysis inspects the field of client advisory in the vocational training of bank clerks. Analyses of documents, interviews with experts and sighting of the relevant literature are used to examine the main tasks and activities in customer service. Particular attention is directed to the in-company part of the training provided and the tasks and activities that trainees have to perform during this training. On this basis, a competence model for the advisory competences of trainee bank clerks who are almost finished with their vocational training is developed. Second, a situational judgment test for the assessment of social cognitive competences of bank clerks is designed. The quality of the instrument is estimated based on classical test theory and confirmatory factor analysis. Third, the situational Judgment test is applied in a study covering 300 apprentices at the end of their training. Additional data on professional competences and potential predictors of advisory competences is collected with standardised surveys. Relationships are analysed using bivariate measures, multiple regression and structural equation modeling. The results are interpreted concerning their relevance for the development and training of advisory competences of bank clerks.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-22
> findR *

Kompetenzdiagnostik in der beruflichen Bildung

Kompetenzdiagnostik in der beruflichen Bildung von Tschöpe,  Tanja
The primary aim pursued by this dissertation is to contribute to empirical competence modeling and measurement in vocational education and training. The field of investigation is the advisory competence of bank clerks with a special focus on their social competences. Social competences play a significant role in many vocational fi elds but are still underrepresented in empirical research. The study is subdivided in three parts. First, a requirements analysis inspects the field of client advisory in the vocational training of bank clerks. Analyses of documents, interviews with experts and sighting of the relevant literature are used to examine the main tasks and activities in customer service. Particular attention is directed to the in-company part of the training provided and the tasks and activities that trainees have to perform during this training. On this basis, a competence model for the advisory competences of trainee bank clerks who are almost finished with their vocational training is developed. Second, a situational judgment test for the assessment of social cognitive competences of bank clerks is designed. The quality of the instrument is estimated based on classical test theory and confirmatory factor analysis. Third, the situational Judgment test is applied in a study covering 300 apprentices at the end of their training. Additional data on professional competences and potential predictors of advisory competences is collected with standardised surveys. Relationships are analysed using bivariate measures, multiple regression and structural equation modeling. The results are interpreted concerning their relevance for the development and training of advisory competences of bank clerks.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-22
> findR *

Blender 2.7

Blender 2.7 von Beck,  Thomas
Die Neuauflage des beliebten Blender-Klassikers – Aktuell ab Version 2.79! Alle Werkzeuge, Funktionen und Techniken Zum Lernen und Nachschlagen Mit zahlreichen Praxis-Workshops und Insider-Tipps Dieses Praxisbuch bietet einen grundlegenden Einstieg in die Software und in die Grundlagen des 3D-Designs. Es begleitet Sie vom Modelling über Texturing und Shading, die Beleuchtung, Rigging und Animation bis hin zu Simulation, Rendering und Postproduktion. In Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitungen konstruieren, modellieren und animieren Sie Ihre eigenen 3D-Objekte. So simulieren Sie z. B. Feuer und Rauch und rücken Ihre 3D-Modelle ins rechte Licht. Das ideale Lern- und Nachschlagewerk für alle Anwender! Aus dem Inhalt: Grundlagen Benutzeroberfläche Bedienkonzepte, Editoren Datenblöcke und Objekte Mit Ebenen arbeiten Modelling & Texturing Meshes, Kurven, Modifier Sculpting, Painting Shading Materialien und Texturen Animation & Rigging Keyframes, Pfadanimation Shape Keys Rigging und Skinning Weight Painting Inszenierung Haare, Gras & Partikelsimulationen Flüssigkeiten, Feuer & Rauch Rigid Bodies Physiksimulationen Lichtquellen: Point, Sun u. v. m. Dreipunktbeleuchtung & IBL Rendering BI-Renderer, Cycles Bilder und Animationen rendern Compositing (Render Passes) Motion-Tracking Videoschnitt mit dem VSE Galileo Press heißt jetzt Rheinwerk Verlag. Die Fachpresse zur Vorauflage: Welt der Fertigung: »Ein Juwel für Blender-Fans!«
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-13
> findR *

Blender 2.7

Blender 2.7 von Asanger,  Andreas
Das Workshop-Buch zu Blender: Ideal für Einsteiger und Blender-Neulinge! Grundlagen und fortgeschrittene Techniken am Beispiel erklärt 3D-Objekte modellieren, texturieren und animieren Character-Animation, Simulationen, Motion-Tracking u. v. m. Lernen Sie die wichtigsten Werkzeuge und Funktionen von Blender ganz einfach am praktischen Beispiel kennen! Ob dampfende Lok, gelenkiger Oktopus oder antike Amphore – die vielen anschaulichen Workshops des Buchs werden Sie begeistern! Schritt für Schritt erlernen Sie den Einsatz von Blender in allen Bereichen: Modelling, Texturing, Animation und Rendering. So bietet das Buch einen praxisnahen Einstieg in die Software und in die Grundlagen des 3D-Designs. Ideal für Einsteiger und Blender-Neulinge. Aus dem Inhalt: Arbeitsoberfläche kennenlernen und anpassen Erste Schritte in der 3D-View: Navigation, Selektion, 3D-Cursor Objekte und Werkzeuge Modelling und Sculpting Shading, Materialien, Texturen, Ausleuchtung und Inszenierung Animation: Keyframes, Timeline, Dope Sheet Character-Animation, Rigging und Skinning Simulationen und Partikelsysteme Rendering in Blender Internal und Cycles Motion-Tracking und Compositing Video Sequence Editor Galileo Press heißt jetzt Rheinwerk Verlag.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-13
> findR *

Datenanalyse mit Microsoft Power BI und Power Pivot für Excel

Datenanalyse mit Microsoft Power BI und Power Pivot für Excel von Ferrari,  Alberto, Gronau,  Volkmar, Russo,  Marco
Um die richtigen Erkenntnisse aus Ihren Daten ziehen zu können, müssen Sie sie richtig modellieren. Microsoft bietet Ihnen starke und zugleich zugängliche Tools für die Datenmodellierung, von Power BI bis Power Pivot für Excel. Wie Sie diese Tools effektiv einsetzen, zeigen Ihnen Alberto Ferrari und Marco Russo, international anerkannte Experten für Datenanalyse mit Microsoft, in diesem Buch. Nach einer kurzen Einführung in das Konzept der Datenmodellierung lernen Sie Schritt für Schritt anhand realer Beispiele mit steigendem Schwierigkeitsgrad, wie Sie einfache Tabellen in umfassende und aussagekräftige Modelle verwandeln. Aus dem Inhalt: - Einführung in die Datenmodellierung - Header/Detail-Tabellen - Denormalisierte Faktentabellen und dimensionsübergreifende Filterung - Datumsdimensionen erstellen - Historische Attribute: langsam und schnell veränderliche Dimensionen - Snapshots aggregieren - Datums- und Zeitintervalle - m:n-Beziehungen - Unterschiedliche Granularitäten - Segmentierungsmodelle - Währungsumrechnung Unter dem Label »Microsoft« erscheinen exklusiv im dpunkt.verlag Übersetzungen der besten Microsoft Press-Titel.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-11
> findR *

Kompetenzdiagnostik in der beruflichen Bildung

Kompetenzdiagnostik in der beruflichen Bildung von Tschöpe,  Tanja
The primary aim pursued by this dissertation is to contribute to empirical competence modeling and measurement in vocational education and training. The field of investigation is the advisory competence of bank clerks with a special focus on their social competences. Social competences play a significant role in many vocational fi elds but are still underrepresented in empirical research. The study is subdivided in three parts. First, a requirements analysis inspects the field of client advisory in the vocational training of bank clerks. Analyses of documents, interviews with experts and sighting of the relevant literature are used to examine the main tasks and activities in customer service. Particular attention is directed to the in-company part of the training provided and the tasks and activities that trainees have to perform during this training. On this basis, a competence model for the advisory competences of trainee bank clerks who are almost finished with their vocational training is developed. Second, a situational judgment test for the assessment of social cognitive competences of bank clerks is designed. The quality of the instrument is estimated based on classical test theory and confirmatory factor analysis. Third, the situational Judgment test is applied in a study covering 300 apprentices at the end of their training. Additional data on professional competences and potential predictors of advisory competences is collected with standardised surveys. Relationships are analysed using bivariate measures, multiple regression and structural equation modeling. The results are interpreted concerning their relevance for the development and training of advisory competences of bank clerks.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-02
> findR *


Architekturgeometrie von Asperl,  Andreas, Hofer,  Michael, Kilian,  Axel, Lass,  Erich, Pottmann,  Helmut
Geometrie steckt im Kern des architektonischen Entwurfsprozesses. Sie ist omnipräsent, von den ersten Schritten der Formfindung bis zur eigentlichen Konstruktion. Moderne Konstruktionsgeometrie bietet eine Reihe von Werkzeugen für effizientes Entwerfen, Analyse und die Herstellung komplexer Formen. Das führt zu neuen Herausforderungen, sowohl in der Architektur als auch in der Geometrie. Architekturgeometrie ist daher als integrative Forschungsaufgabe zu sehen, die an der Grenze zwischen angewandter Geometrie und Architektur angesiedelt ist. Architekturgeometrie wurde als Lehrbuch für Studenten der Architektur und des Industriedesigns geschrieben. In einer einfachen, auf eine Fülle von Abbildungen gestützten Darstellung werden Grundkenntnisse über geometrische Objekte, bis hin zu freien Formen, über deren Modellierung und digitale Bearbeitung vermittelt. Ebenso werden Querverbindungen zu wichtigen Fragen der aktuellen Forschung hergestellt. Die vorgestellten Konzepte werden mit der Mathematik so weit vernetzt, als es für den Einsatz von Skript-Methoden in parametrischer Modellierungs-Software notwendig erscheint. Das Buch ist auch als Nachschlagewerk für Architekten gedacht, für Bauingenieure und Industriedesigner als Quelle der Inspiration und für Wissenschafter, die an Geometrieanwendungen für Architektur und Kunst interessiert sind.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-29
> findR *


Biosignalverarbeitung von Bernhard,  Stefan, Brensing,  Andreas, Witte,  Karl Heinz
Das Buch bildet ein Grundlagenwerk zur Biosignalverarbeitung in dem neben einer allgemeinen Einführung zur Entstehung, Messung und analogen/digitalen Weiterverarbeitung von Biosignalen auch weiterführende Themen in Form von modernen Anwendungsbeispielen diskutiert werden. Die Grundlagenthematik des Buches wird durch zahlreiche aktuelle Forschungsthemen der Biosignalverarbeitung in Form von anwendungsnahen Beispielen ergänzt und bietet damit auch Forschern aus den Natur-und Lebenswissenschaften wie der Medizin und Medizintechnik vielfältige Impulse für die Entwicklung neuer Methoden zur Verarbeitung von Biosignalen. Damit ist das Buch einerseits für Lernende und Lehrende ein geeignetes Werk zum Einstieg in die grundlegende Methodik und andererseits für langjährige Anwender im Bereich der Medizintechnik und -informatik ein kompaktes Nachschlagewerk. Behandelt die Grundlagen kontinuierlicher und diskreter Biosignalverarbeitung mit Anwendungen in MATLAB®. Mit Online-Zusatzmaterial, Simulationen in LTspice, Scilab, Aufgaben und MATLAB®-Skripte. Stefan Bernhard ist Professor für Biosignalverarbeitung und Medizinische Physik an der Hochschule Pforzheim. Andreas Brensing ist Professor für Medizintechnik an der Hochschule RheinMain. Karl-Heinz Witte ist Professor für digitale und optische Übertragungstechnik und war Lehrbeauftragter für Medizinische Messtechnik und Biosignalverarbeitung an der Hochschule RheinMain.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-29
> findR *

Bücher zum Thema Modelling

Sie suchen ein Buch über Modelling? Bei Buch findr finden Sie eine große Auswahl Bücher zum Thema Modelling. Entdecken Sie neue Bücher oder Klassiker für Sie selbst oder zum Verschenken. Buch findr hat zahlreiche Bücher zum Thema Modelling im Sortiment. Nehmen Sie sich Zeit zum Stöbern und finden Sie das passende Buch für Ihr Lesevergnügen. Stöbern Sie durch unser Angebot und finden Sie aus unserer großen Auswahl das Buch, das Ihnen zusagt. Bei Buch findr finden Sie Romane, Ratgeber, wissenschaftliche und populärwissenschaftliche Bücher uvm. Bestellen Sie Ihr Buch zum Thema Modelling einfach online und lassen Sie es sich bequem nach Hause schicken. Wir wünschen Ihnen schöne und entspannte Lesemomente mit Ihrem Buch.

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