This lavishly illustrated monograph discusses the fascinating history of the Kunsthistorisches Museum’s Coin Collection (Vienna) in the 18th century, recounting its evolution to become one of the greatest numismatic collections in the world.
Of particular interest is the collection’s unexpectedly close connection with the imperial Kunstkammer, the Picture Gallery, the Treasury and the imperial Library. At the turn of the 19th century the Coin Collection also functioned as the cradle of what would become the Kunsthistorisches Museum’s Collection of Greek and Roman Antiquities and the Ancient Egyptian Collection.
This comprehensive account is based on extensive, previously unknown or overlooked primary sources that are included or documented in the footnotes and the appendix, making this a treasure trove for anyone interested in the history of culture, art and collecting at the imperial court in Vienna and its close ties to other European courts, while also offering a vivid description of how attitudes changed during the Age of Enlightenment.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-12
> findR *
This lavishly illustrated monograph discusses the fascinating history of the Kunsthistorisches Museum’s Coin Collection (Vienna) in the 18th century, recounting its evolution to become one of the greatest numismatic collections in the world.
Of particular interest is the collection’s unexpectedly close connection with the imperial Kunstkammer, the Picture Gallery, the Treasury and the imperial Library. At the turn of the 19th century the Coin Collection also functioned as the cradle of what would become the Kunsthistorisches Museum’s Collection of Greek and Roman Antiquities and the Ancient Egyptian Collection.
This comprehensive account is based on extensive, previously unknown or overlooked primary sources that are included or documented in the footnotes and the appendix, making this a treasure trove for anyone interested in the history of culture, art and collecting at the imperial court in Vienna and its close ties to other European courts, while also offering a vivid description of how attitudes changed during the Age of Enlightenment.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-12
> findR *
This lavishly illustrated monograph discusses the fascinating history of the Kunsthistorisches Museum’s Coin Collection (Vienna) in the 18th century, recounting its evolution to become one of the greatest numismatic collections in the world.
Of particular interest is the collection’s unexpectedly close connection with the imperial Kunstkammer, the Picture Gallery, the Treasury and the imperial Library. At the turn of the 19th century the Coin Collection also functioned as the cradle of what would become the Kunsthistorisches Museum’s Collection of Greek and Roman Antiquities and the Ancient Egyptian Collection.
This comprehensive account is based on extensive, previously unknown or overlooked primary sources that are included or documented in the footnotes and the appendix, making this a treasure trove for anyone interested in the history of culture, art and collecting at the imperial court in Vienna and its close ties to other European courts, while also offering a vivid description of how attitudes changed during the Age of Enlightenment.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-12
> findR *
This lavishly illustrated monograph discusses the fascinating history of the Kunsthistorisches Museum’s Coin Collection (Vienna) in the 18th century, recounting its evolution to become one of the greatest numismatic collections in the world.
Of particular interest is the collection’s unexpectedly close connection with the imperial Kunstkammer, the Picture Gallery, the Treasury and the imperial Library. At the turn of the 19th century the Coin Collection also functioned as the cradle of what would become the Kunsthistorisches Museum’s Collection of Greek and Roman Antiquities and the Ancient Egyptian Collection.
This comprehensive account is based on extensive, previously unknown or overlooked primary sources that are included or documented in the footnotes and the appendix, making this a treasure trove for anyone interested in the history of culture, art and collecting at the imperial court in Vienna and its close ties to other European courts, while also offering a vivid description of how attitudes changed during the Age of Enlightenment.
Aktualisiert: 2023-02-23
> findR *
This lavishly illustrated monograph discusses the fascinating history of the Kunsthistorisches Museum’s Coin Collection (Vienna) in the 18th century, recounting its evolution to become one of the greatest numismatic collections in the world.
Of particular interest is the collection’s unexpectedly close connection with the imperial Kunstkammer, the Picture Gallery, the Treasury and the imperial Library. At the turn of the 19th century the Coin Collection also functioned as the cradle of what would become the Kunsthistorisches Museum’s Collection of Greek and Roman Antiquities and the Ancient Egyptian Collection.
This comprehensive account is based on extensive, previously unknown or overlooked primary sources that are included or documented in the footnotes and the appendix, making this a treasure trove for anyone interested in the history of culture, art and collecting at the imperial court in Vienna and its close ties to other European courts, while also offering a vivid description of how attitudes changed during the Age of Enlightenment.
Aktualisiert: 2023-02-23
> findR *
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