This monograph describes the results of studies of fossil and recent Silicotlagellates of the Indian Ocean along with some from the Arabian Sea and the South Pacific. The publication describes structure, biostratigraphy, and taxonomy of the Silicoflagellates. Numerous electron micrographs, line-drawings, and diagrams illustrate the text.
Aktualisiert: 2015-10-07
> findR *
The large lakes of the world represent one of the most undervalued resources on the surface of the globe. Despite their dimensions, akin to inland seas, they have failed to enthrall man in the manner of the seas of the continental margins. Much of human development has resulted from the very existence of these sweet water inland seas which have been rewarded by being turned into major receptacles for the waste by-products of this development. Over the past two decades the visible and often noxious deterioration in the world's large lakes has resulted in a developing interest and concern by both scientist and layman in these unique water bodies. In 1982, the First International Phycological Congress was held in St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada, and provided the editor with an ideal opportunity to organize an international symposium that focussed on the phycology of the large lakes of the world. Scientists from Canada, U.S.A., and U.S.S.R. contributed papers dealing with the large lakes of Africa, North America, Europe, and Asia. This compendium on the phycology of the Great Lakes of the world is a major stepping stone in the development of a consistent approach and understanding. It stands at the base of the food web, it recognizes the importance of community structure and the fragility of these plants to anthropogenic stress. It represents the encreasing sophistication of the science of fresh water bodies which is slowly enabling us to effectively manage our lakes as ecological systems; to understand and control both food web interactions as well as the impacts of material loadings from our ever changing society.
Aktualisiert: 2022-04-20
> findR *
A marked difference between some Characiopsis species from Northeastern Argentina and those from the literature of the rest of the world was noticed when observing natural populations. This induced us to make a characterization of the genus Characiopsis Borzi (Mischococcales, Tribophyceae) from the taxo? nomic, biogeographical and ecological points of View. The taxonomy of the group was completed on the basis of the compilation made by Ettl (1978), plus the? taxa added other authors afterwards, and our observations on natural populations from a variety of environments and substrata of the Argentinian Northeast. Besides 11 species and 22 varieties new to science, 2 new records for Argentina and the Southern Hemisphere were described. Eight complexes (If taxa exhibiting a close morphological affinity among them, thus being a continuum, were also erected. A study of basic characters used for taxonomic assigments was performed by means of a cluster analysis, in order to assess the variability pattern of the genus. Finally, the genus was characterized from both ecological and biogeographical points of view, stressing preferences of substrata and type of environment. The world distribution is also presented.
Aktualisiert: 2015-10-07
> findR *
Fifty taxa including 7 new species (S.benghalensis sp. nov., S.islamii sp.nov., S.kamatii sp.nov., S.pseudogauthieri sp.nov., S.subformosa sp.nov., S.subverrucosa sp.nov., S.yamagishli sp.nov.) and 3 new varieties (S.corrugata Transeau var. santiniketanensis var.nov., S.minor (Schmidle) Transeau var. chapmanii var.nov., S.polymorpha Kirchner var. bolpurensis var.nov.) of the genus Spirogyra Link are described in the present paper. Seven species (S.chekiangensis Jao, S.hopeiensis Jao, S.minutifossa.Jao, S.paraguayensis Borge, S.rhizopus Jao, S.shantungensis Li and S.ternata Ripart) are recorded for the first time from Indian subcontinent and 27 species are recorded as additions to West Bengal algae. A key to all these taxa is framed and their distribution in India and abroad is discussed.
Aktualisiert: 2015-10-07
> findR *
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