Violence in its various forms is a concern for social work in all fields of action. Professionals have a particular responsibility when the violence arises in the context of a structural power relationship, as when it is exercised against children in families, in couple relationships or in institutions. The book brings together current knowledge about this violence: It clarifies terminology and provides an overview of the manifestations, prevalence, consequences, sources and conducive conditions as well as the legal aspects of violence. With reference to the three contexts, the particular dynamics of violence are analyzed and conclusions for prevention and intervention are drawn. The textbook thus provides the basic knowledge about violence in dependency relationships and offers impulses for practice at the same time.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *
Violence in its various forms is a concern for social work in all fields of action. Professionals have a particular responsibility when the violence arises in the context of a structural power relationship, as when it is exercised against children in families, in couple relationships or in institutions. The book brings together current knowledge about this violence: It clarifies terminology and provides an overview of the manifestations, prevalence, consequences, sources and conducive conditions as well as the legal aspects of violence. With reference to the three contexts, the particular dynamics of violence are analyzed and conclusions for prevention and intervention are drawn. The textbook thus provides the basic knowledge about violence in dependency relationships and offers impulses for practice at the same time.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *
Violence in its various forms is a concern for social work in all fields of action. Professionals have a particular responsibility when the violence arises in the context of a structural power relationship, as when it is exercised against children in families, in couple relationships or in institutions. The book brings together current knowledge about this violence: It clarifies terminology and provides an overview of the manifestations, prevalence, consequences, sources and conducive conditions as well as the legal aspects of violence. With reference to the three contexts, the particular dynamics of violence are analyzed and conclusions for prevention and intervention are drawn. The textbook thus provides the basic knowledge about violence in dependency relationships and offers impulses for practice at the same time.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *
Violence in its various forms is a concern for social work in all fields of action. Professionals have a particular responsibility when the violence arises in the context of a structural power relationship, as when it is exercised against children in families, in couple relationships or in institutions. The book brings together current knowledge about this violence: It clarifies terminology and provides an overview of the manifestations, prevalence, consequences, sources and conducive conditions as well as the legal aspects of violence. With reference to the three contexts, the particular dynamics of violence are analyzed and conclusions for prevention and intervention are drawn. The textbook thus provides the basic knowledge about violence in dependency relationships and offers impulses for practice at the same time.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-29
> findR *
Violence in its various forms is a concern for social work in all fields of action. Professionals have a particular responsibility when the violence arises in the context of a structural power relationship, as when it is exercised against children in families, in couple relationships or in institutions. The book brings together current knowledge about this violence: It clarifies terminology and provides an overview of the manifestations, prevalence, consequences, sources and conducive conditions as well as the legal aspects of violence. With reference to the three contexts, the particular dynamics of violence are analyzed and conclusions for prevention and intervention are drawn. The textbook thus provides the basic knowledge about violence in dependency relationships and offers impulses for practice at the same time.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-29
> findR *
Violence in its various forms is a concern for social work in all fields of action. Professionals have a particular responsibility when the violence arises in the context of a structural power relationship, as when it is exercised against children in families, in couple relationships or in institutions. The book brings together current knowledge about this violence: It clarifies terminology and provides an overview of the manifestations, prevalence, consequences, sources and conducive conditions as well as the legal aspects of violence. With reference to the three contexts, the particular dynamics of violence are analyzed and conclusions for prevention and intervention are drawn. The textbook thus provides the basic knowledge about violence in dependency relationships and offers impulses for practice at the same time.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-22
> findR *
Violence in its various forms is a concern for social work in all fields of action. Professionals have a particular responsibility when the violence arises in the context of a structural power relationship, as when it is exercised against children in families, in couple relationships or in institutions. The book brings together current knowledge about this violence: It clarifies terminology and provides an overview of the manifestations, prevalence, consequences, sources and conducive conditions as well as the legal aspects of violence. With reference to the three contexts, the particular dynamics of violence are analyzed and conclusions for prevention and intervention are drawn. The textbook thus provides the basic knowledge about violence in dependency relationships and offers impulses for practice at the same time.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-22
> findR *
„Der Käsekonsum entwickelt sich von 2000 bis 2010 parallel zur Anzahl der Menschen, die auf tragische Weise unter ihrer Bettdecke erstickt sind." (Bartens, W., 18. März 2018. Die Folge der technisch aufgerüsteten Absicherungsmedizin ist - Verunsicherung. Süddeutsche Zeitung) ) Im Umgang mit Gesundheitsdaten die Spreu vom Weizen zu trennen, erfordert neue Lesefähigkeiten! Dieses Buch führt allgemeinverständlich in die Welt der uns täglich umgebenden Gesundheitsdaten ein und fordert „Glaube nur der Statistik, die du verstanden hast". Es zeigt anschaulich, wie man Statistiken lesen muss, wie man Prävalenzen, Risiken und Scheinzusammenhänge richtig einschätzt und welche Fallstricke dabei zu beachten sind. Vorkenntnisse der Statistik oder Medizin sind nicht erforderlich. Durch zahlreiche Beispiele erfährt man außerdem ganz nebenbei, wie es um die Gesundheit der Menschen in Deutschland bestellt ist und lernt auf unterhaltsame Weise: - „Deutsch-Epidemiologisch"- ein Sprachkurs für die wichtigsten Erklärungen epidemiologischer Begriffe und Kennziffern - relevante Daten und Datenquellen zu suchen und zu finden - aber sich dabei nicht im Datendschungel zu verirren - durch aufschlussreiche Beispiele, wie Daten auch manipulativ dargestellt werden können - Lerneffekt garantiert! Neu in der 2.Auflage: Komplette Aktualisierung aller Kapitel, zusätzliche neue Kapitel zu den Themen Depressionen, Krankenstand und Big Data
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-19
> findR *
„Der Käsekonsum entwickelt sich von 2000 bis 2010 parallel zur Anzahl der Menschen, die auf tragische Weise unter ihrer Bettdecke erstickt sind." (Bartens, W., 18. März 2018. Die Folge der technisch aufgerüsteten Absicherungsmedizin ist - Verunsicherung. Süddeutsche Zeitung) ) Im Umgang mit Gesundheitsdaten die Spreu vom Weizen zu trennen, erfordert neue Lesefähigkeiten! Dieses Buch führt allgemeinverständlich in die Welt der uns täglich umgebenden Gesundheitsdaten ein und fordert „Glaube nur der Statistik, die du verstanden hast". Es zeigt anschaulich, wie man Statistiken lesen muss, wie man Prävalenzen, Risiken und Scheinzusammenhänge richtig einschätzt und welche Fallstricke dabei zu beachten sind. Vorkenntnisse der Statistik oder Medizin sind nicht erforderlich. Durch zahlreiche Beispiele erfährt man außerdem ganz nebenbei, wie es um die Gesundheit der Menschen in Deutschland bestellt ist und lernt auf unterhaltsame Weise: - „Deutsch-Epidemiologisch"- ein Sprachkurs für die wichtigsten Erklärungen epidemiologischer Begriffe und Kennziffern - relevante Daten und Datenquellen zu suchen und zu finden - aber sich dabei nicht im Datendschungel zu verirren - durch aufschlussreiche Beispiele, wie Daten auch manipulativ dargestellt werden können - Lerneffekt garantiert! Neu in der 2.Auflage: Komplette Aktualisierung aller Kapitel, zusätzliche neue Kapitel zu den Themen Depressionen, Krankenstand und Big Data
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-19
> findR *
„Der Käsekonsum entwickelt sich von 2000 bis 2010 parallel zur Anzahl der Menschen, die auf tragische Weise unter ihrer Bettdecke erstickt sind." (Bartens, W., 18. März 2018. Die Folge der technisch aufgerüsteten Absicherungsmedizin ist - Verunsicherung. Süddeutsche Zeitung) ) Im Umgang mit Gesundheitsdaten die Spreu vom Weizen zu trennen, erfordert neue Lesefähigkeiten! Dieses Buch führt allgemeinverständlich in die Welt der uns täglich umgebenden Gesundheitsdaten ein und fordert „Glaube nur der Statistik, die du verstanden hast". Es zeigt anschaulich, wie man Statistiken lesen muss, wie man Prävalenzen, Risiken und Scheinzusammenhänge richtig einschätzt und welche Fallstricke dabei zu beachten sind. Vorkenntnisse der Statistik oder Medizin sind nicht erforderlich. Durch zahlreiche Beispiele erfährt man außerdem ganz nebenbei, wie es um die Gesundheit der Menschen in Deutschland bestellt ist und lernt auf unterhaltsame Weise: - „Deutsch-Epidemiologisch"- ein Sprachkurs für die wichtigsten Erklärungen epidemiologischer Begriffe und Kennziffern - relevante Daten und Datenquellen zu suchen und zu finden - aber sich dabei nicht im Datendschungel zu verirren - durch aufschlussreiche Beispiele, wie Daten auch manipulativ dargestellt werden können - Lerneffekt garantiert! Neu in der 2.Auflage: Komplette Aktualisierung aller Kapitel, zusätzliche neue Kapitel zu den Themen Depressionen, Krankenstand und Big Data
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-19
> findR *
Violence in its various forms is a concern for social work in all fields of action. Professionals have a particular responsibility when the violence arises in the context of a structural power relationship, as when it is exercised against children in families, in couple relationships or in institutions. The book brings together current knowledge about this violence: It clarifies terminology and provides an overview of the manifestations, prevalence, consequences, sources and conducive conditions as well as the legal aspects of violence. With reference to the three contexts, the particular dynamics of violence are analyzed and conclusions for prevention and intervention are drawn. The textbook thus provides the basic knowledge about violence in dependency relationships and offers impulses for practice at the same time.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-15
> findR *
Violence in its various forms is a concern for social work in all fields of action. Professionals have a particular responsibility when the violence arises in the context of a structural power relationship, as when it is exercised against children in families, in couple relationships or in institutions. The book brings together current knowledge about this violence: It clarifies terminology and provides an overview of the manifestations, prevalence, consequences, sources and conducive conditions as well as the legal aspects of violence. With reference to the three contexts, the particular dynamics of violence are analyzed and conclusions for prevention and intervention are drawn. The textbook thus provides the basic knowledge about violence in dependency relationships and offers impulses for practice at the same time.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-08
> findR *
Violence in its various forms is a concern for social work in all fields of action. Professionals have a particular responsibility when the violence arises in the context of a structural power relationship, as when it is exercised against children in families, in couple relationships or in institutions. The book brings together current knowledge about this violence: It clarifies terminology and provides an overview of the manifestations, prevalence, consequences, sources and conducive conditions as well as the legal aspects of violence. With reference to the three contexts, the particular dynamics of violence are analyzed and conclusions for prevention and intervention are drawn. The textbook thus provides the basic knowledge about violence in dependency relationships and offers impulses for practice at the same time.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-08
> findR *
Violence in its various forms is a concern for social work in all fields of action. Professionals have a particular responsibility when the violence arises in the context of a structural power relationship, as when it is exercised against children in families, in couple relationships or in institutions. The book brings together current knowledge about this violence: It clarifies terminology and provides an overview of the manifestations, prevalence, consequences, sources and conducive conditions as well as the legal aspects of violence. With reference to the three contexts, the particular dynamics of violence are analyzed and conclusions for prevention and intervention are drawn. The textbook thus provides the basic knowledge about violence in dependency relationships and offers impulses for practice at the same time.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-08
> findR *
Violence in its various forms is a concern for social work in all fields of action. Professionals have a particular responsibility when the violence arises in the context of a structural power relationship, as when it is exercised against children in families, in couple relationships or in institutions. The book brings together current knowledge about this violence: It clarifies terminology and provides an overview of the manifestations, prevalence, consequences, sources and conducive conditions as well as the legal aspects of violence. With reference to the three contexts, the particular dynamics of violence are analyzed and conclusions for prevention and intervention are drawn. The textbook thus provides the basic knowledge about violence in dependency relationships and offers impulses for practice at the same time.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-08
> findR *
Violence in its various forms is a concern for social work in all fields of action. Professionals have a particular responsibility when the violence arises in the context of a structural power relationship, as when it is exercised against children in families, in couple relationships or in institutions. The book brings together current knowledge about this violence: It clarifies terminology and provides an overview of the manifestations, prevalence, consequences, sources and conducive conditions as well as the legal aspects of violence. With reference to the three contexts, the particular dynamics of violence are analyzed and conclusions for prevention and intervention are drawn. The textbook thus provides the basic knowledge about violence in dependency relationships and offers impulses for practice at the same time.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-07
> findR *
Violence in its various forms is a concern for social work in all fields of action. Professionals have a particular responsibility when the violence arises in the context of a structural power relationship, as when it is exercised against children in families, in couple relationships or in institutions. The book brings together current knowledge about this violence: It clarifies terminology and provides an overview of the manifestations, prevalence, consequences, sources and conducive conditions as well as the legal aspects of violence. With reference to the three contexts, the particular dynamics of violence are analyzed and conclusions for prevention and intervention are drawn. The textbook thus provides the basic knowledge about violence in dependency relationships and offers impulses for practice at the same time.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-25
> findR *
Violence in its various forms is a concern for social work in all fields of action. Professionals have a particular responsibility when the violence arises in the context of a structural power relationship, as when it is exercised against children in families, in couple relationships or in institutions. The book brings together current knowledge about this violence: It clarifies terminology and provides an overview of the manifestations, prevalence, consequences, sources and conducive conditions as well as the legal aspects of violence. With reference to the three contexts, the particular dynamics of violence are analyzed and conclusions for prevention and intervention are drawn. The textbook thus provides the basic knowledge about violence in dependency relationships and offers impulses for practice at the same time.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-17
> findR *
Violence in its various forms is a concern for social work in all fields of action. Professionals have a particular responsibility when the violence arises in the context of a structural power relationship, as when it is exercised against children in families, in couple relationships or in institutions. The book brings together current knowledge about this violence: It clarifies terminology and provides an overview of the manifestations, prevalence, consequences, sources and conducive conditions as well as the legal aspects of violence. With reference to the three contexts, the particular dynamics of violence are analyzed and conclusions for prevention and intervention are drawn. The textbook thus provides the basic knowledge about violence in dependency relationships and offers impulses for practice at the same time.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-11
> findR *
Die hier vorgestellten Arbeiten betrachten Einsamkeit aus unterschiedlichen methodischen Blickwinkeln. Der psychohistorische Ansatz sieht Einsamkeit in positiver (Einsamkeit als Wahl, Liebe zur Einsamkeit etc.) und negativer Hinsicht (Flucht aus der Sozietät, als Krankheit u.a.) in Philosophie, Literatur, Religion, Politik, Psychologie, wendet sich gegen einseitige Psychiatrisierungen des Begriffs.
Die zweite Arbeit nimmt Ausgang von den gegenwärtigen empirischen Datenlagen und diskutiert die Daten. In einer Untersuchung des Autors wird Bezug genommen auf Covid-19, die Pandemie, Gender, Genetik, Daten aus der Psychiatrie. Besonders wird auf Zusammenhänge zum Narzissmuskonzept eingegangen. Dabei werden unterschiedliche Bezüge von Bewunderung und Rivalität zur Einsamkeit herausgestellt. Beide Untersuchungen wollen zu einem differenzierteren Bild der Einsamkeit und deren sozialer Einbettung in Psychologie, Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie einen Beitrag liefern.
Aktualisiert: 2023-01-01
> findR *
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